The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :
These codes are never entered in folder management, because their value is calculated :
LABD (Number of labor groups), MACD (Number of machine groups), MATD (Number of material groups), SLO (Management by sub-lots).
ECC : Product version management
EMP : Location management
LOT : Lot management
LPN : Internal container management
PAL : Stock identifiers
SER : Serial number management
SFD : Stock custom fields
SPD : Stock cost breakdown
VLT : Double valuation
WRH : Warehouse management
ANA : No. of analytical dimensions
SOW : No. stock issue lines / entry
The sequence numbers used to number the documents managed by this function are :
MLO : lot modification
The sequence number assignment function defines the sequence number which is used
This function is object managed. The creation, modification, anddeletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user.Filters by rolescan also be associated with this function.
As data is linked to a site, a filter per site can be activated.
The following miscellaneous tables are used by the function. They must be populated if necessary :
Miscellaneous table number 9 : Stock movement groups
The following tables are implemented by the function :
Table | Table description |
ITMMVT [ITV] | Product-site totals |
SLOTMD [SLD] | Lot modification line |
SLOTMH [SLH] | Lot modification header |
STOCK [STO] | Stock |
STOJOU [STJ] | Stock journal |
STOLOC [STC] | Locations |
STOLOT [STL] | Lot numbers |
STOLOTFCY [SLF] | Lots - sites |
STOSER [STS] | Serial numbers |
TABSTORUL [SRU] | Stock management rules |