Stock > Quality control > Lot modifications > Renumbering/mix 


The Renumbering / Mix function is used to:

either assign a new lot/sub-lot code to all or part on an existing lot / sub-lot: this is renumbering, which can be total or partial.

* or to mix all or part of an existing lot/sub-lot with another existing lot: this is the mix function, which can be total or partial.

This function is based on the Lot modification transaction that is used to determine the functionality/functionalities to be covered (renumbering and/or mix) and to specify certain presentation elements.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen



The entry of a Renumbering/Mix note is made on a single screen. The presentation of the renumbering/mix note depends on the transaction chosen.

If a single transaction is parameterised, no choice is proposed on entry into the function. Conversely, a window opens to present the list of transactions that can be used (the choice can also be restricted using access codes), where more than one transaction has been parameterised.

Header information

According to the parameterisation of the transaction it is possible to link the Renumbering/Mix note with a movement group code, a project code and a description.

Movement group : This is statistical information that will be recorded in the stock journal at the moment of saving the transaction. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table N°9. The value given in the transaction parameterisation corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualised and/or modified according to the transaction parameterisation (entry field, display, invisible).  

Movement description : This is a free text that will be recorded in the stock journal when saving the transaction.

Selection of the lot to be processed: Origin section

The Renumbering/Mix function is used to work on a single lot/sub-lot at a time. Therefore it is necessary to select a product (only products that are lot managed are presented in the selection), then a lot and a sub-lot, if the management of sub-lots is foreseen for the product.

It is not possible to select a lot that is the object of an analysis request that is not completely validated, nor a lot that is the object of a detailed allocation.

There is a right button Selection on the lot field that is used to select at the same time the lot and sub-lot required.

Selection of the lot to be processed: Target section:

It is necessary to specify here the resulting lot/sub-lot.

* If the chosen transaction only allows the Renumbering functionality: it is necessary to describe only new lot code as the target lot/sub-lot. According to the transaction parameterisation, this code can be entered or calculated by the system. In this case the lot sequence number counter is used automatically.

A right button Selection on the lot field is used to select an existing lot: in this case it is mandatory to indicate a new sub-lot code.

A right button Next lot sequence number on the lot field is used to manually assign a lot code based on the lot sequence number counter assigned in the product record.

* If the chosen transaction only allows the Mixing functionality: the target lot and sub-lot fields must be entered; the target lot/sub-lot code selected must exist in the database.

A right button Selection on the lot field is used to select an existing lot.

* If the chosen transaction allows both Renumbering and Mix functionality: the target lot and sub-lot fields must be entered. The system will carryout the renumbering or mixing according to whether the specified lot/sub-lot code exists or is new to the database.

In all cases, the functionality used appears inlaid on the right of the target sub-lot field.

Note: the parameterisation of the transaction makes it possible to filter the source and target lots in which it is possible to intervene as a function of their status.

The stock lines

Once the target lot/sub-lot code is assigned, it is necessary to specify the stock lines in the source lot that should be processed. These stock lines fill the Stock Lines grid.

If the source lot only has one stock line, the system automatically loads this line into the grid.

If the source lot is composed of several stock lines, the systems asks the user whether they want to carry out a complete or partial renumbering or mixing (according to the functionality retained).

If a complete renumbering or mixing is required, the system loads all the stock lines for the source lot/sub-lot in the grid.

If a partial renumbering or mixing is required, the user must select the stock lines to be processed by picking from the Stock Selection left list.

It is possible to filter these lines in order to limit the number in the left list by specifying additional filters in the dedicated window activated by the button .

The selection is made by picking the lines presented in this way either one by one or as a group of lines. The selection of a group of lines is made by picking the first line to be selected and the last amongst the lines shown in the left list whilst holding the Shift key down: all the lines between these two lines are thus selected. To select several stock line groups it is necessary to use the Control and Shift keys on the keyboard.

The lines loaded in this way in the Stock lines grid can still be modified: it is possible to modify the quantity to be processed, the number and format of labels if the printing of labels is planned in the transaction parameterisation. Also specified are the stock lines from the original lot that must be renumbered or mixed with the target lot.

The use of the button to generate the renumbering or mix note (Lot modification type note) and the movements in the stock journal for all the stock lines modified. If a single stock line is only partially renumbered or mix, the line is found to be split.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1


  • Entry (field VCRNUM)


  • field VCRDES


  • Allocation date (field IPTDAT)

Date utilisée à la comptabilisation du mouvement. Elle est initialisée avec la date du jour et peut être changée pour une date antérieure, si la date sélectionnée se situe dans une période ouverte du calendrier comptable.

SEEINFOVous ne pouvez pas saisir une date supérieure à la date du jour.



  • Movement description (field MVTDES)



This field specifies the reference of the product to to process.

  • field WFEALOTLEV


  • Lot (field LOT)

This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement.

  • Sublot (field SLO)

Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction.

  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)



  • Lot (field LOTDES)

Recipient lot number.

  • Sublot (field SLODES)

Destination sub-lot number.

  • field MODMESS


Grid Stock lines

  • Status (field STA)


  • Locn. type (field LOCTYP)


  • Location (field LOC)



  • Quantity (field QTYPCU)

This field indicates the quantity to be processed expressed in PAC.

SEEINFO This quantity can be partially changed.

  • PAC-STK factor (field PCUSTUCOE)


This field indicates the quantity to process, expressed in STK.
SEEINFO This quantity can be partially changed.

  • STK quantity (field QTYSTU)


  • Serial number (field SERNUM)


  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)


  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)


  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


  • Number of labels (field LBENBR)

Enter the number of labels to be printed.

The stock labels can be printed at the time of movement entry or with the production folder. The label format can be set up an can vary according to the packing unit defined.
SEEINFO  A label format is also associated with a stock unit.



Action icon

Standard rerouting action
Relevant serial no.




Menu Bar

This button activates a screen where it is possible to assign several criteria that are used to limit the stock lines that will be proposed in the left list for the selection of stock lines in the original lot to be processed.

This button is used to access the enquiry for the stock movements generated at the creation of the renumbering/mix note.

Menu Bar

Option / Transaction

This button makes it possible to view the parameterisation of the Lot Modification transaction used.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation