The solutions make up a knowledge database for a customer support service.

Each solution file describes the "tricks", ideas, procedures applied by a technician during the resolution of a problem or customer help request.

A solution record is generally created at the closing of a service request. In fact, some automated processes are designed to facilitate the creation of this record.
You can also create a solution record directly from the Solution function. In this case, you need to enter all the characteristics in the record.

Each solution can be the object of a search in the database for each word that it contains, on associated key words, on its skills group, on the user creating it, etc.

Each solution record can be associated with other records in a neighboring domain.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Solution code (field NUM)

This field is associated to an automatic sequence number counter by default. As a general rule, you are not required to enter this field.

This field displays the service request number linked to the solution record. This field is cannot be accessed when the solution is created directly from the Solution function.



Tab General


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Use this field to group the solutions using categories. To do so, you need to enter one of the values of miscellaneous table 409: Solution categories.

This field corresponds to a relevant search criteria.
A skills group is selected from a skills group tree structure.

Click the Selection icon (magnifying glass) to display the navigation window. This window displays all the generic skill groups: these groups are not linked to a parent group.

On each generic skill group line, you can click the Actions icon to display the list of Child groups positioned just below the selected skill group in the tree structure.

From the Actions icon, you can then:

  • Move back up to the parent group.
  • Return to the top level of the tree structure.

This is an intuitive search. You thus can go to the level of the skill group closest to scope of application of the solution record.

  • field PBLCLA


Request recall

  • Title (field TTR)

This field must contain a text that uses several words to provide an understanding of the nature of the problem solved by the solution.

Request description

  • field PBLFULDES

Use this field to enter the complete description of the problem at the origin of the solution.
The maximum size of the text that can be entered is conditioned by the data type HD1.

  • field PBLDESICO


Block number 4

  • Date created (field CREDAT)


  • Time created (field CREHOU)


  • Created by (field FULNAMUSR)




Tab Solution


Use this tab to enter a summary description of the solution within a limit of 235 characters. If the description exceeds 235 characters, an icon is displayed on the right of the text box. Click this icon to write and/or browse a summary description.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Solution description

  • Solution detail (field SOLFULDES)

In this tab, enter a summary description of the solution within a limit of 235 characters. If your description exceeds 235 characters, an icon displays on the right of the text box. Click on this icon to write and/or view a summary description.

  • field SOLDESICO



Tab Keywords


You can search for solutions based on the words used in the problem and solution descriptions. But this type of search can pose performance problems in very large databases.

Thus, to guarantee excellent performance in very large knowledge databases, it is necessary to enter several keywords for each record that describe the heart of the problem and the solution.

Duplicate entry control :

In order to maximize the search success conditions, all the keywords entered are converted into uppercase characters. In this way there will only be a single version of each word.

Despite this precaution, it is possible that the same word is entered with different spelling (singular and plural).
It is thus recommended to click Existing keywords from the Actions icon, just after entering a word in the field and just before the validation of its content: a window displays the list of neighbor words. You can thus check if an equivalent word has been entered (e.g. in the singular form). In this case, it is recommended to select the keyword equivalent that has already been defined to reduce the risk of "false" duplicates.

The keyword list is automatically increased as and when new keywords are entered.

Automatic extraction of keywords:

The entry of keywords, which are added as a complement to the solution text, may contain errors.

To avoid this, you can define a list of relevant keywords in miscellaneous table 451: keywords will be automatically extracted each time a solution is written.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Keyword (field KEYWRD)

You can search for solutions based on the words contained in the problem and solution descriptions. However, this type of search can cause performance problems in very large databases.

Thus, to guarantee excellent performance in very large knowledge databases, it is necessary to enter several keywords for each record that describe the heart of the problem and the solution.

Duplicate entry control:

In order to maximize the search success conditions, all the keywords entered are converted into uppercase characters. In this way there will only be a single version of each word.

Despite this precaution, it is possible that the same word is entered with different spelling (singular and plural).
It is thus recommended to click the Existing keywords options from the Actions icon right after entering a keyword in the field and just before validating its content: a window opens and displays the list of neighbor words. You can thus check if a similar word has been entered (in the singular form for instance). In this case, you should select this existing equivalent keyword to minimize the risk of "false" duplicates.

The list of keywords is automatically updated as new keywords are entered.

Automatic extraction of keywords:

The entry of keywords, added to the solution text, can sometimes be faulty.

To avoid errors, you can define a list of relevant keywords in miscellaneous table 451, which will be automatically extracted each time a solution is written.



Tab Associated Solutions


Use this tab to combine solution records:

  • relative to a similar application field for the current solution,
  • sharing specific characteristics with the current solution.

This association is used to navigate between solutions. This navigation type ensures a perfect limit for a specific application field.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Use this tab to link solution records:

  • related to a scope of application close to the one of the current solution,
  • or sharing relevant characteristics with the current solution.

This association is used to navigate between solutions. This navigation type ensures a perfect limit for a specific application field.

  • Date created (field SOLCREDAT)




Menu Bar

Functions/View the Request

Click this action to access the service request detail that is at the origin of the displayed solution.
This action can only be accessed if the solution record has been created upon closing a service request.

Functions / Solution Search

At any time and independently of the service request processing, each technician can view the contents of the knowledge base.

This is presented in the form of a list of records sorted in creation order.

The Solution search action has been designed to facilitate navigation. In fact, using this tool, the database can be interrogated using the following search tools:

  • significant words contained in the title and description of a customer problem,
  • significant words contained in a solution description,
  • key words associated with the solution records,
  • skill groups,
  • editors of a solution,
  • solution creation date.

Each method is explained below:

Search on keywords

Select the Search on keyword check box.
The keyword entry field is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space.

Search on the skills group

It is possible to enter up to 6 skills groups to carry out a search in the solutions.

Search on the solution summary

Select the Search on the solution summary check box.
The field used to enter the significant words is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space.

In order to recover already-entered keywords and use them in a search by keywords, select the Identical keywords check box: all the words entered in the text related to your search by keywords are automatically loaded in the entry field.

Search on employees

You can enter up to six employees to run a search of solutions.

Search on the title and customer problem summary

Select the Search on title and summary check box.
The field used to enter the significant words is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space.

In order to recover already-entered keywords and use them in a search by keywords, select the Identical keywords check box: all the words entered in the text related to your search by keywords are automatically loaded in the entry field.

Search on creation date

The entry fields Between the and and the are then accessible.

All of these different searches can be combined.

  • If no solution corresponding to the search criteria has been found in the database, it is possible to carry out new attempts.
  • If the search criteria are numerous, it can take a long time to correct all the entry fields. In this case, click Reinitialize to reset the screen to its initial display. You can then start a new entry in the various fields on the screen.

Search result

If one or more solutions correspond to the search criteria they are displayed in a new window.

The left-hand side contains a grid that holds all the solution codes found that correspond to the search criteria along with their creation date and the code of their editor.

A "+" sign indicates that the inquiry can be extended to other neighboring solutions.

Click one of the solutions to display in a single screen: the title, the description of the problem and the solution applied.

You can click Advanced search to benefit from extended selection features and so target solutions.

Options / Journal traceability

This option gives access, via a tunnel, to the Journal traceability inquiry function that makes it possible to view and browse the hierarchy of the entries originating the document or coming from it.


The import of solutions is not supported by Sage X3.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

This keyword has already been entered for this solution.

This message appears when the user attempts to enter the same keywords twice in the keyword grid associated with a solution.

This solution record has already been entered.

This message appears when the user attempts to associate the same solution more than once with the current solution.

You cannot associate a solution with itself.

This message appears when the user attempts to enter the current solution code in the associated solutions grid.

Tables used

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