Stock > Counts > Stock count sessions 

Use this function to perform a stock count session:

  • select products and/or locations to be counted,
  • simultaneously generate multiple stock count lists for a given campaign, ensuring the division of tasks amongst the various warehousemen assigned to the counting process.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

A stock count session is comprised of 3 tabs:

  • the Parameters and Selections tabs are used to specify all the criteria used to select the stock lines to be counted for the stock count campaign in process,
  • the Lists tab gathers all stock count lists relating to the session. 



The header displays all the identification information of the stock count session such as the site and its status.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

  • Session (field CUNSSSNUM)

Stock count session number.

  • Description (field CUNSSSDES)

Reference used to identify the stock count session.

  • Status (field CUNSSSSTA)

This non-enterable field displays the session status:

  • In creation:
    the stock count lists for this session have not yet been generated.
  • To be counted:
    the lists have been generated, but they have not yet been subject to a count or have only been partially counted.
  • Closed:
    All the lists for the session have been closed (all the counts have been made and the stock count variance movements have been posted).



Tab Parameter Definitions


In this tab, enter the stock count terms:

  • by product or by location,
  • the basis on which the selection of products to be counted stock: manual selection, annual stock count or cycle count,
  • the sort criteria for lists,
  • the processing type: global or not global (based on a selection using other criteria than those of the products and entered in the Selections tab),
  • for products in a cycle count: the number of products in each class to be counted,
  • sizing information of the stock count lists. The work involved in a stock count session can be distributed in parallel to several count operators that will be trusted with one or more stock count lists. It is therefore necessary to specify to the system how to split the stock count lists for all the counts in a session. The sizing information giving the number of lines in a list, the number of products in a list or the number of locations in a list is used to do this.
  • choosing a multiple count, i.e. up to 3 counts for the same stock count list.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Stock count type

  • Stock count type (field CUNSSSTYP)

Specify if the stock count is carried out:

  • By Product. You can request:

    - A global processing (select the Global check box). Only the Product selection criteria are available.
    - A non global processing (do not select the Global check box). All selection criteria are available.

    When warehouses are managed, you can ask that the processing applies to Product-Warehouses, in both cases. In this case, selection criteria for warehouses are also available.
  • By Location. Only the selection criteria applying to locations are available to create the stock count lists.

Count mode

  • Processing selection (field CUNSSSMOD)

Specify on what basis the selection of the products to be counted is to be made:

  • Manual selection: the system selects the products to be counted based only on the selection criteria entered in the Selections tab. The ABCD class can be used as a simple filter.
  • Annual stock count: the system filters products having the Annual stock count as stock count mode, specified at the level of the product-site (or else product-warehouse).
    It can also take the filters entered in the Selections tab into account.
    The ABCD class can be used as a simple filter.
  • Cycle count: the system filters products having the Cycle count as stock count mode, specified at the level of the product-site (or else product-warehouse). This way, the products to be counted in stock are the ones with a date of last stock count + interval lead time inferior to the date of the stock count.
    It can also take the filters entered in the Selections tab into account.

Count sort

  • Count sort (field CUNSRTCOD)

Specify the major criteria to sort the generated stock count lists: product or location.

The location, depending on the transaction, may not be displayed on a stock count list, but the product is always displayed.


  • Global (field CUNLASFLG)

  • When the stock count is run by Product, this flag is automatically enabled but you can disable it.
    When this flag is checked, the stock count globally applies to all selected products: you cannot enter other selection criteria such as lots or locations. Only a selection of warehouses is authorized if the processing applies to Products - Warehouses.
    No global count can be performed for products which serial numbers are managed in Global receipt & issue when at least one desynchronized stock line exists; i.e. the quantity on this line is different from the number of recorded serial numbers. A message is displayed when launching the processing specifying the relevant stock sequence number and quantities. In this case, you have two options: perform a Resynchronization processing before launching a global processing again, or perform a non global stock count. The list will be created but the desynchronized stock lines will be ignored.
    If the stock line de-synchronization is carried out between the list generation and the stock count, the line is not automatically modified and no stock movement is generated

    The validation of a global stock count leads to the update of the Last global stock count and Last global list fields of the product-site record (or else of the product-warehouse record).
  • When the stock count is performed by Location, this flag is disabled and cannot be modified.

  • Products without stock (field CUNNULSTK)

Select this check box to show the products with a null stock.

  • Products-warehouses (field CUNITMWRH)

This check box is submitted to the WRH activity code.
Select this check box to perform a stock count of product-warehouses. You then have the option to select product-warehouses and warehouses.

Count worksheets

  • Maximum lines (field MAXLIG)

Maximum number of lines authorized by stock count list. This number is loaded by default with the value of the INV activity code. It can be modified but cannot be superior to INV.
In the next enterable field, it is possible to specify a maximum percentage for the filling of lists by the system in order to authorize the manual addition of stock count lines.

  • field MAXLIGCAL

This non-enterable field displays the maximum number of lines that can be loaded by the system. It is calculated by applying the entered limit percentage to the total number of lines authorized by stock count list.

  • % limit (field PRCLIG)

Enter the maximum percentage for filling stock count lists authorized by the system. The number of lines thus calculated is displayed in the previous field. The variance with the total number of authorized lines make it possible to deduce the number of lines that can be added manually to the list.
In this way, if the maximum number of lines per list is set to 150, with a filling % limit of 90%, the system distributes the lines to be counted of the session into lists with up to 135 lines. 25 lines per list that can be used to add new stock count lines (for example: products, lots, sub-lots, serial numbers that don't exist in the system, but later found during the physical stock count).

  • Number of products (field ITMNBR)

Field which can only be accessed if the stock count type is by Product. It is used to specify the maximum number of products per stock count list. By default, it is set to the maximum value: 9999.

  • Multilists (field MULLISFLG)

Check this check box to copy a product to be counted in the stock onto multiple lists. This is used for stock counts by location for instance.

  • Location position (field LOCPOS)

Indicate in the location code, the position of the character on which a shortage is generated in the stock count lists.
Therefore, a location position equal to 3 means that all locations having a code with the first 3 characters identical are in the same list.
SEEINFOThis field can only be accessed if the stock count type is by Location. All the lines for a single product are necessarily grouped in the same list.

  • Multiple counts (field MULCTGFLG)

Select this flag if you want the stock count lists to be subject to a multiple count (up to 3 counts by 3 distinct Count managers).
For further information on multiple counts, see the Stock count documentation.


  • Count date (field CUNSSSDAT)

This date, which cannot be modified, is set to the value of the creation date of the session and stock count lists.
The allocation dates of the stock movements/variances reported during the validation of lists are set to the date of the stock count session.

Class ABCD

  • field ABCCLSA

Check this box to process the A, B, C, D class.

  • A counts (field CUNNBRA)

For products in cycling count, a number of counts (number of products of each class to be counted in stock) is suggested based on:

  • the number of counts that has already been made,
  • the number of annual counts planned (defined in the Stock parameters, Stock count parameters tab),
  • and the stock count date.

It is necessary to either confirm this number or enter another value.
After generation of the stock count lists, the system updates the number of counts eventually selected taking into account the count number requested for each class and any product filters added.

  • A selections (field CPLCUNNBRA)

Non-modifiable field displaying the number of products selected for the class.

  • field ABCCLSB

Check this box to process the A, B, C, D class.

  • B counts (field CUNNBRB)

For products in cycling count, a number of counts (number of products of each class to be counted in stock) is suggested based on:

  • the number of counts that has already been made,
  • the number of annual counts planned (defined in the Stock parameters, Stock count parameters tab),
  • and the stock count date.

It is necessary to either confirm this number or enter another value.
After generation of the stock count lists, the system updates the number of counts eventually selected taking into account the count number requested for each class and any product filters added.

  • B selections (field CPLCUNNBRB)

Non-modifiable field displaying the number of products selected for the class.

  • field ABCCLSC

Check this box to process the A, B, C, D class.

  • C counts (field CUNNBRC)

For products in cycling count, a number of counts (number of products of each class to be counted in stock) is suggested based on:

  • the number of counts that has already been made,
  • the number of annual counts planned (defined in the Stock parameters, Stock count parameters tab),
  • and the stock count date.

It is necessary to either confirm this number or enter another value.
After generation of the stock count lists, the system updates the number of counts eventually selected taking into account the count number requested for each class and any product filters added.

  • C selections (field CPLCUNNBRC)

Non-modifiable field displaying the number of products selected for the class.

  • field ABCCLSD

Check this box to process the A, B, C, D class.

  • D counts (field CUNNBRD)

For products in cycling count, a number of counts (number of products of each class to be counted in stock) is suggested based on:

  • the number of counts that has already been made,
  • the number of annual counts planned (defined in the Stock parameters, Stock count parameters tab),
  • and the stock count date.

It is necessary to either confirm this number or enter another value.
After generation of the stock count lists, the system updates the number of counts eventually selected taking into account the count number requested for each class and any product filters added.

  • D selections (field CPLCUNNBRD)

Non-modifiable field displaying the number of products selected for the class.



Action icon

Stock transactions




Tab Selections


In this tab, enter all the selection criteria applied to the products to be counted for the session.

You can:

  • filter products:
    • by product range (you can only enter the first characters of a product code),
    • by lot range,
    • by product category range,
    • by buyer range,
    • by statistical group,

  • specify a formula to filter the selection at the level of:
    • the product,
    • totals,
    • stocks,
    • locations,
    • warehouses if the processing applies to product-warehouses.
  • filter by location types, location and by business partner, in the case where the stock count is for stock assigned to the business partners (loaned stock or sub-contractor stock). BP stock counts (sub-contractor or customer types) are performed using unchecked Products-warehouses sessions.

If the stock count is of the Product type, you can select:

  • the elements of the Products section, of the Statistical groups and the Locations section if Global is not checked,
  • the product range if Global is checked.
  • the elements of the Warehouses block is Products-warehouses is checked.

If the stock count is of the Location type, you can select a formula as well as the Locations section elements.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Start - end range

The selection of the stock to be counted is carried out by entering a formula in fields Product formulaProduct total formulaStock formula, Location formula or Warehouse formula depending on the requirement.

Enter, select or build an Enterprise Management filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.


  • From product (field ITMREFSTR)

Enter this field to select a product or a range of products. Specify the reference of the product corresponding to the selection start range.

  • To product (field ITMREFEND)

The end product allowing the selection of the records to be processed.

  • field ITMSTA006

Tick if the "Non-usable products must be selected.

Enter the first category used to select the records to process.

Enter the last category used to select the records to process.

Filter for results within a range of buyers. For a single buyer, enter the same code in the Start/from buyer and To/end buyer fields.

These fields are not available for entry when the Accounting date check box is selected, and the Costing mode is set to Primary issue method or Secondary issue method.

Enter the ending buyer to select entries to be processed.

This option is not available when the Accounting date check box is selected and the Costing mode is Primary issue method or Secondary issue method.

Filter for results within a range of statistical groups. For a single statistical group, enter the same group code in the Start/from group n and To/end group n (where n is a number) fields.

These fields are not available for entry when the Accounting date check box is selected, and the Costing mode is set to Primary issue method or Secondary issue method.

Enter the last statistical group used to select the records to process.

This option is not available when the Accounting date check box is selected and the Costing mode is Primary issue method or Secondary issue method.


The selection of the stock to be counted is carried out by entering a formula in fields Product formulaProduct total formulaStock formula, Location formula or Warehouse formula depending on the requirement.

Enter, select or build an Enterprise Management filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.

  • From lot (field LOTSTR)

The start lot used in the selection of the entries to be processed.

  • To lot (field LOTEND)

The end lot allowing the selection of the entries to be processed.


The selection of the stock to be counted is carried out by entering a formula in fields Product formulaProduct total formulaStock formula, Location formula or Warehouse formula depending on the requirement.

Enter, select or build an Enterprise Management filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.

  • From location type (field LOCTYPSTR)

Type emplacement début permettant de sélectionner les enregistrements à traiter.

  • To location type (field LOCTYPEND)

Type emplacement fin permettant de sélectionner les enregistrements à traiter.

  • From location (field LOCSTR)

Enter from location used to select recordings to be processed.

  • To location (field LOCEND)

Enter to location used to select recordings to be processed.

Business partners for the records to be processed.

The end BP allowing the selection of the records to be processed.


The selection of the stock to be counted is carried out by entering a formula in fields Product formulaProduct total formulaStock formula, Location formula or Warehouse formula depending on the requirement.

Enter, select or build an Enterprise Management filter calculation expression using the formula editor.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.

  • From warehouse (field WRHSTR)

The presence of this field is subject to the WRH activity code.
This is the start warehouse used to select the records to be processed.

  • To warehouse (field WRHEND)

The presence of this field is subject to the WRH activity code.
This concerns the end warehouse used to select the records to be processed.


Tab Mailing list


Once the session has been defined by the entries on the Parameters and Selections tabs, you can:

  • immediately create the session,
  • or simulate the session by clicking Simulation and so calculate and display:
    • the number of lists and stock count lines by list to be generated,
    • the number of products that will be counted,
    • the number of stock lines affected by the session.
      Based on the results of this simulation, you can modify the filters defined for the session in order to adjust the products to be counted.

When the session filters are defined, click Generation to generate the stock count list(s) for the session in process. These lists are then displayed in the grid of the Lists tab of the session.

Once these lists have been generated, you are no longer authorized to apply modifications to the session filters: all the actions at the bottom of the screen are disabled (apart from Delete and End).
However, you can delete all of the generated lists (as long as they are not in the process of being counted): click Delete lists. The selection criteria then become active again.

For each list, you need to specify: the number of lines in the lists, the status of the list (to be counted, canceled, partially posted, posted, closed) and the blocking status on the stock to be counted in each list.

Note on the status of the stock blocking: once a list is generated, the stock to be counted for this list is blocked, that is to say it is no longer possible to make any stock movements for the products concerned. The stock is released either after validating the count of a list (partial validation of a list is possible), or by a voluntary releasing action on the stock (click Release in the Actions menu of stock count lists): this voluntary action may be performed, for example, when the physical count of a list's stock has been carried out, in order to resume a normal activity during the entry of the count in the system.

For each list of the Lists tab, you can:

  • view the list detail. Click View list from the Actions icon,
  • access the list count. Click Count lists from the Actions icon,




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Count worksheet (field CUNLISNUM)


  • No. of lines (field NBRLIG)


  • Status (field CUNLISSTA)


  • Blocked stock (field CUNLOKFLG)




  • Description (field CUNLISDES)


  • Status date (field CUNSTADAT)


  • Date created (field CREDAT)


  • Allocation date (field IPTDAT)


  • Last allocation (field LASIPTDAT)





Action icon

Standard Rerouting Action

Click this action to directly access the Counts function.

View list

Click this action to display the generated stock count lists and their status.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 PRTSCR : Screen print

 INVSES : Stock count session

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu bar

Click this action to calculate and display:

  • the number of lists and stock count lines by list to be generated,
  • the number of products that will be counted,
  • the number of stock lines affected by the session.

Based on the results of this simulation, you can modify the filters defined for the session in order to adjust the products to be counted.

When the session filters are defined as required, click on this action to generate the stock count list(s) for the session in process. These lists are then displayed in the grid of the Lists tab of the session.

Click on this action to delete all of the lists generated (as long as they are not in the process of being counted). The selection criteria then become active again.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Described below are the main messages likely to appear during entry or processing:

Deletion impossible, closed session

A session with the status ‘closed’ can no longer be deleted.

Deletion impossible, list(s) in processing

It is impossible to delete a session if the count entry has been started for one of the lists in the session.

Maximum number of lines calculated insufficient

It is possible that the maximum number of stock count lines set up for each list (Maximum number of lines field in the Parameterstab of the session) is not sufficient with respect to all the stock to be counted.

Stock count list full

The number of lines in a list is greater that the value fixed by the INV activity code.

The stock line quantity does not match the number of serials

This message is displayed when the count is performed in Global processing and one stock line is desynchronized, i.e. the quantity on this line is different from the number of recorded serial numbers. To solve this situation, you need to perform a Resynchronization processing before launching a global processing again, or perform a non global stock count: the list will be created but the desynchronized stock lines will be ignored.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation