This function is only available for the United Kingdom (BRI) legislation.

Use this function to assign an attachment of earnings type to an employee when you receive an Attachment of Earnings Order (AEO).

 If there is not an existing attachment of earning type that meets your needs you can create a new one with the
Attachment of earnings
types function (GESHRAET).
Click the New button to assign an attachment of earnings to an employee and click Create to save the assignment when you have entered all the details.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



Use the header to specify the employee and contract you want to assign the attachment of earnings to.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Use this field to enter, or select, the unique identifier of the employee.

This field is mandatory.

  • Last name (field NAM)

This field displays the last name of the selected employee.

  • Employee's first name (field SRN)

This field displays the first name of the selected employee.

Use this field to enter, or select, the appropriate contract to assign the attachment of earnings to.

This field is mandatory.

  • Date (field CTRDAT)

This field displays the effective date of the selected contract, its start date.

Attachable earnings

  • Code (field AEHCOD)

Use this field to give the attachment of earnings assignment a reference code. A default code is generated when the Contract field is entered. The default is made up as “AEH” + <creation year> + <creation month> + <employee’s site> + 6-digit counter but can be amended as required.

This field is mandatory.

  • Deduction priority (field DEDPRI)

Use this field to allocate the deduction priority for this attachment. The default is ‘0’ (zero) and must be changed even if the employee only has one attachment. If an employee contract has more than one attachment of earnings they will be deducted in priority sequence.

This field is mandatory and cannot be left at ‘0’.



Tab Details


Use this tab to enter the details of the attachment of earnings being assigned to the employee contract.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Use this field to enter, or select, an attachment of earnings type that meets the requirements of the Attachment of Earnings Order (AEO) you are assigning to this employee contract.

If there is not an existing attachment of earning type that meets your needs you can create a new one with the Attachment of earnings types function (GESHRAET).

This field is mandatory.

This field displays the type of the AEO the selected attachment type is used for.

The available types with brief descriptions are listed in the help for the Attachment of earnings types function (GESHRAET).

  • Frequency (field PAYFRQ)

This field displays the frequency (‘Weekly’ or ‘Monthly’) of the selected attachment type.

Ensure the frequency of the selected attachment type matches the frequency of the employee’s pay plan.

  • Effective date (field EFFDAT)

This field displays the effective date of the selected attachment type.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

Use this field to enter the date that the attachment of earning will become eligible to be deducted from the employee’s pay.

This date cannot be earlier than the employee’s contract start date.

If this date is earlier than the employee’s current pay period, then the arrears will be deducted in the current pay period.

This field is mandatory.


  • Balance (field AEBAL)

Use this field to enter the starting balance of the Attachment of Earnings Order (AEO). This field remains at the starting balance and is not reduced as installments are taken. Installments will be taken until this balance has been collected.

If the AEO is for a recurring charge, such as Child Support, there is no balance so leave this field at zero.

  • Installment (field MTHINS)

Use this field to enter the fixed installment amount that will be deducted from the employee’s pay every pay run.

This field is only available if the Fixed Amount check box has been selected on the attachment of earnings type. When the field is available it is mandatory.

If the attachment of earning has a starting balance the installment will be deducted from the employee’s pay until it has all been recovered. When the remaining balance is less than the installment only the remaining balance will be deducted from the employee’s pay.

If the attachment of earnings does not have a starting balance the installment will continue to be deducted from the employee’s pay until the issuing authority tells you to stop.

Protected earnings

  • Protected earnings (field PROTEARNAM)

If applicable, use this field to enter the protected earnings amount specified on the Attachment of Earnings Order you are assigning to the employee.

To ensure that an employee has sufficient income, the court may set a protected earnings figure. The difference between the protected and attachable earnings is the value the deduction is made from.

If you enter a value in this field you will not be able to enter a value in the Protected earnings % field.

  • Protected earnings % (field PROTEARNPC)

If applicable, use this field to enter the protected earnings percentage specified on the Attachment of Earnings Order you are assigning to the employee.

To ensure that an employee has sufficient income, the court may set a protected earnings percentage. The deduction is made from the remaining portion of the employee’s attachable earnings.

If you enter a value in this field you will not be able to enter a value in the Protected earnings field.

Additional costs

  • Administration cost (field ADMCOST)

If your company policy is to charge the employee an administration fee, enter the fee in this field, the maximum allowed is ‘1.00’. This fee will be deducted from the employee every pay run. The fee is deducted after the attachment has been deducted so may reduce the employee’s pay below their protected earnings.



Tab Additional


If you receive written instructions from an issuing authority to suspend or cancel an Attachment of Earnings Order you can use this tab to action the instructions.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Suspension

  • Start date (field STADAT)

Use this field to enter the start date of the suspension period. Deductions will not be made on any pay runs between the start date and the end date.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)

Use this field to enter the end date of the suspension period. Deductions will not be made on any pay runs between the start date and the end date.

Deductions will resume on pay runs after the end date.

  • Installment (field INSTALLMEN)

Select this check box if the deduction of installments is to be stopped during the suspension period.

If a date range has been entered at least one of the Installment or Administration cost check boxes must be selected.

  • Administration cost (field ADMCOST)

Select this check box if the deduction of the administration fee is to be stopped during the suspension period.

If a date range has been entered at least one of the Installment or Administration cost check boxes must be selected.

  • Write-off (field WRTOFF)

Select this check box to cancel the deduction of the installment and administration fee from the next pay run.

If you are subsequently instructed by the issuing authority to reinstate the Attachment of Earnings Order you can clear the check box. Deductions will recommence on the next pay run.


Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation