Stock > Quality control > Lot modifications > Characteristics change 

Use the function "Characteristics Change" to modify the title of a lot or sub-lot (if title management is available for the product) as well as the shelf life and expiry date (if expiry management is available) and possible user sections defined on the lot.

The "Lot characteristics change" screen is based on a Lot modification transaction that is notably used to specify what lot information can be modified.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1


  • Entry (field VCRNUM)


  • field VCRDES


  • Allocation date (field IPTDAT)




  • Movement description (field MVTDES)




  • field WFEALOTLEV


  • Lot (field LOT)


  • Sublot (field SLO)




Entry screen


A screen is dedicated to the entry of a change slip for lot characteristics. The presentation of the issue note depends on the transaction chosen.

If a single transaction is set up, no choice is offered upon entering the function. Otherwise, a window opens to present the list of transactions likely to be used (the choice can also be restricted using access codes).

Header information

According to the chosen transaction setup, change slips for lot characteristics can be linked to a movement group code, a project code and a movement description.

Movement group: this is a statistical information that will be recorded in the stock journal at the moment of saving the transaction. This movement group is taken from miscellaneous table no. 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entry field, displayed, hidden).  

Movement description: This is a free text that will be recorded in the stock journal when saving the transaction.

Selecting the lot to process

The lot Characteristics Change function processes one lot or sub-lot at a time. You need to select a product (only products managed by lot can be selected) and then a lot or sub-lot, if sub-lot management is available for the given product.

Selecting a lot subject to a pending validation analysis is not possible and selecting a lot subject to a detailed allocation either.

Lots present in several sites cannot be modified with this function. To modify them, use the function "Lot mass change".

Use the right-button Selection in the lot field to select the required lot or sub-lot.

Changing the selected lot characteristics

Once the lot or sub-lot to process is selected, the values on title information, expiry, and user sections before modification are displayed in the Before left block. These fields cannot be entered.

The After block displays the same fields but they can be entered depending on whether title and/or expiry management is allowed. Any required modification should be entered here.

The transaction setup can also limit the access to lot fields to be modified.

By activating the [Create] button, a slip specific to lot modification and two stock movements can be generated in the stocks journal: an "issue" type movement followed by a "receipt" type movement having the set of modified characteristics of the lot/sub-lot.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJO)


  • Status (field ECCSTAOLD)


  • Minor version (field ECCVALMINO)


  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOTOLD)


  • Potency (field POTOLD)

Lot title.

  • Expiration reference (field XREFPEROLD)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
SEEREFERTTO  This field can be accessed in the Expiry management mode of the product.
This is the reference date (in general, the stock receipt date) used to determine the expiry date with respect to the lead time.

  • Shelf life (field SHLOLD)

This field is not available if the expiration Management field (EXYMGTCOD) is set to No management.

Enter the expiration lead time for this product in days or months. This value is used in the calculation of the expiration date and use-by date (UBD) of a lot upon stock receipt.

  • field SHLUOMOLD

Scroll-down list used to determine the time unit (day or month) associated with the previous field.

  • Expiration date (field XSHLDATOLD)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
SEEREFERTTO  This field can be accessed in the Expiry management mode of the product.
The expiry date, defined based on the reference date and shelf life, is displayed.

The expiry date is associated with a lot in stock. It indicates a use-by date for the stock of a product and is controlled in the issue movements:

  • Blocking the consumption of expired stocks (according to the setup of the stock transaction)
  • Respect the "FEFO" order for the issue of lots.

The lots for products not concerned by expiry dates, have an expiry date forced to December 31st, 2999.

  • UBD coefficient (field DLUOLD)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
SEEREFERTTO  This field can be accessed in the Expirymanagement mode of the product.
The UBD coefficient is used to calculate, in calendar days, the use-by date lead time of the product, based on the shelf life.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

SEEWARNING  The value of the coefficient must be between 0.1 and 1: the UBD cannot exceed the expiry date.

This UBD lead time is used to determine the use-by date of the product, based on the reference expiry date.
UBD Date = Reference expiry date + UBD lead time.

  • UBD lead time (field DLULTIOLD)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the use-by lead time calculated based on the UBD coefficient.
This lead time is expressed in calendar days.

  • field DLULTIUOMO

This field cannot be entered. The UBD lead time is always expressed in calendar days.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

  • Use-by date (field XDLUDATOLD)

The use-by date (UBD) is the target date for issuing a product.
It cannot be modified. 
UBD = Reference expiry date + UBD lead time.

  • Recontrol lead time (field SHLLTIOLD)

Type in the lead time of the new control to be used upon stock receipt. This value will be used to calculate the new control date based on the reference date. It is entered in days or months.

SEEWARNING The new control date cannot extended beyond the limit date of lot use.

  • field SHLLTIUOMO

Scroll-down list used to determine the time unit (day or month) associated with the previous field.

  • Recontrol date (field XNEWLTIDAT)


  • field USRFLD1OLD



  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)


  • Status (field ECCSTA)


  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)


  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOT)


  • Potency (field POT)

Lot title.

  • Expiration reference (field REFPER)

Enter the reference date used for calculating the expiration date of a lot in stock. This field displays today’s day by default. The availability of this field depends on the expiration management mode set on the product record.

  • Shelf life (field SHL)

This field is not available if the expiration Management field (EXYMGTCOD) is set to No management.

Enter the expiration lead time for this product in days or months. This value is used in the calculation of the expiration date and use-by date (UBD) of a lot upon stock receipt.

  • field SHLUOM

Scroll-down list used to determine the time unit (day or month) associated with the previous field.

  • Expiration date (field SHLDAT)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
SEEREFERTTO  This field can be accessed in the Expiry management mode of the product.
The expiry date, defined based on the reference date and shelf life, is displayed.

The expiry date is associated with a lot in stock. It indicates a use-by date for the stock of a product and is controlled in the issue movements:

  • Blocking the consumption of expired stocks (according to the setup of the stock transaction)
  • Respect the "FEFO" order for the issue of lots.

The lots for products not concerned by expiry dates, have an expiry date forced to December 31st, 2999.

  • UBD coefficient (field DLU)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
SEEREFERTTO  This field can be accessed in the Expirymanagement mode of the product.
The UBD coefficient is used to calculate, in calendar days, the use-by date lead time of the product, based on the shelf life.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

SEEWARNING  The value of the coefficient must be between 0.1 and 1: the UBD cannot exceed the expiry date.

This UBD lead time is used to determine the use-by date of the product, based on the reference expiry date.
UBD Date = Reference expiry date + UBD lead time.

  • UBD lead time (field DLULTI)

This field cannot be entered. It displays the use-by lead time calculated based on the UBD coefficient.
This lead time is expressed in calendar days.

  • field DLULTIUOM

This field cannot be entered. The UBD lead time is always expressed in calendar days.
UBD lead time = Shelf life x UBD coefficient.

  • Use-by date (field DLUDAT)

The use-by date (UBD) is the target date for issuing a product.
It cannot be modified. 
UBD = Reference expiry date + UBD lead time.

  • Recontrol lead time (field SHLLTI)

Type in the lead time of the new control to be used upon stock receipt. This value will be used to calculate the new control date based on the reference date. It is entered in days or months.

SEEWARNING The new control date cannot extended beyond the limit date of lot use.

  • field SHLLTIUOM

Scroll-down list used to determine the time unit (day or month) associated with the previous field.

  • Recontrol date (field NEWLTIDAT)

La date de recontrôle est associée à un lot en stock. Elle indique une date d'analyse de la marchandise, une fois le délai de péremption atteint.

SEEINFO Warning The new control date cannot go beyond the limit date of lot use.

  • field USRFLD1

Enter the value of the user field.



Menu Bar

Use this button to access the detailed stock inquiry for the product and lot being processed.

Menu Bar

Option / Transaction

Use this button to view the setup of the lot modification transaction used.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation