A/P-A/R accounting > Payments > Bank/Cash register 

Use this function to store records for bank and cash registers. You can combine payments for cash or bank transactions into a single register for the selected time period. Once a register is closed you can print the register and payments consistent with Polish legislation.

You can use this function to:

  • Create a Bank or Cash register for the selected time period, such as one day.
  • Create payments inside the register and post them using the standard payment functions.
  • Close a Bank or Cash register. After that you cannot change anything in the register or any payments linked to the closed register.
  • Print Cash in and Cash out payments consistent with Polish legislation using the PAYKPand PAYKWreports respectively, which you can access from the Print icon.
  • Print a Cash register or Bank register consistent with Polish legislation using the CASHREGISTER report, which you can access from the Print icon.
  • Open a Bank or Cash register.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Before creating a new register

Before creating a bank or cash register and making payments, you need to complete the following:

  • Activity codes – The REGBC – Bank/Cash register activity code needs to be active.
  • Legislation- The KPL – Polish localization or KZA – South-African localization code needs to be active.
  • Parameter values – The BCREG – Bank/Cash register parameter (TRS chapter, CAS group) is set to Yes.
  • Payment entry types (GESTPY)
    • You need to create separate bank and cash entry types. For each, you need to create incoming (Revenue) and outgoing (Expense) entry types.
    • General tab:
      • In the Bank or Cash field, select one to match the register it will be linked to: Bank or Cash.
      • For Sign: Select Revenue or Expense.
    • Entry tab:
      • In the Payment entry type field, choose Bank or Cashregister to match the selection on the General tab.
  • Account codes: You need to set up account code in Bank accounts (GESBAN) and/or Petty cash (GESCAI) to be assigned to a bank or cash register. Only one account code can be assigned to one open register. Once that register is closed, the same account code can be used on a subsequent register.
  • Sequence numbers: You need to create sequence numbers (GESANM) or you can use the preset numbers. Each bank or cash register needs a unique sequence number.
Payment with Bank or Cash register type won’t be available in the standard Payment/receipt entry function GESPAY.

Screen management

Tab Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Enter or select a site with POL or ZAF legislation.

  • Type (field REGTYP)

Select Bank or Cash for the type of register to create.

Block number 2


  • Bank/Cash register number (field REGNUM)

This field displays a unique number assigned automatically to the register based on the Sequence number Structures settings (GESANM).

This field displays the currency assigned to the Bank or Cash register Code.

  • Code (field REGCOD)

Enter or select a code consistent with the register type. That is, a petty cash (GESCAI) code for a cash register or a bank code (GESBAN) for a bank register.

If you enter a code that is already linked to an open cash register, you receive a blocking error: “There is an opened register for this Cash register code.”Only one code can be assigned to one open cash register at a time. For example, if you have a petty cash code, PCABC, it can only be assigned to one, open cash register. When that cash register closes, the same code, PCABC, can then be assigned to another cash register.
However, the same bank code can be assigned to multiple bank registers. You can open multiple bank registers, but they need to start from the previous code.

  • Closed (field STA)

This field displays the status for the register. If the register is closed, you can print it.

Use the Open register Action to reopen a closed register if your permissions allow.


  • Start date (field STARTDAT)

This date defaults to current date for a new register or you can select a date.

Accounting dates for payments must fall within the Start and Final dates.

  • End date (field FINDAT)

Enter an end date for the register.

Accounting dates for payments must fall within the Start and Final dates.

Balance sheet

  • Opening balance (field OPENBAL)

For the first register assigned a particular code, the balance defaults from the entry journal for this account code—petty cash or bank—or you can enter an amount.

For subsequent registers assigned a particular code, the open balance defaults from the Closing balance of the previous register and you cannot modify this amount.
For example, if Cash register CR#1 is assigned Petty cash account PCABC, the opening balance is taken from the journal entry for this account. If you close CR#1 and assign CR#2 to the same PCABC code, the opening balance for CR#2 is the closing balance for CR#1.

  • Closing balance (field CLOSEBAL)

This field reflects a running total of incoming and outgoing transactions while the register is open.

When the register is closed, the Closing balance is used as the Opening balance for a subsequent register assigned the same account code, Petty cash or Bank.


This field displays the user ID of the person who created the register and cannot be modified.

  • Create date (field CREDAT)

This field records the creation date and cannot be modified.

This field displays the user ID of the person who changed the register and cannot be modified.

  • Change date (field UPDDAT)

This field records the date change and cannot be modified.

Grid Payments

  • Sign (field PYHSNS)

This field indicates whether the transaction is a Revenue or an Expense.

  • Payment number (field PYHNUM)

This field displays the payment number for the transaction.

  • Payment status (field PYHSTA)

This field displays the payment status.

  • Value date (field PYHVALDAT)

This field displays the payment due date.

  • Accounting date (field PYHACCDAT)

This field displays the journal entry or accounting date.

  • Doc amount (field PYHAMTCUR)

This field displays the BP amount from the Payment in the payment currency.

Note: If the Doc amount currency is the same as the bank currency, the Doc and Bank accounts are the same.

  • Bank amount (field PYHAMTBAN)

This field displays the actual amount deposited into the bank in the bank currency.

Note: If the Doc amount currency is the same as the bank currency, the Doc and Bank accounts are the same.

  • Currency rate (field PYHCURRAT)

This field displays the currency rate if the bank or cash register currency is different from the main ledger currency.

This field displays the currency for the transaction.

  • Description (field PYHDES)

This field displays the transaction description.

This field displays the business partner (BP).

This field displays the control account for the BP.

  • Balance sheet (field PYHBAL)

This field displays the balance for the payment on this line.

For the first payment it is the Opening balance +/- movement amount 1 = Balance sheet 1. For the next payment it is the Balance sheet 1 +/- movement amount 2 = Balance sheet 2.
The closing balance field amount in the header must be the same value as the balance sheet last line.



Action icon


Select this option from the Actions icon menu to post the payment on the line.
To post all payments for the current register, click Payments under Actions in the Action panel.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 CASHREGISTER : Cash register

 PAYKP : Cash in (by register)

 PAYKW : Cash out (by register)

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific actions

Click this Action to create individual payments that have been set up in Petty cash (GESCAI) or Banks (GESBAN) for this register. After selecting a transaction, the action goes to the standard Payment/receipt entry (GESPAY) function to create the payment and you can post the payment. When complete, the payment displays in the Payment grid on the register screen.
Any payments linked to a Cash register cannot be changed in the IMPAYE or BANAFFM functions. These payments are not available in these functions.

Click this Action to post all payments in a register directly from this function.

To post individual payments, select Payments from the Action icon menu at the beginning of a line.

Click this Action to close the current Bank or Cash register.
To close a register, all payments must be posted and the Payment status must be In the bank.Once the register is closed, you can no longer make changes or create or modify payments.
After a register is closed, you can print it using the Print icon in the Action panel.

Menu bar

Actions / Open register

Use this Action to reopen a closed register and make any changes or payments necessary.
If the period is closed, you cannot reopen a bank register.
Note: Only users with the necessary permission have access to this functionality, otherwise, this action is disabled.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Are you sure you want to close the register?
You cannot close the register - there are unposted payments.
You cannot close the register - it is already closed.
There is an opened register for this Cash/Bank register code before this one.
You cannot close a register in creation process.
You cannot close empty Cash/Bank register.
There can only be one not closed cash register.
For the next Bank/Cash register, the opening balance should be equal to the closing balance of the previous record.
It is not possible to update a site on existing register.
Date out of range for the selected register.
It is not possible to update a closed register.
You cannot delete a register if there is at least one linked payment.
It is not possible to update the type of an existing register.
It is not possible to update the bank or petty cash code of an existing register.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation