Training > Training guidelines > Training cost distribution 

You can use this function to simplify management of the joint funding of training costs in your organization. A training cost distribution code groups a set of distribution rules for costs that are shared with an external organization. A proportion of the training costs are paid by the primary funding organization with the balance being paid by the second organization. One of the organizations will usually be your company, the employer. They will, more often, be the secondary organization, but can be the primary organization if appropriate.

Any training costs funded entirely by the company, or an external organization, are not included in these rules, you can simply add them when creating a training period.

You can use the grid to apply conditions and limits, where appropriate, to the contribution made by the primary funding organization, such as:
  • A fixed refund amount.
  • A percentage contribution, from 1% to 100%.
  • A percentage contribution with maximum limits. For example, 50% but no more than 30 EUR per hour or 75% but no more than 300 EUR per trainee.

You can create rules for all cost types including internal trainer and attendee salaries.

If you amend a training cost distribution that is already used in a training period, you will be warned that existing training periods will not be updated and given the option to continue with the changes or cancel them.


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Screen management

The entry screen lets you create or amend training costs distributions.

Entry screen


Use this screen to create training cost distributions. Each combination of expense type, funding type and funding organizations can only be used once to define a distribution rule.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Use this field to enter the code for this set of training cost distribution rules. For example, you could use NAS for a national apprenticeship scheme. This field is mandatory.

  • Description (field DES)

Use this field to enter a description for this set of training cost distribution rules, such as National apprenticeship scheme.


  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select this check box if this set of training cost distribution rules is available to be used, otherwise leave it clear if this set should not be used yet. Clear this check box when a set of rules should no longer be used.


Use this field to select an expenses type for this rule. You could, for example use expense types to specify the cost of an external course, travel expenses and overnight accommodation.

Four codes are provided by default; their values are calculated by the system if set up appropriately in the pay plan:

  • SAL – the salary the trainee is paid during the training.
  • PAT – the taxes paid on the trainee’s salary during the training.
  • SAF - the salary the internal trainer is paid during the training.
  • PAF - the taxes paid on the trainer’s salary during the training.

This field is mandatory.

The codes are defined in miscellaneous table 451Cost type. You do not have to use the codes above, you can define and use your own codes.

Use this field to select a funding type for this rule. You could, for example, use funding types to differentiate between training for employees, training for apprentices and training for contractors. In some legislations, France for example, different funding types may receive different levels of funding. This field is mandatory.

Funding types are created and maintained using miscellaneous table 462Funding types.

Use this field to select the primary funding organization for this rule. This can be either an external organization or your company. This field is mandatory.

  • Fixed amount (field CSTFXD)

If appropriate, use this field to enter the fixed value contribution made by the primary funding organization to this cost type. Any cost in excess of this value will be met by the secondary funding organization. If you do not enter a value in this field, you will have to enter a value in the Distribution % field.

  • Distribution % (field CSTPRC)

If appropriate, use this field to enter the percentage contribution the primary funding organization will make to this cost type. This can be any value from 1% to 100%. Any cost in excess of this percentage will be met by the secondary funding organization. If you do not enter a value in this field, you will have to enter a value in the Cost fixed field.

  • Maximum amount (field CSTMAX)

If you have entered a distribution percentage for this rule you can use this field to specify a maximum contribution that will be made by the primary funding organization. This field is used with the Unit field to specify the maximum contribution.

  • Unit (field CSTMAXUNT)

If you have entered a distribution percentage and specified a maximum amount for this rule you can use this field to select a unit. This allows you to specify whether the maximum amount is, for example, per participant, per hour or, in the case of accommodation expenses, per night.

Use this field to select the secondary funding organization for this rule. This can be either an external organization or your company but cannot be the same as the primary organization for this rule. This field is mandatory.

  • Comment (field CMT)

Use this field to enter a description of the rule such as “Only use for the training of warehouse forklift drivers”.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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