Sales > Price lists > Generate price catalogs 

This function is used to create and print various price list catalogs based on several extraction criteria.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The generation of price list catalogs is launched from a single screen, via the creation of a catalog code. This code is used to regroup a set of data extraction criteria that will be kept for future use, or modified.

Catalog creation

The creation of a catalog starts with the creation of a catalog code, that will make it easy, via the left list, to retrieve the setup of a catalog.

This code can be alphanumerical, and contain up to 10 characters.

A validity date can also be added, which makes it possible to archive all the recorded catalogs.

For each catalog, a sales site and a shipment site need to be specified. These two data can indeed be important price list criteria.

Data display criteria

Currency :

It is possible to choose whether the prices recorded in the catalog will be shown:

  • in the customer's currency (specified on the customer record)
  • in a specific currency (to be detailed)

Price type::

Prices can be displayed tax excl. or tax incl.: In a catalog, if several customers are selected, it is possible to decide on a display that will depend on the type of price lists expected by the customer (defined on the customer record).

Exchange rate type:

For a catalog expressed in a currency that implies a currency conversion, it is possible to select the exchange rate type that will be used for the conversion:

  • current exchange rate
  • monthly exchange rate
  • average exchange rate...

An exchange rate type is also defined on each customer record. It is thus possible to choose for the catalog to be defined according to the exchange rate specified for each BP.

Selection of the elements to be displayed in the catalog

Selection on BPs

The printing of a catalog can be limited to:

  • a customer BP
  • a BP customer range
  • a set of BPs meeting one or several criteria define based on the fields of the BP table - BPARTNER (using the formula editor by right-clicking)
  • a set of BPs meeting one or several criteria defined based on the fields of the Customer table - BPUSTOMER (using the formula editor by right-clicking)

Selection on the products

The printing of a catalog can be limited to:

  • a product
  • a product range
  • a set of products meeting one or several criteria defined based on the fields of the Product table - ITMMASTER (using the formula editor by right-clicking)
  • a set of products meeting one or several criteria defined based on the fields of the Products-sales table - ITMSALES (using the formula editor by right-clicking)

The "Create" button is used to store this setup.

Catalog display

Two reports are supplied in standard for the display of the catalogs:

  • SCATALOG: where the restoration is carried out for each customer, with each product, as a tree structure.
  • SCATALOGA: where the restoration is carried out for each product, with each customer, as a tree structure.

These reports are accessible via the tool bar: File/Print




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Code making it possible to identify the price list catalogue.

Code used to define the different constitution rules of the table that will be used to inquire or print the catalogue.

  • Description (field DESAXX)

This long description is used as a title in screens and reports.

By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
You can add your translation in another language using the Translation function:

  • Click Translation from the Actions icon in the corresponding field.
  • In the Translation window, add a new language code with the translation in this language.

A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.

SEEINFOThe connection language must be defined as a default language for thefolder.

  • Validity date (field DAT)

Only valid price lists will be used for the creation of the catalogue.

Block number 2

The sales site is loaded by the default sales site associated to the user’s Function profile. The sales site can be modified (as long as no line has been entered on the document) provided it has been chosen from the list of sales sites authorized to the user.

Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

Block number 3

  • Customer currency (field FLGCUR)

If the checkbox Customer currency is positioned to yes, the catalog will be generated in the customer currency; the currency field cannot be accessed.

If it is positioned to no, it is necessary to enter a currency.

This code is used to identify the currency for a site, BP, etc. It is managed in the currency table.
The currency proposed by default is that of the budget.
The exchange rate type applied is based on the BUDTYPCUR - Budget conversion rate type (BUD chapter, CMM group) parameter setting.

SEEINFOIt is recommended to use the ISO coding during the creation of a new currency.

  • Customer price type (field FLGPRITYP)

If the checkbox Customer price type is positioned to yes, the catalog will be generated either ex-tax or tax incl. according to the type defined in the Customer record; the field Price type cannot be accessed.

If it is positioned to no, it is necessary to choose the price type.

  • Price - / +tax (field PRITYP)

No help linked to this field.

  • Customer rate type (field FLGCHGTYP)

If the checkbox Customer exchange rate type is positioned to yes, the currency will be converted as a function of the type of exchange rate defined in the Customer record; the field Type of exchange rate cannot be accessed.

If it is positioned to no, it is necessary to choose the type of exchange rate.

The exchange rate is necessary when using a price list expressed in another currency with conversion authorization.

  • Rate type (field CHGTYP)

This field is controlled by local menu and can take the following values: current exchange rate/monthly exchange rate/average exchange rate.

The exchange rate type proposed by default is the exchange rate type associated with the supplier entered in the order header. As long as the order has not been created, it can be modified except when a line with a cost structure has already been entered.

An exchange rate type is used to determine the currency exchange rate in the exchange rate table taking into account the order date. This information is used to determine the prices and discounts on the basis of the price lists authorizing the conversion between currencies.

If order lines have been entered, or during the copy of an order, a question will be posed to the user about whether to re-calculate the prices and discounts depending on the price lists. If the user decides not to apply the price lists, the prices and discounts will be simply converted into the new currency at the rate determined by the exchange rate type and the order date.

If the currency is equal to the company currency, the exchange rate type will not be accessible since it will have no influence in this context.

Customer selection

  • From customer (field BPCSTR)

The different Customer selection fields are used to extract customers to be integrated to the catalog.

The start and end ranges, the BP filter and the customer filters are complementary.○ The customer must corrrespond to these criteria.

The BP filter must be contituted of an evaluated formula containing exclusively fields from the BP table. A right click on this data is used to access the formula editor.

The customer filter must be contituted of an evaluated formula containing exclusively fields from the BP table. A right click on this data is used to access the formula editor.

  • To customer (field BPCEND)


  • BP filter (field BPRCRI)


  • Customer filter (field BPCCRI)

The different Customer selection fields are used to extract customers to be integrated to the catalog.

The start and end ranges, the BP filter and the customer filters are complementary.○ The customer must corrrespond to these criteria.

The BP filter must be contituted of an evaluated formula containing exclusively fields from the BP table. A right click on this data is used to access the formula editor.

The customer filter must be contituted of an evaluated formula containing exclusively fields from the BP table. A right click on this data is used to access the formula editor.

Product selection

  • From product (field ITMSTR)

The different product selection fields are used to extract products to be integrated to the catalog.

The start and end ranges, the product filter and the product filters are complementary. The product must corrrespond to these criteria.

The product filter must be contituted of an evaluated formula containing exclusively fields from the product table. A right click on this data is used to access the formula editor.

The product/sales filter must be contituted of an evaluated formula containing exclusively fields from the product/sales table. A right click on this data is used to access the formula editor.

  • To product (field ITMEND)


  • Product filter (field ITMCRI)


  • Product/Sales filter (field ITSCRI)

The different product selection fields are used to extract products to be integrated to the catalog.

The start and end ranges, the product filter and the product filters are complementary. The product must corrrespond to these criteria.

The product filter must be contituted of an evaluated formula containing exclusively fields from the product table. A right click on this data is used to access the formula editor.

The product/sales filter must be contituted of an evaluated formula containing exclusively fields from the product/sales table. A right click on this data is used to access the formula editor.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 SCATALOG : Customer catalog /item

 SCATALOGA : Item catalog / customer

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The data in the catalog table, for a given catalog code, are updated by means of the Validation button.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

Use this option to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table of the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.


This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder.


It is not possible to generate a price list catalog if one element of its setup is based on the fields of the SPRICLINK table.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation