Refer to documentation Implementation
All the selection criteria are entered in this screen for the WIP to be processed.
The different selection criteria are:
The site: If "All sites" is set to yes then the field is grayed out and cannot be entered.
The document type: WO or sub-contract order.
Transaction type: It is possible to choose to interface only a single transaction type (example: only machine operational costs). If "All transactions" is set to yes then the field is grayed out and cannot be entered.
Order ranges: The orders for which the WIPs are interfaced are specified here. If the ranges are empty then all the WOs are processed.
Closing date range : The closing date range for works orders that should be processed is specified here. If the date ranges are empty then all the WIPs will be posted even if the order is open.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Select all the sites? (Yes/No) |
| The production site associated with the user is proposed by default. It can be modified by another site authorized for the operator, depending on its authorizations. |
|   |
| Selection of all WIP types? (Yes/No) |
| WIP type. |
| Initial works order number |
| Final works order number |
| Closing period start date |
| Closing period end date |
|   |
This table is updated on the creation/modification of a production tracking entry and during the production cost calculation. It contains all the cost information for the tracking records and any calculated variances.
The records types stored in this table are the following :
Record type | Source event |
1 - Material issue | Tracking - Material (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
2 - Labor expenses | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) (labor work centre) |
3 - Machine expenses | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) (machine work centre) |
4 - Subcontract expenses | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) (sub-contractor work centre) |
5 – Material costs | Tracking - Material (Creation, Modification, Deletion) Production reporting (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
6 - Labor costs | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
7 - Machine costs | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
8 - Subcontract costs | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
9 - Material variance | Finalization of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) |
10 - Labor variance | Finalization of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) |
11 - Machine variance | Finalization of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) |
12 - Sub-contractor variance | Finalization of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) Or sub-contractor adjustment |
13 - Overhead variance | Finalization of WO WIP (if valuation is at standard cost) Or sub-contractor adjustment |
14 - Production reporting | Production reporting (Creation, Modification, Deletion) |
15 - WIP balance | WO WIP finalization Or sub-contractor adjustment |
16 - Operation rejects | Tracking - Operations (Creation, Modification, Deletion) (if reject quantity in Operation units) |
17 - Adjustment of receipt price | Finalization of WO WIP (if valuation is at actual cost) Or sub-contractor adjustment |
18 - WIP balance tracked without WO | |
19 - Invoicing elements | Subcontract consumption or Subcontract invoicing |
20 - Invoicing elements variances | Subcontract production cost calculation |
During the production cost calculation (production or subcontract costs), variances will be stored in the record from type 9 to 13 and 20 if the valuation is by standard cost or in record type 17 if the valuation is by order price.
For each record type, there is a global amount (AMOUNT field) and detailed amount (CSTELM 0 - 15 fields) available.
Here the detailed cost elements are described by record type:
If the material issue has been valued by standard or revised cost or if this latter is valued by average cost with the active SPD activity code: breakdown
CSTELM(0 - 7): single level costs
CSTELM(0): Material
CSTELM(1): Labor
CSTELM(2): Machine
CSTELM(3): Subcontract
CSTELM(4): Material overheads
CSTELM(5): Labor overheads
CSTELM(6): Machine overheads
CSTELM(7): Sub-contractor overheads
CSTELM(8 - 15): Multi-level costs
CSTELM(8): Material costs
CSTELM(9): Labor cost
CSTELM(10): Machine cost
CSTELM(11): Sub-contractor costs
CSTELM(12): Material overheads
CSTELM(13): Labor overheads
CSTELM(14): Machine overheads
CSTELM(15): Sub-contractor overheads
CSTELM(0): Set-ups costs
CSTELM(1): Operational costs
CSTELM(0): Set-ups costs
CSTELM(1): Operational costs
CSTELM(2): Setup cost + Operation cost
CSTELM(3): Planned price or Invoiced price
CSTELM(0): actual cost
CSTELM(1): planned cost
CSTELM(2): rejected costs
A record containing the global amount is created for each declaration + a record by overhead nature (AMOUNT field at 0 for these overhead records)
The stock receipt value is split in a indicative way:
CSTELM(0): Material costs
CSTELM(1): Labor cost
CSTELM(2): Machine cost
CSTELM(3): Sub-contractor costs
CSTELM(4): Material overheads (For the records by overhead nature)
CSTELM(5): Labor overheads (For the records by overhead nature)
CSTELM(6): Machine overheads (For the records by overhead nature)
CSTELM(7): Sub-contract overheads (For the records by overhead nature)
If the valuation method is "Order cost", the different components come from the WO provisional costs (theoretic or launch according to the CSTRCPORD - Declaration provisional cost setup). If not they come from the standard cost (level section).
An additional breakdown is available (notably for a detailed posting in order to post to different accounts according to the origin of the cost):
CSTELM(8): Material costs
CSTELM(9): Labor cost
CSTELM(10): Machine cost
CSTELM(11): Sub-contractor costs
CSTELM(12): Material overheads
CSTELM(13): Labor overheads
CSTELM(14): Machine overheads
CSTELM(15): Sub-contractor overheads
These components represent the totals elements for material, labor ... multi-level, that is to say take into account the machine element coming from for example a semi-finished component.
CSTELM(0): Material scrap
CSTELM(1): Labor scrap
CSTELM(2): Machine scrap
CSTELM(3): Sub-contractor scrap
CSTELM(4): Material overhead scrap
CSTELM(5): Labor overhead scrap
CSTELM(6): Machine overhead scrap
CSTELM(7): Sub-contractor overhead scrap
During an issue adjustment, if the record have to be adjusted, then:
CSTELM(0): Total actual expense for this product
CSTELM(1) : Total value of the receipt movements for this product (negative)
CSTELM(2): Part of the adjustment carried by the stock already present
CSTELM(3): Part of the adjustment carried by the stock already issued (posted to the COGS account in Anglo-Saxon countries).
The following 5 elements represent the adjustment breakdown over the different components of the first series of details in the production reporting (see type 14) :
CSTELM(4): Material adjustment
CSTELM(5): Labor adjustment
CSTELM(6): Machine adjustment
CSTELM(7): Sub-contractor adjustment
CSTELM(8): Fixed overhead adjustment (all overheads together)
Finally a breakdown according to the absorption rules carried by the general Stock setups MAXABSCOD and MAXABSPER :
CSTELM(9): Absorbed adjustment
CSTELM(10): Non-absorbed adjustment
Note: The analytical dimensions on the adjustments coming from the MFGITM table.
According to the value of the MWHBOMEXI setup, the system adds or not the WIP.
CSTELM(0): Amount sum (AMOUNT fields) of all the TXNTYP except the 14
CSTELM(1): Amount sum (AMOUNT fields) of the TXNTYP 14
CSTELM(4): Amount sum (AMOUNT fields) of the TXNTYP 1
CSTELM(5): Amount sum (AMOUNT fields) of the TXNTYP 2
CSTELM(6): Amount sum (AMOUNT fields) of the TXNTYP 3
CSTELM(7): Amount sum (AMOUNT fields) of the TXNTYP 4
CSTELM(8): Amount sum (AMOUNT fields) of the TXNTYP 5, 6, 7 and 8
CSTELM(16): Amount of the invoicing elements
In the first instance, a process is generated then the temporary key table (WIPTMP) is constructed from the setup found in the WIPCOST table according to the selections entered. There is a WIPTMP record for a WIPCOST record and it is the temporary table that serves as the triggering table for the automatic journals. During the loading of this table, the MFGHEAD table (WO header) is on line for the WIP costs carried by a WO.
Then comes the actual generation of the journals themselves : the system is designed to generate grouped journals. Since the accounting generator processes a group of records, it is imperative to use the [TB0] abbreviation when making reference to a field in the initiating table. A principal break is made by pair (Auto journal code, company). The automatic journal generation (see the ....... documentation) benefits from a LIENSDECL action where the tables linked to the WIP are read in order to be able to use their fields in the journal line setup:
Table | Table Title | Abbreviation | Conditions |
MFGWIP | WIP cost header | MWH | Always |
WIPCOST | WIP valuation | MWI | Always |
MFGHEAD | WO header | MFG | If the tracking is on the WO |
MFGMATTRK | °Material tracking | MKM | Material consumption or material overhead type |
MFGITMTRK | Production tracking - product | MKI | Production reporting or product overhead type |
MFGOPETRK | Operation tracking | MKO | Operational WIP type (machine, labor, sub-contractor) or associated overheads |
STOJOU | Stock transaction | STJ | First movement associated with a material tracking entry or a production reporting |
MFGOPE | WO operations | MFO | First WO operation |
PRECEIPT | Receipt header | PTH | Receipt of a subcontract order |
PRECEIPTD | Receipt lines | PTD | Receipt line of a subcontract order |
When the generation of the journal is successfully completed, the corresponding WIP valuation records are updated: Posted flag set to Yes, Type and number of accounting document. For material issues and production reporting, the associated stock movements are also updated with their own information.
A log file describes what has happened during the processing with the errors and/or document ranges generated.
This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
If the folder does not contain the Accounting module, the interface cannot be launched.
If the general setup OPEIFA - WO WIP accounting interface (GPA chapter, ACC group) is set to "No" it signifies that the WIPCOST records will not be transferred.
If the general setup ACCWIPENT - WIP automatic journal (GPA chapter, ACC group) is not entered; the automatic journal code could not be entered in the WIPCOST records. In this case it is necessary to carryout a system transaction to load it at a later time.
If in the WO range entered, a works order has been selected whose site is not that entered in the field above.
This message appears if another user is in the process of launching the interface or entering the aggregation setups. In fact this process is exclusive.
If there is a read failure for the WO linked to a WIP valuation.
If an error appears during the validation of the generated process.
A system error can appear during the use of the aggregation setup. In this case it is necessary to verify what is set up in the temporary key values.
If a write error occurs during the construction of the temporary table.
After the generation of the journal, if the update of the associated stock movements failed ; the journal is not written and the group of records will not be flagged. The process continues with the remaining records.
After the generation of the journal, if the update of the WIPCOST records failed ; the journal is not written and the group of records will not be flagged. The process continues with the remaining records.
After a group of records with a specific journal code and a company, indicates the journal range created.
If the generation of the accounting journal failed, the message is returned with the WIPTMP records key but the process continues.