Training > Training periods 

Use this function to create a training period catalog in a generic way containing the organization parameters, classification parameters and standard costs. These parameters are reused by default when you open a session.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

10-character code identifying a training period.


  • Description (field DES)

Description used by default in reports and screens (if there is enough space).
If you have limited space, you can use the short title if there is one.

  • Short description (field SHO)

Short description.
Description on 10 alphanumeric characters.

  • Dummy (field FICTI)




Tab Training period


Use this tab to specify the organizer of the training period (internal or external trainer).

You can define a training course provided by an internal trainer, that is to say an employee of the company, or by an external trainer.

The time and place of the training period will be used to issue the notification letters.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Validity from (field STRVLY)

If the period of validity for the training period is specified, creating a session outside of this period is prohibited.

  • Validity to (field ENDVLY)


  • Internal training period (field FRTINT)

This field indicates that the training period will be facilitated by an internal trainer, even if their name is not known yet.

  • A training period is of internal type when it is designed and organized by the company: the sessions are facilitated by an internal trainer, the material used is the one of the company, and so on.
  • The training period is external when its implementation is entrusted to a training organization through an agreement. 

Checking the 'Internal training period' box automatically triggers the calculations of the salary costs for internal trainers.

Code of the external organization in charge of the training.

The training organization entered must be active. Click the Selection icon to open the list of active organizations.

  • External reference (field REF)

Reference of the training period in the catalog of the training organization (external organization).

  • External trainer (field TCHNAM)

Name of the external trainer.

ID of the internal trainer. The trainer entered is declared in the list of the internal trainers and must be active.

To select the ID of the internal trainer, click the Selection icon.

The Selection iconin the Selection by domain field can be accessed only if the domain entered in the Content tab is specified. Only trainers who have the domain in their list of specialties are suggested in the selection list. The level of the trainer in the domain is also visible.

The Selection iconin the Selection by theme field can be accessed only if the domain entered in the Content tab is specified. Only trainers who have the theme in their list of specialties are suggested in the selection list. The level of the trainer for the theme is also visible.

  • Name (field NAM)


  • First name (field SRN)


  • Contract (field CTRNUM)

Contract of the internal trainer.

Time and place

  • Start time (field STRTIMSTG)

Hours of the training period. This field is useful when the training period is of 'Short-term' type. This field corresponds to the start time of the training days.

It is recommended to enter this field when the information is known, so that the session calendars are pre-initialized.

  • End time (field ENDTIMSTG)

Hours of the training period. This field is useful when the training period is of 'Short-term' type. This field corresponds to the end time of the training days.

It is recommended to enter this field when the information is known, so that the session calendars are pre-initialized.

Code used to identify the country of a BP, and so on. This code is controlled in the country table.
The country is an important information which entails a certain number of controls and automatisms.

  • Country (field CRYNAM)

Name of the country used in addresses and in all documents where the country code is specified.

  • field ADD

Specify the address of the location where the training takes place.

  • field CLCADD


  • Postal code (field POSCOD)

Postal code where the entry format is defined in the Country table.

The postal code is used to determine the city/town. When the postal code is changed, the city/town corresponding to the new code is automatically displayed.

Particular cases:

  • for ANDORRA, indicate 99130 
  • for MONACO, indicate 99138 
  • for the other overseas countries, indicate the INSEE code of the country or 99999 if not known.

  • City (field CTY)

Enter the city/town name.
The city which is automatically suggested is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated.

You can also manually enter the name of a town/city:

  • If the town/city is already defined: the associated postal code is automatically displayed.
  • If it does not exist, a warning message will appear and proceeding with the entry is authorized.
  • Comments

    • Comments (field CMT)

    Free comment field associated with the current object.



    Tab Content


    Use this tab to enter the information characterizing the training period (content of the training period and targeted employees).

    The legal and fiscal criteria are defined:

    It is recommended to enter these characteristics as default values, as it allows the data to be initialized in the sessions, registrations and costs. However, you can modify these values at every level.

    There is no choice limitation at training period level. The principle is as follows:

    • The sessions of the same training period can have several fiscal natures.
    • The sessions of the same training period and the employees of the same session can be assigned to several systems (Plan, CIF).
    • The sessions of the same training period and the employees of the same session can correspond to several action categories.
    • The sessions of the same training period can be completed during and outside of working hours.

    The registration of an employee who does not belong to the population targeted by the training period is not blocking (only a warning message is displayed).

    Target block

    This block can be used to enter the categories of employees for whom the training period is intended. A non-blocking warning message is displayed during the registration if there is a variance between the employee and the target parameters.



    The following fields are present on this tab :


    Domain of the training period (selected in the customized list of training domains).

    Main theme of the training period (selected in the personalized list of the training themes).

    In this version, there is no link between the themes and the domains. There is no consistency control between them.

    • Teaching summary (field RESPED)


    • Teaching content (field CNTPED)



    Use this field to specify the default fiscal nature defined by the training period.

    Use this field to specify the default action category covered by the training period.

    Use this field to specify the system used by default for the training period:

    • CIF (Individual training leave),
    • training plan,
    • professionalization contract,
    • other.
    • Outside of plan (field FLGPLF)

    Use this field to indicate that a training period is outside of the training plan. The sessions of the training period inherit this information, but this information can be modified by exception.

    When creating a training plan, the training requests for training periods or sessions outside of the plan are not taken into account.


    • Category 2483 (field CATTRG)

    Use this field to specify a socio-professional category as per the 2483 declaration.

    • Multiple selection (field LIBCAT)

    To select several values, click the Actions icon, and then click Multiple values: you can enter a criterion or a range of criteria, or both.

    The Category, Company, Site, Target job type, Position, Population and Authorization fields are multiple-valued fields. The field becomes green when it contains a multiple selection. If the field does not have a multiple value, you can click the Selection icon. Otherwise, modify the selection by clicking Multiple values.

    • Company (field CPYTRG)

    The Category, Company, Site, Target job type, Position, Population and Authorization fields are multiple-valued fields. The field becomes green when it contains a multiple selection. If the field does not have a multiple value, you can click the Selection icon.Otherwise, modify the selection by clicking Multiple values.

    • Multiple selection (field LIBCPY)


    • Site (field FCYTRG)

    The Category, Company, Site, Target job type, Position, Population and Authorization fields are multiple-valued fields. The field becomes green when it contains a multiple selection. If the field does not have a multiple value, you can click the Selection icon.Otherwise, modify the selection by clicking Multiple values.

    • Multiple selection (field LIBFCY)


    • Target job type (field JOTTRG)

    The Category, Company, Site, Target job type, Position, Population and Authorization fields are multiple-valued fields. The field becomes green when it contains a multiple selection. If the field does not have a multiple value, you can click the Selection icon.Otherwise, modify the selection by clicking Multiple values.

    • Multiple selection (field LIBJOT)


    • Position (field POTTRG)

    The Category, Company, Site, Target job type, Position, Population and Authorization fields are multiple-valued fields. The field becomes green when it contains a multiple selection. If the field does not have a multiple value, you can click the Selection icon.Otherwise, modify the selection by clicking Multiple values.

    • Multiple selection (field LIBPOT)


    • Population (field POPTRG)

    The Category, Company, Site, Target job type, Position, Population and Authorization fields are multiple-valued fields. The field becomes green when it contains a multiple selection. If the field does not have a multiple value, you can click the Selection icon.Otherwise, modify the selection by clicking Multiple values.

    • Multiple selection (field LIBPOP)


    • Authorization (field HABTRG)

    The Category, Company, Site, Target job type, Position, Population and Authorization fields are multiple-valued fields. The field becomes green when it contains a multiple selection.
    If the field does not have a multiple value, you can click the Selection icon.Otherwise, modify the selection by clicking Multiple values.

    Moreover, at the end of the training course, the authorizations defined as targeted in the training period can be updated in the records of the employees registered for the sessions.

    • Multiple selection (field LIBHAB)


    • DIF (field DIFTRG)

    The name of this check box is the three-character code populated in the SUS - Specific catalog parameter (chapter FRT, group MIS).

    If this check box is selected, the training period is suggested as a specific training in the training period catalog: in the portal, those training periods are indicated with a tack-shaped icon.

    • Other selection (field TRG)

    Use this field to personalize criteria via formulas.

    Grid Training purpose

    • Training purpose (field TNGPSE)


    Skills info



    • Intervention type (field INNTYP)


    • Pivotal programme (field PRGDES)


    • Delivery mechanism (field DLVMEC)




    Tab Skills


    Use this tab to specify the prerequisites of the training period. The prerequisites can be:

    • Training periods (for example, a level-1 training period must have been completed before attending the level-2 training period)
    • Required skills.

    In addition, the training period can be characterized by one or more objectives:

    • Qualification or degree
    • Induced skill(s).

    The (induced) objective skills are reused by default in the Skills tab of the Registration function. The validation of these skills via the Skill validation function updates the acquired skills (Skills tab) in the Careers function.




    The following fields are present on this tab :


    Grid Training periods

    Specify the prerequisites that are necessary to attend the training period. Those prerequisites can be the attendance to other training periods, or skills previously acquired, or both.

    Grid Requested skills

    Specify the prerequisites that are necessary to attend the training period. Those prerequisites can be the attendance to other training periods, or skills previously acquired, or both.

    • Levels (field LEVNEC)




    • Degree (field EXMAFT)

    Specify the skills and/or the degree induced by the attendance to this training period.


    Grid Expected skills

    Specify the skills and/or the degree induced by the attendance to this training period.

    • Levels (field LEVAFT)

    Level of the skills acquired after completing the training period.



    Tab Organization


    This tab contains:

    • The characteristics of the training period (training period type, number of training hours, number of participants)
    • The provisional costs of the training period.

    The chargeable accommodation costs are calculated automatically based on the guaranteed minimum level. This guaranteed minimum level is defined by the CODMG - Guaranteed minimum general parameter (FRT chapter, MIS group). The management rule is as follows: 5 * guaranteed minimum level * duration in number of days.

    The total amount corresponds to the cost considered globally.
    The chargeable amount corresponds to the part of the cost to be charged against the legal declaration.




    The following fields are present on this tab :


    • Type (field TYPSTG)

    Use this field to specify whether the training is of 'Short-term training period' type or 'Other training period' type.

    • The 'Short-term training period' is a training period with a session that takes place according to a defined calendar. This calendar can be a sequence of days associated with a number of hours.
    • The 'Other training period' is a training period with a session corresponding to a volume of hours allocated on a period. The days are not defined in advance (for example, 20 hours of language practice by telephone).

    The default value of the field being created is 'Short-term training period'.

    • Number of days (field NBRDAY)

    Duration of the training period in number of days.

    • Number of hours (field NBRHOUIPT)

    Duration of the training period in number of hours.


    • Minimum number (field NBRPRTMIN)

    Use this field to specify the minimum number of participants for the training period. Below this number, the session is canceled.

    • Maximum number (field NBRPRTMAX)

    Use this field to specify the maximum number of participants for the training period. This number can be different from the standard number. A control is performed on this number during the registration for the sessions.

    • Standard number (field NBRPRTSTD)

    Use this field to specify the standard number of participants for the training period. This number is taken into account in the calculation of provisional costs to bring the collective costs back to participant costs.

    Grid Other resources

    Use this field to specify the resources required for the training period. The list of resources can be personalized (miscellaneous table 455).

    Provisional costs of training period (*)

    Use this field to select a training cost distribution code. Any costs entered in the table that match the cost type, funding type and primary funding organization of a distributionrule are split. A second line will be added automatically to the table for the secondary funding organization and the amount entered split between the two organizations as specified by the rule. The rule is applied to both individual and collective (group) costs.

    If you need to make any amendments you can only change the first (entered) line, the second (created) line cannot be amended. If you need to amend the amount enter the correct total amount, not the contribution from the primary funding organization, the system will recalculate all values.

    If you delete either the first (entered) line or the second (created) line, the other line will be deleted automatically.

    If you remove the training cost distribution code afterit has been used to create lines and split costs in the table, you will be advised that the associated lines will be deleted and asked if you want to continue.

    If you enter a cost that does not match the cost type, funding type and primary funding organization of a distribution rule then no rule is applied and a second line is not created.

    Grid Provisional costs of training period (*)

    Use this field to specify the nature of the provisional costs generated by the training period.
    It is possible to add other cost natures or to delete them. The provisional costs that are displayed or entered do not include the salary costs of the participants and internal trainer.

    The chargeable accommodation costs are calculated automatically in accordance with the guaranteed minimum. This minimum is defined in the general parameter MG. The management rule is as follows: 5 * guaranteed minimum * duration in number of days.

    The total amount corresponds to the cost considered globally.
    The chargeable amount corresponds to the part of the cost to be charged against the legal declaration.

    The cost natures related to the employee and employer contributions are not authorized.

    The individual amount corresponds to the cost for a participant, whereas the collective amount corresponds to the cost of all participants.

    The cost natures linked to the employee and employer contributions of the participants are not authorized at this level as the system only manages the generic costs of the training period.

    The funding type is defined for each cost nature.

    The funding organization is defined for each cost nature.

    • Control (field CSTTOTCLL)

    A cost is considered collective when there is a fixed total amount for the session. This provisional collective cost is divided by the standard number of participants in the session in order to value the individual provisional cost.
    A provisional cost is individual when a fixed cost is charged for each participant, regardless of their number.

    The individual amount corresponds to the cost for a participant, whereas the collective amount corresponds to the cost of all participants.

    The collective cost is not authorized if an individual cost has been entered.

    • Individual (field CSTTOTIDV)

    A provisional cost is individual when a fixed cost is charged for each participant, regardless of their number.
    If a collective cost has been entered, the individual cost is calculated (collective cost / number of standard participants) and can not longer be modified.

    • Collective chargeable (field CSTIPTCLL)

    It is possible to add other cost natures or to delete them. The provisional costs that are displayed or entered do not include the salary costs of the participants and internal trainer.

    The chargeable accommodation costs are calculated automatically in accordance with the guaranteed minimum. This minimum is defined in the MG general parameter. Management rule: 5 * guaranteed minimum * duration in number of days.

    The total amount corresponds to the global cost, whereas the chargeable amount corresponds to the part of the cost to be charged on the legal declaration.

    The chargeable collective cost is prohibited if a chargeable individual cost has been entered.

    The chargeable collective cost is initialized by the default collective cost.

    The chargeable collective cost cannot be greater than the collective cost.

    • Individual chargeable (field CSTIPTIDV)

    If a chargeable collective cost has been entered, the chargeable individual cost is calculated (chargeable collective cost / number of standard participants) and cannot be modified.

    If the cost type can be calculated for the internal trainers and if an internal trainer has been entered, the chargeable individual cost is calculated (hourly rate * number of chargeable hours).

    If the cost type is HEB (accommodation), the cost is valued based on the guaranteed minimum (defined in the CODMG - Guaranteed minimum parameter, FRT parameter, MIS group): 5*guaranteed minimum*number of days. If the result obtained is greater than the individual cost, the individual cost is taken into account. Otherwise, the obtained result is taken into account.

    The chargeable individual cost is initialized by the default individual cost.

    The chargeable individual cost cannot be greater than the individual cost.

    If the cost type is HEB (accommodation), the individual chargeable cost cannot be greater than the guaranteed minimum (5*guaranteed minimum*number of days).

    Summary individual costs (*)

    • Total (field CSTMOYTOT)

    The total of the costs (salary costs excluded) is displayed and proportional to the standard number of participants for the session.

    • Chargeable (field CSTMOYIPT)

    The total chargeable costs in accordance with the legal declaration (salary costs excluded) is displayed and proportional to the standard number of participants for the session.

    • field WFILLER


    Summary of costs by session (*)

    • Total (field CSTMOYTOT2)

    Total of the costs for the session (salary costs excluded).

    • Chargeable (field CSTMOYIPT2)

    Total of the session chargeable costs (salary costs excluded).

    • field WTEXT




    Action icon





    Tab Sessions


    This tab contains all the upcoming sessions of the training period. Only the upcoming sessions with respect to the current date are visible on this screen. You can create new sessions from this screen.




    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Grid Sessions to come

    • Start date (field STRDAT)

    Specify the dates, hours and rest break (in number of hours) of the session. The calendar of the session is initialized when those fields are entered.

    • End date (field ENDDAT)


    • Start time (field STRTIM)


    • End time (field ENDTIM)


    • Rest break (field NBRHOUBRK)



    The code of the session is displayed. This field is not available for entry.

    • Description (field DESSES)

    The title of the session is displayed. This field is not available for entry.



    Action icon


    To directly access the sessions already created, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Sessions.




    Tab Portal


    The following fields are present on this tab :

    Display portal

    • Display portal (field AUZPRH)



    • Beneficiary (field FORWHO)



    • Objectives (field OBJS)





    By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

     FICSTG : Training period form

     LISTSTG : List of training periods

    This can be changed using a different setup.

    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    Incorrect time

    The end time is earlier than the start time.

    Date outside of the session period

    When you modify the validity dates of the training period, the system performs a control to check that the dates of the sessions are included in the new period of validity of the training period.

    Incorrect value

    The prerequested training period cannot be the training period being entered.

    Prerequested training period invalid

    In its record, the prerequested training period mentions the current training period as a prerequested training period. If TRAINING1 is a prerequested training period for TRAINING2, TRAINING2 cannot be a prerequested training period for TRAINING1.

    Number of attendees invalid

    The minimum number of attendees entered is larger than the maximum number of attendees.

    Date outside of the validity period of the training period

    The session must take place within the validity period of the training period.

    Date outside of a calendar year

    The start and end dates of the session must be within the same calendar year.

    Rest duration longer than or equal to session duration

    The rest duration cannot be longer than the session duration.

    Tables used

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