Common data > General accounting tables > Analytical > Dimension pyramids 

Use this function to define dimension analytical pyramids.

Analytical pyramid principles

  • You can define as many grouping pyramids as necessary for each dimension type.
  • The analytical information is entered at detail level only, where the dimensions are allocated.

Reports are completed by analyzing the analytical balance and the budget.


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Screen management

Entry screen


This screen is used to create, modify and view a dimension pyramid in graphical form.

SEEINFO The graphical components of the pyramid are defined in the function Graphic components . Standard codes are nevertheless delivered by default:  PYRELT, PYRGRP, PYRHEAD, PYRJOK.

It contains the following elements:

A header block

It identifies the pyramid and its display characteristics.

A block representing the pyramid

The building of the pyramid is dynamic.

  • On a given group, clicking on a group makes it possible to:
    • add a sub-group,
    • allocate basic elements (dimensions) to this group, either with an explicit name, or described by means of the joker character,
    • consult the detailed record of the group or the element.
  • The levels are assigned automatically (by default with a 10-level interval, and starting with level 10 for the header group). In the same way, the printing order is automatically assigned with a 10 level interval, in the display order of the various sub-groups within a group.

SEEWARNING The automatic allocation of a level to a group makes it possible to have homogeneous levels from one branch of the pyramid to another.

Similarly, the pyramid structure can be modified on the screen by drag and drop. Dragging an element A of the pyramid to an element B enables the first element to be linked to the second element:

  • Left arrow: element A has the same level as element B, but a lower printing order,
  • Right arrow: element A has the same level as element B, but a greater printing order,
  • Top-down arrow: element A is a sub-group of element B. Its printing order is 0.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 4


The code of the pyramid will be used later on in all the reports.

The first group of the pyramid being created is arbitrarily named "GLOBAL".
It is possible to rename this group after its creation via the function dimension groupes.

The levels of the pyramid can be set up in the ascending order from the most general to the finest level.
It is possible for example to define levels from 10 to 10 in order to later include an additional level.

  • field DESTRA


  • Short description (field SHOTRA)

The short description replaces the standard description when display or print constraints require it.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFOThe connection language must be defined as a default language for thefolder.


This field is used to specified to which dimension type the pyramid is attached.

This access code makes it possible to prohibit access to the current record for some users.

If the field is populated, only users that have this access code with read access rights (and write access rights respectively) can view (or with write access rights, modify) the record.

It is the group from which the pyramid should be viewed.
By default, this group is the header group,

  • field LIBDEP


Grid Pyramid

  • Parent (field PARENT)


  • Son (field KEYC)


  • Description (field LIBSHORT)


  • Row (field ROW)


  • Image (field IMG)


  • Long description (field LIBL)

The long description is used in the reports.

  • Pointer (field LINLNK)


  • Pointer (field LINGRU)




Action icon

Add a group

This function is used to add a group to the pyramid, and to specify the main characteristics of this group.

SEEINFO Limit the group creation to 1,000 in order to maintain readability.An error message is displayed if this limit is exceeded.

Add a dimension

This function is used to:

  • assign a dimension or a set of dimensions linked to the pyramid by a wildcard character,
  • enter the code of the dimension or the whole dimensions.

This function is used to delete an element from the pyramid.


This function is used, via a window, to modify the main characteristics of the group.


This function is used to zoom on the pyramid.
The graphical representation starts from the selected group and unfolds its sub-levels.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 LISSEC : List of dimensions

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

Functions / Duplicate pyramid


This function is used to duplicate the selected dimension pyramid.
Enter a code and description related to the destination pyramid in the intermediate screen.

SEEWARNING The code and description of the destination pyramid must not have been previously used for another dimension pyramid.

SEEINFO This function is inhibited within the framework of the operating budgets for the dimensions coming from entities or envelopes.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • From folder (field DOSORG)


  • To the folder (field DOSDES)


Block number 2



  • field DES




Functions / Auto generation


This function is used to automatically generate or regenerate a dimension pyramid.

SEEWARNING An error message is displayed when groups have been created for the pyramid to be generated.A non-existent group is not created automatically during the generation.

SEEINFO This function is inhibited within the framework of the operating budgets for the dimensions coming from entities or envelopes.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The code of the pyramid will be used later on in all the reports.

The first group of the pyramid being created is arbitrarily named "GLOBAL".
It is possible to rename this group after its creation via the function dimension groupes.

The levels of the pyramid can be set up in the ascending order from the most general to the finest level.
It is possible for example to define levels from 10 to 10 in order to later include an additional level.

This field is used to enter or select any dimension view set up in the database.

Grid Details

  • Pyramid level (field NIVEAU)

The numerical value entered in the various available fields makes it possible to establish a hierarchy of groups present in the pyramid.

  • Dimension length (field LENLEV)

The numerical value entered in the various available fields is used to indicate the number of character(s) for each level of the pyramid.
For instance, if the number entered is 4 for the level 40, the length of the groups is of four characters.

Block number 3

  • Use wild-cards (field JOK)

When checked, this box is used to include any new account or dimension to the defined group.
This link is made by entering:

  • a screen,
  • a direct account number.

Let us consider a pyramid to be created for the SOC chart, grouping accounts 101 001, 101 002 and 101 003 :
1. box checked: the system uses wildcards and includes automatically any account of type 1010* (according to the screen entered). An account of type 101 004, corresponding to the screen, is thus included in the group.
2. box not checked: the system does not use wildcards. It includes only the existing accounts 101 001, 101 002 and 101 003. An account of type 101 004 is not automatically linked to the group.

  • Homogeneous levels (field HOM)

When checked, this box is used to plan the insertion of groups on a same level when they have different length so that each branch of the generated pyramid has the same number of levels.



Functions / Verification


This function is used to carry out a certain number of checks in order to verify the consistency in the setup of the pyramid groups.

The verification directly generates a log file.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field LIGNE

Each of the lines in the grid corresponds to a line in the log file.




  • The number of links created during the synchronization of a pyramid is limits to 10,000 that is to say that there cannot be more than 10,000 groups/dimensions in a pyramid. This limit is controlled during the creation or re-synchronization of an accounts or dimensions pyramid.
  • Performance when inquiring or printing the analytical balance can be lowered when the inquiry or printing are based on accounts/dimensions pyramid groups. Indeed, the aggregation of pyramids on groups occurs in real time from all details recordings (all recordings of analytical balance tables, budgets, balances of commitments/renewed commitments).

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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