Use this field to give the Attachment of earnings type a unique reference code. You cannot give the type a name or description so consider using descriptive codes such as ‘ChSu_Emp1234’ for an employee’s child support payments.
This field is mandatory. | |
Use this field to enter the type of Attachment of Earnings Order (AEO) that is applicable. Alternatively, you can click the Selection icon to see a list of the available types.
This field is mandatory. The supplied types include:
71N – Civil debt or maintenance with 1971 Non-Priority, amount. Also, known as a Centralized attachment of earnings payment.
71P – Fines or maintenance with 1971 Priority, can be amount or percentage.
CAO - Conjoined Arrestment Order, amount. These are issued if an employee has more than one earnings arrestment or current maintenance arrestment.
CMA - Current Maintenance Arrestment, amount. An employee can only have one current maintenance arrestment active at a time. Return any further CMA orders you receive.
CS - Child Support, amount. AEOs issued after April 2012 have protected earnings fixed at 60%.
CTAX - Council Tax, percentage. An employee can only have two active Council Tax AEOs at a time from the same local authority. Return any further council tax orders to the local authority.
DEO - Deduction of Earnings Orders, amount.
EAR - Earnings Arrestment can be amount or percentage. An employee can only have one earnings arrestment active at a time. Return any further earnings arrestment orders you receive.
EAR06 - Earnings Arrest for bankruptcy and diligence (2006), can be amount or percentage.
FINEN - Fines Enforcement, issued to ensure court fines are paid.
HRDIR - Higher Rate Direct Earnings Attachment (DEA), percentage with protected earnings fixed at 60%. Used to collect overpaid benefits. When instructed to deduct a DEA from an employee, you may be asked to calculate the deductions at the higher or the standard rate (see NRDIR).
ISD - Income Support Deduction Notice, amount.
NRDIR - Normal Rate DEA, percentage with protected earnings fixed at 60%. Used to collect overpaid benefits. When instructed to deduct a DEA from an employee, you may be asked to calculate the deductions at the higher (see HRDIR) or the standard rate.
PRE92 – Pre-1992 Community Charge, can be amount or percentage.
PST92 - Post 1992 Community Charge, percentage. | |
Use this field to select a pay frequency used by the company (usually weekly or monthly) if this is a generic attachment of earnings type. Alternatively select the pay frequency of the specific employee the attachment of earning is created for. This field is mandatory. | - Effective date (field EFFDAT)
Use this field to enter the date the attachment of earnings order comes into effect. This will usually be the date the order is issued. This field is mandatory. | - Fixed amount (field FIXEDAMT)
Select this check box to indicate this attachment of earnings has a fixed deduction amount. The amount will be assigned when the attachment of earnings is assigned to the employee using the Attachment of earnings function (GESHRAEH). If this check box is selected the grid in the AE deduction rate tab is not needed and you will not be able to enter any values in the grid. |