Development > Safe X3 WAS > Tokens > Dynamic links 

SEEWARNING Before creating your site, it is advised to read the documentation:Before beginning.

The dynamic link is a token used to deal with mouse clicks on sensitive zones of the HTML page: <a> tags and <input type='button'> tags.

<input type='button' adx="MyDynamicLink" value="Click here">
<a adx="MyDynamicLink">Click here</a>

The three main setups of a dynamic link are:

1. Web action,
2. The destination web page,
3. the selection.

The order of the list is the order according to which these setups are processed by the XTEND server.

Getting started

Web action

There are two types of actions:

  • Actions processed by X3 back-office via the call to the web service:
    • Login, order creation, modification of contact details, among others.
  • Actions processed by the XTEND server:
    • Paging, line selection, change of site/language..

Each action is declared in the dictionary for a setup record.

The destination web page

This is the page displayed after the request has been posted on the server.

Each page is declared in the dictionary for a setup record.

SEEINFO The destination page can be modified by the action.

To modify the destination page per program (4LG), the user must use dynamic links sequence (programmed sequence):

Value a parameter of the sub-program using the code of the dynamic link (with or without action/selection) which points to the destination page.


The dynamic link can post a selection to the target page's man section in order to modify the selection criteria.

The selection enables the user to manage the link detail list, the sort of the tables or the refining of the requests.

SEEREFERTTO For further information, see the documentation on the Section Tokens.

HTML setups

The following setups are taken into account by dynamic links.






Forces the action of the dynamic link to execute the reload of the HTML page (F5) even if the reload is blocked in the setup of the action ('Active on reload')



Adds setups in the dynamic link URL
These setups are Key=Value~Key=Value

<a adx="MyDynLink:xacceptreload&xparams=?PARCOD1=VAL1~PARCOD2=VAL2#xtdbottom">

This example:

  • forces the execution of the action "on F5"
  • valuates 2 user variables : PARCOD1 and PARCOD2,
  • positions on the 'xtdbottom' bookmark of the destination page.
Positionning in the destination page

The following example showis how to position an object in a destination page (via HTML setup xparams) when the user clicks on a dynamic link:

<!--Dynamic link in the original page-->
<input type="button" value="Click here" adx="MYDYNLINK:xparams=#bookmark">
<a adx="MYDYNLINK:xparams=#bookmark">Click here</a>
<!--Destination page-->
    <!--Code HTML -->
    <a name="bookmark">
    <!--Positioning of the page when the user clicks the button above-->
    <!--Code HTML -->

Valuate user variables via the URL setups

The following example shows the valuation of PACOD1 and PARCODE (user variables) with VAL1 and VAL3 (via HTML setup xparams) when the user clicks on a dynamic link:

<!--Dynamic link in the original page-->
<input type="button" value="Click here" adx="MYDYNLINK:xparams=?PARCOD1=VAL1~PARCOD2=VAL2">
<a adx="MYDYNLINK:xparams=?PARCOD1=VAL1~PARCOD2=VAL2">Click here</a>

Case of utilization: detail list link

The detail list link consists in defining a link to access the detail of an entity displayed in a list.
For example: access the detail of the item via the catalog.

The page details generally contains futher information from other tables than the one used to display the list.
For instance, the rich description record of a product or associated products (cross-selling).

Conversely, the user will have to return to the list from the detail page without losing the context of the list (selection criteria, paging...).

1. Creation of the entity displayed in the list
  • Interface creation,
  • Creation of fields,
  • Creation of entities.
2. Creation of a "multi-entries" section to read and display the list
  • Selection of the entity defined previously.
3. Creation of a dynamic link to select the entity details
  • Selection of the same entity as the list section.

The dynamic link selects an entity so that the code is the same as the current line code.
The current line is identified by the ACURRENT section (top of the the data context stack).
The link "Replace the selection of the main section".

4. Creation of the web page which displays the list
  • Declaration of the list section as a main section of the web page,
  • Creation of the HTLM to display the list.

<!--List section-->
        <!--Link to detail-->
        <td><a adx="DLKDETAIL"><span adx="CODE"></span></td>
        <td adx="DESCR"></td>

5. Creation of a "mono-entries" section to read and display the detail
  • Selection of the same entity as the list section.

The mono-entry section has a selection of the type "Lat clicked link" in order to use the selection criteria of the dynamic link clickedby the user (which has been created previously via the selection on ACURRENT.CODE).

6. Creation of a "dynamic linnk" for the retrun to the list
  • The destination page is the lsit page,
  • The web action has the following code ABLKRESTOREMAINCTX
    Restores the context of the main section.
7. Creation of the web page which displays the details
  • Creation of the HTLM to display the details.

<!--Detail section-->
    <b>Code    </b><span adx="CODE"></span><br>
    <b>Label </b><span adx="DESCR"></span><br>
    <b>Price    </b><span adx="PRIX"></span><br>
    <b>Stock    </b><span adx="STOCK"></span><br>
<!--Back to the list-->
<a adx="DLKRETOURLISTE">back to list</a>

To display further data coming from another table or view (a rich description of an item or associated products, for instance):

  • Create entities and sections that list these entities by passing BLKDETAIL.CODE (detail entity code) on to the selection criteria.

Return to previous page

ADLKRETURN dynamic link is used to return back to XTEND pages that have been viewed.

  • operates better than 'Back' or 'Move Back to previous page' button of the browser
  • does not take into account dynamic links that remain on the same page

For example:

If a product catalogue is paged, ADLKRETURN (link) will display the page that was before the display of the catalogue and will not take into account paging actions as the browser "Back" button.

The XTEND engine manages a stack of pages viewed by user session which size can be determined via the configuration setup:
xtend.server.gensetup.misc.rtnstacksize (20 by default).

Predefined links








Used to display the first page of a block
Syntax MyBlock.MyDynamicLink




Used to display the next page of a block




Used to display the last page of a block




Used to select the line of a block
MyBlock.MyField displays the value of MyField for the selected line




Used to deselect the selected line of a block




Used to restore an HTML form with the initial values
HTML setup not taken into account xrc




Used to display the last open page before closing the browser
Used in the relogin page (see site record)




User login
User code(AUSERCODE) and password(APWD) as a setup
The interface and mapping of setups remain to be performed




Used to logout the user




Used to exchange the modes 'without cookies' and 'with cookies'
Use ADISPNOCOOKIES (conditioned section) to display the session status with/without cookies




Update of the XTEND log




Return to previous page




Posts the form of the current page and returns to the same page




Opens another XTEND site
!!Site setups to enter




No  Change of user language
!!Language code setups to enter



SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Code of the dynamic link.

  • Site (field FCYLIB)

Current Web site

  • Description (field INTIT)

Use this field to assign a description to each record.



Tab General


General setups of dynamic link.

"Param" table Access sub-program" is filled up if the following conditions are met:

  • The dynamic link has a selection on entity,
  • This entity is linked to a "Access sub-program data" interface,
  • The interface has fields setup "Access sub-program".

When is grid is not empty, it is used to define a selection on these setups.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Activity tracking (field LOGMOD)

Select 'yes' to track the calls of the dynamic link in the XTEND server log.

  • Force the http get mode (field POSTFORCE)

Select 'yes' to used the HTTP GET method; the link must be taken into account by the search engines (web crawlers).
This is used only to ensure the compatibility of the link with the search engine.

SEEINFO Only the links that do not have any contextual parameter for the selection and/or the action are compatible with the HTTP GET method.


  • Current page (field PAGSAM)


  • 'Yes' to remain on the current page,
  • 'No' to enter a destination page.

Destination page.


Code of the selected entity if the dynamic link applies a selection for the main block of the destination page.

SEEINFO The entity is used to help with the entry of the selection criteria in the selection tab.

  • Selection application (field SELBLCOPT)

There are three types of modification of a block criteria via a dynamic link:
These three options make it possible to handle most situations occurring in Web pages.

1. The criteria of the dynamic link 'Replaces the main block selection'


2. The criteria of the dynamic link 'is added to the main block selection':

Refines the block request with the link criteria.

3. The criteria of the dynamic link 'is added up to the current main block selection'

Refines the block request by adding the dynamic link selection (AND logic) to the current block request.
This option is used if the block selection results from the aggregation of several dynamic links

SEEWARNING Restriction:
Only the selection and sort criteria of the block main of the page (alias AMAIN) can be modified by the dynamic link criteria.
It is possible to define several blocks by page, but only one of them (the main block) has selection and sort criteria that can be modified by the user.

Code of the web action if the dynamic link has an action.

SEEINFO The action parameters are automatically displayed in the parameter block of the Advanced tab to specify the way they will be valued.

  • Control web fields (field ACTVERCHP)

Tick the box so that the action parameters declared as 'Mandatory web fields' could automatically be checked by XTEND.

Grid Param sub-routine access

Code of the sub-program setup.

  • Source (field VALTYP42)

  • Constant origin: fixed value entered in the 'Const./alloc.' column. Web'.

  • 'Web field' origin: value coming from a field of the HTML form (generally entered by the user).
    The 'Const./alloc.' column Web' contains the name ('NAME' attribute) of the <input> field of the HTML form.

  • 'Field Token' origin: value of a block field whose names are entered in the next columns.

  • Web const./alloc. (field VALEUR42)

  • Constant origin: contains the constant value.

  • 'Web field' origin: contains the name ('NAME' attribute) of the <input> field of the HTML form.
    The setup will be valued with the value of this field.

Block code for the 'Field token' origin.


  • Field (field VFIEKEY42)

Field code for the 'Field token' origin.



Tab Advanced


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Parameters

Action setup code.

  • Source (field VALTYP41)

  • Constant origin: fixed value entered in the 'Const./alloc.' column. Web'.

  • 'Web field' origin: value coming from a field of the HTML form (generally entered by the user).
    The 'Const./alloc.' column Web' contains the name ('NAME' attribute) of the <input> field of the HTML form.

  • 'Field Token' origin: value of a block field whose names are entered in the next columns.

  • Web const./alloc. (field VALEUR41)

  • Constant origin: contains the constant value.

  • 'Web field' origin: contains the name ('NAME' attribute) of the <input> field of the HTML form.
    The setup will be valued with the value of this field.

Block code for the 'Field token' origin.


  • Field (field VFIEKEY41)

Field code for the 'Field token' origin.


This is the page that will be displayed if the action exits as an error.
By default, the XTEND engine remains on the current page if an error occurs.

SEEWARNING The XTEND engine considers that an action has failed if the web service invoked has returned at least one error message.

  • Programmed sequence (field SUIPRG)

'Yes' to specify that it is the L4G processing that returns the code of the dynamic link in a sub-program setup.

Dynamic sequencing defined by the L4G processing

The L4G processing can decide the link to sequence by returning the link code in a sub-program setup.

  • Programmed Sequ. field:
    The code of the dynamic link is stored in a session type entity via the action mapping.

  • Entity field, Field:
    Specify the session type entity code and the field code that contains the code of the dynamic link to be used for the sequencing.

The code of the dynamic link can also be stored in a session variable (user variable).
In this case we specify:

  • and the variable code that contains the link in the Entity and Field parameters.

The page displayed following the sequencing of several dynamic links is the web page associated with the last dynamic link processed.



Grid Links

Code of the dynamic link to be execute.

List of the dynamic links: the dynamic links entered in the list will be executed sequentially as long as an error is not returned to the web service.


Tab Selection


The dynamic link has the capacity to post a selection to the main section (AMAIN) of the destination page. If the section selection can be "altered" and if selected entities are similar, the section will consider the selection posted by the dynamic link (according to the "Selection application" setup).

Fields from this tab are active only if an entity code has been selected in "Selection on entity" in the "General" screen.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Selection type (field SELTYP)

None: all the records are selected.

Query: the selection criteria of the section are applied.

Last link clicked: are applied the selection criteria of the dynamic link which has been clicked to access the page containing the section.

  • Modifiable selection (field SELDYNALT)

No: the SQL query associated with the section cannot be modified using the query of a dynamic link.

Yes: the query cannot be modified using the query associated with a dynamic link.

SEEINFO The query of the section is the default query.

  • Optimization (field INTOPTIMI)

Selection of the optimization submitted by the interface.

None: No optimization

No image file: the interface does not return the 'image file' type field

No text file: the interface does not return the 'text file' type field

Neither image file nor text file: the interface does not return the 'image file' and 'text file' type fields

Selection synthesis

  • field RES30

Query of the section in text format

Grid Selection criteria

  • And/or (field ANDOR30)

Logical operation sequencing operator.

  • ( (field BRKLFTM30)

Opening brackets.

  • Field (field FIEKEY30)

Field of the entity whose value is the first operand of the operation.

  • field OPE30

Comparison operator

  • Source (field VALTYP30)

  • Constant origin: fixed value entered in the 'Const./alloc.' column. Web'

  • 'Web field' origin: value coming from a field of the HTML form (generally entered by the user).
    The 'Const./alloc.' column Web' contains the name ('NAME' attribute) of the <input> field of the HTML form.

  • 'Field Token' origin: value of a block field whose names are entered in the next columns.

  • Web const./alloc. (field VALEUR30)

The parameter value is entered here. Depending on the case, this value is entered as if it were a number, a date or an alphanumeric code. When the parameter is of local menu type, it is possible to enter either the beginning of the name or the numeric value corresponding to the position of the name in the list. When the code is controlled by an annex table, a selection key may be used to select it.

Block code for the 'Field token' origin.


  • Field (field VFIEKEY30)

Field code for the 'Field token' origin.

  • ) (field BRKRGTM30)

Closing brackets.

  • Mandatory criteria (field CRIOBY30)

  • Yes: The value of the second operand must be assigned otherwise the error message 'AERRCRITMANDATORY' is returned by XTEND.

  • No: if the value of the second operand is not assigned, the criterion (the line) is ignored.

  • Char. * for all (field ALLSTAR30)



Specifies the entities that will be created from the result of the query.
The entity contains the "Data access" type interface that needs to be called.

'Data access" type interface which will be called.

  • field INTTYPSEL

'Data access" type interface which will be called.



Tab Sort


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Sorting type (field SRTTYP)

Select a sort type:

  • None: the records (lines of the section) are not sorted.

  • Field: sorting according to a list of fields defined in the Sort grid.

  • Random: the order of the lines is calculated randomly using a 4GL post-query processing. 'Random' is used to display a line among N lines at random.
  • Modif sorting (field SRTDYNALT)

  • No: the sort criteria cannot be modified by a dynamic link.

  • Yes: the sort criteria can be modified by a dynamic link.

Grid Sort

  • Field (field FIEKEY31)

Name of the field for the 'Field token' origin.

  • Sort order (field SRTORD31)

Ascending/descending sort order.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

This button is used to update the XTEND dictionary in XML format.

The X3WEB server takes into account only the dictionary with this format.

There is one XML file per dictionary.

For instance, the ACT.xml file corresponds to all the web actions for the current web site.

This button is used to copy a dynamic link.

Advanced use

JavaScript xtdDoDlk function

A dynamic link token is always inserted as attribute of an HTML tag <a> or <input type='button'>.

When the XTEND server dynamically builds the HTML page : it calls a JavaScript function from XTEND (stdDoDIk) library on the event onClick, at the level o the dynamic link tokens.

Setup from the function xtdDoDlk are contextual and will be used by the XTEND library to constitute data (xml) to send to the XTEND server in order to process the action and the selection.

<a  href="javascript:xtdDoSubmit('MYDLK',null);"

<input type="button"
value="Add to cart"/>

Data context

When the user clicks on a dynamic link, the data context of the page does not exist anymore on the server.
It existed at the time of page construction and was then deleted.

The XTEND server stores in the HTML page (see <span id="xtdctx"> tag) the data context necessary to the process after selections and actions of dynamic links.

One of the roles of the JavaScript xtdDoDlk function is to find the data context associated to the dynamic link in order to send it again to the server.

For example:

The user wants to display the object (item/product) which has been clicked on in the detail page for a list/detail link. For the XTEND server, this operation consists in:

  • memorizing selection criteria values for each line of the catalogue (here, the product code but there can be several) in order to pass them on to the section that display the details.

Storing the context in the HTML page ensures that XTEND functions correctly whilst using the "Back" button of the browser.

Call to a link by program

To call a dynamic link by JavaScript program (not managed by XTEND), use the following function:

//aElmt is the DOM element which has been clicked
//aDlk is the code of the dynamic link to call
//aParams is optional and contains the setups of the url (query string)
function xtdCallDlk(aElmt,aDlk,aParams){}

SEEWARNING This function can be used only if the dynamic link has no reference to XTEND fields in the selection criteria or action setups.

Only "Web field' criteria or setups are taken into account.

How to intercept the mouse click

In some case, the developer might have to intercept the click in order to process controls.

Declare a JavaScript function with the name xtdDoMyDlk so that the library (XtendLib.js) calls it by passing the contextual object on to aDomOut (CXtdDomOut class) which is used to access all information on the dynamic link.

This function returns "false" in order to interrupt the process.

function xtdDoMyDlk(aDomOut)
     if (aDomOut.isDlk("MyDynLink"))
         // The user has clicked on MyDynLink
         return confirm("Confirm action"); 
     return true;

The user can also intercept the process just before the form is sent to the server (submit) by creating a JavaScript function xDoMySubmit in the page:

function xDoMySubmit(aDlk,aDomOut){
    // Returns false to stop the process
    return true;

CXtdDomOut class

aDomOut class setup which gives access to the context of the dynamic link.

// Returns the value of user variable aKey
// Returns the dynamic link code which the user has clicked on
// Returns the index of the line (0 to N) if the user has clicked
// on a link in the table section'
// Returns True if the user has clicked on aArg link
// aArg is either a link table or a string
    if (aDomOut.isDlk("DLK1","DLK2")){
        // Code if the user has clicked on "DLK1" or "DLK2"
// Returns the list of WWeb parameters (Class CXtdDlkWebParamsOut)
// to know the value of the Web parameter aName
// aldx is the index of the value if the value is multiple
// Returns an Array containing the values of the Web parameter aName
// Returns the value of a selection criteria or an action setup
// aFieldName is the name of the XTEND field used for mapping
// Ditto getDlkParamValues - aParamId is the ID of the parameter in the mapping
// - For selection criteria, the ID is SEL + criteria rank (1-N)
// - This is more accurate than getDlkParamValues as the ID contrary to the name of the XTEND field

How to add entry controls

When an action setup is declared as "Mandatory web field", the library automatically controls:

  • the entry of a value,
  • the type for numerical and date fields.

To add additional control on web setups, add the following xtdWebParamCheckValue function in the HTML page.

This function is called for each web setup of the action associated with the dynamic link and returns "true" in order to validate the entry.

See the example in form entry of ASMAPLE site.

tdWebParamCheckValue function


  • aWebParamOut is the object which represents the setup
    See CXtdDlkWebParamOut class
  • aInputFieldName is the name of the web field
    Name attribute
  • aInputFieldIndex is the index of the field in the form
    0 if only one field has the name aInputFieldName
  • aInputFieldValue is the setup value for the aInputFieldIndex index

function xtdWebParamCheckValue(aWebParamOut,aInputFieldName,
    // Example: Control of email format on MAICOD field
    if (aInputFieldName=="MAICOD"){
        var wEmail=xtdCheckEmail(aInputFieldValue);
        if (wEmail && wEmail!=aInputFieldValue){
            //Format OK
            //The value is updated with the format calculated by xtdCheckEmail
        //True to validate the entry - False to make it invalid
        return wEmail!=null;

Class CXtdDlkWebParamOut

// Returns True if the parameter is mandatory
// Returns the Index of the field in the HTML form
// -> There can be several fields with the same name in the form (table)
// Returns DOM element
//aValue is an Array
//aIdx is the index (0 - N) of the value
// Returns te value of another Web parameter
// -> useful i the control of a parameter value depends from other parameters
// Returns the value in an Array
// Returns aldx as index value
// Returns 0 as index value
// Returns name attribute
// Returns the type of parameter defined in XTEND dictionary
// Returns the type of element of the parameter DOM

Filter setups to control

If the xtdWebParamCheck function is displayed in the page, the XTEND library calls this function before carrying out the setup control.

This function returns "true" to control the value and false to block the control.

It is particularly useful in the picking lists with line selection by a check box. It is used to filter lines in order to process to the control only on lines that are checked.

See the example in form entry of ASMAPLE site.

xtdWebParamCheck function


  • aWebParamOut is the object which represents the setup
    See CXtdDlkWebParamOut class
  • aInputFieldName is the name of the web field
    Name attribute
  • aInputFieldIndex is the index of the field in the form
    0 if only one field has the name aInputFieldName

var gNbChecked=0;
// Returns true if the web setup aInputFieldName/aInputFieldIndex must be controlled
function xtdWebParamCheck(aWebParamsOut,aInputFieldName,aInputFieldIndex){
    Example for a picking list with checkboxes (ASELECTED) to select lines.
    here is no control on the AQUANTITY field if the line is not selected
    if (aInputFieldName=="AQUANTITY"){
        // gNbChecked is a counter of the selected lines
        // it enables the user to block the action if no line is selected
        if (aInputFieldIndex==0) gNbChecked=0;
        // Line selected if ASELECTED value is equal to 1
        if (aWebParamsOut.getParamValue("ASELECTED",aInputFieldIndex)=="1"){
            return true;
        return false;
    return true;

Particularities of checkboxes

Checkboxes are not returned in the HTML form if they are not checked.

This behaviour is not compatible with the XTEND engine which bases itself on the field index in the HTML form in order to associate data entered in the same grid line.

XTEND replaces unchecked CheckBoxes by an "input hidden" field bearing the same name just before sending the form to the server (xtdProcessCheckBoxes) so that CheckBoxes can still be returned even if they are not checked in the library.

The value used to valuate unchecked CheckBoxes is given by the global variable gXtdCBUnSelelectedValue which is empty by default (var gXtdCBUnSelelectedValue="").

To modify its value:

  • Call xtdSetUnSelelectedValue function with the chosen value, for instance on the onLoad event of the page.

    // Page onLoad event
    function xBodyOnLoad()
        // Set '0' value for unselected checkboxes
        // Page initialization code
<body onLoad="xBodyOnLoad();">
        //Html code

SEEINFO Upon parsing, XTEND detect all CheckBoxes that have an adx token and constitute a list which is sent to the customer in the data context of the page. CheckBoxes of this list are taken into account by the xtdProcessCheckBoxes function.

Access "Regional settings"

The XTEND server sends the information on "Regional Settings" that correspond to the current language to the browser in the data context of the page.

To access these information:

  • Use the following function which sends an object which class is CXtdRegionalSettings.

var wRegSettings=gXtdDOMFactory.getXtdDomIn().getRegionalSettings();

Class CXtdRegionalSettings methods

// Decimal separator
// Thousand separator
// Date order - MDY=0 - DMY=1 - YMD=2
// Pivot date to calculate X3 dates

Add/Delete variables and user criteria

The following functions are used to add/delete variables and user criteria.

xtdAjax* functions update variables on the server via an Ajax request, without submitting the HTML form.

Other functions (except xtdGetUserVar) submit the HTML form.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function xtdRemoveUserVar(aId);
function xtdSetUserVar(aId,aValue);
function xtdGetUserVar(aId);
function xtdRemoveUserCrit(aId);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function xtdAjaxRemoveUserVar(aId);
function xtdAjaxRemoveAllUserVar();
function xtdAjaxSetUserVar(aId,aValue);
function xtdAjaxRemoveUserCrit(aId);
function xtdAjaxRemoveAllUserCrit();
function xtdAjaxSetUserCrit(aId,aValue);
function xtdRemoveAllUserCrit();

Display a message coming from the XTEND server

The following function displays a message calculated by the XTEND server.
The message is returned in the current language of the site.


  • aId is the code for the XTEND message,
  • aP1,aP2.. are (optional) setups.

function xtdAlert(aId,aP1,aP2,aP3,aP4);
// The following example displays
// 'You are connected to the application with DIS001 use code'

Access the call context of the page

The following class give access to the call context of the page in order to know the result of an action:

var wCallCtx==gXtdDOMFactory.getXtdDomIn().getCallingCtx();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS CXtdCallingCtx
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Dynamic link used to display the current page
// True si la page est le résultat d'une action
// Action code
// True if the action occurred accurately - False it there is an error

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation