This setup is used to manage, through data files in the .csv format, the flows coming from and designed for AZAP.
This flows, concerning the Inventory module, are the following:
Flow X3 to AZAP :
Flow AZAP to X3 :
Once the setup is done, the processing can be launched using the following function: AZAP interface launch
Refer to documentation Implementation
The setup consists in indicating:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Identification code of the interface setup. |
|   |
Block number 2
|   |
|   |
|   |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Products to export: produits.csv. |
| This field is used to specify a products selection reference, which will be suggested, by default, when launching the interface processing.
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Products/Conversions to export: conversion.csv. |
|   |
| The first line of the Products/Conversions file systematically contains, for each product, the conversion information between the sales and stock units. |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Products/Criteria to export: critstr.csv. |
| For each criterion, it is possible to include either the code, or the title, or both at the same time in the file. |
|   |
| Statistical group criteria 1 to 5 are only exported if the corresponding checkboxes are activated. |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
| This criterion is exported only if the corresponding checkbox is activated. |
|   |
|   |
| Renseignez le code du pivot décrivant les lignes du fichier des Sitesà exporter : sites.csv. |
| Renseignez le code du pivot décrivant les lignes du fichier des Sites/Critèresà exporter : critstrsite.csv. |
| For each criterion, it is possible to include either the code, or the title, or both at the same time in the file. |
|   |
| This criterion is exported only if the corresponding checkbox is activated. |
|   |
|   |
|   |
| Statistical group criteria 1 to 5 are only exported if the corresponding checkboxes are activated. |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
| This criterion is exported only if the corresponding checkbox is activated. |
|   |
Sales exports
| Radio button used to specify the level of aggregation. The level of aggregation defines the data grouping on the sales history and the sales orders in progress. |
| This field is used to indicate the reference of a selection on order that will be applied on the sales orders in progress and the sales history if this history is issued from closed orders. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Sales historyto export: ventes.csv. |
| This box is checked to indicate that the sales history comes from deliveries and invoices, that can be selected by entering a selection code in the following field.
| This field can only be accessed if the sales history comes from the deliveries and invoices. |
|   |
|   |
| This box is checked to indicate that the sales history comes from the paid orders for which a quantity has been delivered or invoiced. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Sales orders in progressto export: carnet.csv. |
| Enter the pivot code describing the file lines of the Sales forecaststo import: previsions.csv. |
| This checkbox is used to indicate that the former forecasts of each product of the imported file will be deleted before importing the new ones. |
| This checkbox is used to specify that all the forecasts will be deleted before processing the file. |
The processing by the interface is carried out using .csv files.
General information on the files
The description of the lines of each file is given by a Pivot which specifies the order of the fields, their size and describes how they are loaded (directly via table fields or via functions).
The file names, their description and the pivots used by default are indicated below.
Non-transmitted information
Expected files |
| Pivots |
Products/Products | SCMAITM | |
Products / Conversions | SCMAITMTCO | |
Products / Criteria | SCMAITMCRI | |
Sites | SCMAFCY | |
Sites / Criteria | SCMACRIFCY | |
Sales history | SCMAHSOH | |
Order WIPs / Order book | SCMASOH |
Expected files |
| Pivots |
Sales forecasts | SCMASOS |
The PIVOTSFILE entry point of the CONNECTFCT processing can be used to modify the coding type of the files and the column separator.
File | No. | Title | Type | Lngth | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Title
| Field |
| 1 | Product Host Code | A | 20 | No |
| ITMMASTER | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 2 | Title | A | 30 | Yes |
| ITMMASTER | ITMDES1 | Description 1 | No |
| 3 | Product title 2 | A | 30 | Yes |
| ITMMASTER | ITMDES2 | Description 2 | No |
| 4 | Sales unit | A | 3 | Yes |
| ITMMASTER | SAU | Sales unit | No |
Notes :
File | No. | Title | Type | Lngth | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Title
| Field |
| 1 | Product Host Code | A | 20 | No |
| ITMMASTER | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 2 | Unit 1 | A | 3 | No |
| No |
| 3 | Unit 2 | A | 3 | No |
| No |
4 | Coefficient | N |
| No |
| No |
Notes :
File | No. | Title | Type | Lngth | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Title
| Field |
| 1 | Product Host Code | A | 20 | No |
| ITMMASTER | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 2 | AZAP status (1) | A |
| No |
| 3 | Product status (2) | A |
| No |
| ITMMASTER | ITMSTA | Product status | No |
| 4 | Statistical group 1 | A |
| Yes |
| ITMMASTER | WTSICOD0 | Statistical group 1 | No |
| 5 | Statistical group 2 | A |
| Yes |
| ITMMASTER | WTSICOD1 | Statistical group 2 | No |
| 6 | Statistical group 3 | A |
| Yes |
| ITMMASTER | WTSICOD2 | Statistical group 3 | No |
| 7 | Statistical group 4 | A |
| Yes |
| ITMMASTER | WTSICOD3 | Statistical group 4 | No |
| 8 | Statistical group 5 | A |
| Yes |
| ITMMASTER | WTSICOD4 | Statistical group 5 | No |
| 9 | Category | A |
| Yes |
| ITMMASTER | TCLCOD | Category | No |
| 10 | Product line | A |
| Yes |
| ITMMASTER | CFGLIN | Product line | No |
11 | User | A |
| Yes |
| ITMMASTER | PLANNER | Planner | No |
Notes :
File | No. | Title | Type | Lngth | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Title
| Field |
| 1 | Site Host Code | A | 15 | No |
| FACILITY | FCY | Site | No |
| 2 | Long title | A | 35 | Yes |
| FACILITY | FCYNAM | Name | No |
| 3 | Short title | A | 10 | Yes |
| FACILITY | FCYSHO | Short title | No |
Notes :
File | No. | Title | Type | Lngth | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Title
| Field |
| 1 | Site Host Code | A | 15 | No |
| FACILITY | FCY | Site | No |
| 2 | Country | A |
| No |
| BPARTNER | CRY | Country | No |
| 3 | Category) | A |
| Yes |
| BPCUSTOMER | BCGCOD | Category | No |
| 4 | Statistical group 1 | A |
| Yes |
| BPCUSTOMER | WTSCCOD0 | Statistical group 1 | No |
| 5 | Statistical group 2 | A |
| Yes |
| BPCUSTOMER | WTSCCOD1 | Statistical group 2 | No |
| 6 | Statistical group 3 | A |
| Yes |
| BPCUSTOMER | WTSCCOD2 | Statistical group 3 | No |
| 7 | Statistical group 4 | A |
| Yes |
| BPCUSTOMER | WTSCCOD3 | Statistical group 4 | No |
| 8 | Statistical group 5 | A |
| Yes |
| BPCUSTOMER | WTSCCOD4 | Statistical group 5 | No |
| 9 | Bill-to customer | A |
| Yes |
| BPCUSTOMER | BPCINV | Invoice customer | No |
| 10 | Group customer | A |
| Yes |
| BPCUSTOMER | BPCGRU | Group customer | No |
Notes :
File | No. | Title | Type | Lngth | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Title
| Field |
| 1 | Delivery date requested | D |
| No |
| SORDERQ | DEMDLVDAT | Requested delivery date | No |
| 2 | Sales Site Host Code | A |
| No |
| SORDERQ | BPCORD | Sold-to customer | No |
| 3 | Product Host Code | A |
| No |
| SORDERQ | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 4 | Quantity in SAU (2) | N |
| No |
| SORDERQ | QTY | Ordered Qty | No |
| 5 | Original Site Host Code | A |
| No |
| SORDERQ | STOFCY | Shipping site | No |
Notes :
File | No. | Title | Type | Lngth | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Title
| Field |
| 1 | Planned delivery date (1) (2) | D |
| No |
| SORDERQ | EXTDLVDAT | Planned deliv date | No |
| 2 | Sales Site Host Code | A |
| No |
| SORDERQ | BPCORD | Sold-to customer | No |
| 3 | Product Host Code | A |
| No |
| SORDERQ | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 4 | Quantity in SAU (3) (4) | N |
| No |
| SORDERQ | TDLQTY | Qty to deliver | No |
| 5 | Original Site Host Code | A |
| No |
| SORDERQ | STOFCY | Shipping site | No |
(1) for the open orders, it is the required delivery date: DEMDLVDAT
(2) According to the aggregation level selected, the effective date or the start date of the period (week or month) is taken into account for the data grouping.
(3) the quantity must be expressed in SAU: sales unit.
(4) An unpaid order (from the order book) can already have a delivery quantity (taken into account in the history), so the quantity taken into account in the order book is the quantity remaining to be delivered.
Notes :
File | No. | Title | Type | Lngth | Optional | Pivot | Code | Code | Title
| Field |
| 1 | Forecast date (1) | D |
| No |
| ORDERS | ENDDAT | End date | No |
| 2 | Original Site Host Code | A |
| No |
| ORDERS | STOFCY | Storage site | No |
| 3 | Product Host Code | A |
| No |
| ORDERS | ITMREF | Product | No |
| 4 | Quantity in STK (2) | N |
| No |
| ORDERS | EXTQTY | Planned Qty | No |
(1) According to the level of aggregation selected in AZAP, it will be the effective date or the period end date.
(2) the quantity must be expressed in STK: stock unit.
Notes :