This window is used to split the displayed expense in order to generate 1 to n additional expenses.

It is called from the Actions menu in the Expenses management function.

Screen management

This screen consists of a header displaying, as a reminder, the asset identification and a tab enabling the user to enter the split setups.



The header displays the reference, the line number as well as the description of the expense to split. This information cannot be modified.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Business object

  • Reference (field OBJREF)

Reference of the expense to split.

  • Line no. (field OBJLIN)

Line of the expense to split.

  • Description (field OBJDES)

Description of the expense to split.



Tab Setup definition


This tab is used to:

  • set up the split terms by specifying whether the split is performed by quantity or by amount, by entering the number of expenses that the operation should produce and by indicating the numbering type applied to the expenses resulting from the split.
  • apply the process in order to view its result in terms of quantity and amount on the expense that triggers the split and to display the list of the generated expenses.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • By (field ECLBAS)
Use this action to specify if the split must be done according to the expense quantity or amount.
  • Distribute qty (field QTYECL)

This flag is used to specify whether the quantity must distributed on the created records or copied.

  • In (field NBLOF)

This field enables the user to indicate the the total number of expense obtained at the end of the splitting (including the original expense). The maximum number of expense is limited to 999, if the splitting is made by distributing the amount, to the original expense quantity if the splitting is made by distributing the quantity.

Source expense before

  • Source quantity (field QTYBEF)
This is the quantity linked to the expense to be split before the actual splitting. This information cannot be modified.
  • Original amount (field NOTCPYBEF)

It is the amount of the expense to split before the splitting operation. Non modifiable information.

Source expense after

  • Qty. (field QTYAFT)
This is the residual quantity of the split financial asset once the splitting is complete. This information cannot be modified.
  • Amount (field NOTCPYAFT)

It is the amount of the expense to split at the end of the splitting operation. Non modifiable information.

Numbering for split

  • Numbering (field TYPNUM)

This field enables the user to indicate the numbering method to use on the expenses created by the splitting. Several options are available: 

  • None signifies that the reference of the created expenses will have to be entered; the line number will always be equal to 1.
    Then, the Start lines and Increment fields cannot be accessed.
  • By line number increment indicates that the reference of the expenses created by the splitting will be identical to the original expense reference.
    The line number will be determined according to the value entered in the Start line and Increment fields. This information ios then mandatory.
  • New number significates that the reference of each expense coming from the splitting will be automatically determined.
    The line number will always be equal to 1. Then the Start lines and Increment fields cannot be accessed.
  • Line start (field LIGSTR)
This field indicates the start line number for the expenses created by the split, when the numbering option selected is By line number increment. The proposed value is the first line number available for the expense reference to be split. This value can be changed but it cannot be less than the suggested value.   
  • Increment (field LIGINC)
This field indicates the line number increment for the expenses created by the split, when the numbering option selected is By line number increment. The increment number value cannot be less than 1.

Grid Genertd expenses

  • No. (field NUMLIN)


  • Reference (field CODLOF)

This group box is managed through the setup of the Numbering for split field.

  • If the field is set to None, the group box must be filled.
  • If the field is set to New Number, the entry of the reference is optional when the automatic numbering is optional, and prohibited when the automatic numbering is mandatory.
  • It is also prohibited when the field is set to By line number increment.
  • Line no. (field LINLOF)
This group box is managed through the setup of the Numbering for split field.
The line number value is always 1 if the settings are None or New number.
If the field is set to By line number increment, the line number is defined according to the Start line and Increment values.
  • Quantity (field QTY)

This field is used to enter the quantity.

  • Amount - tax (field AMTNOTCPY)
The expense amount in the company currency, after the split.
  • Description (field DES)

Description for the expense.



Setup of the split

  •  The first stage consists in specifying the split method. The user needs to define whether the split is performed by distribution of the quantity or of the ex. tax amount (expressed in the company currency), and then to define the total number of expenses that should result from the split (this quantity includes the original expense which is subject to the split).
    Split by distribution of the quantity
    This split type is authorized if the quantity is greater than or equal to 2. If this quantity is lower, this split type is only authorized if the quantity is expressed in a unit that accepts decimals. The maximum number of expenses obtained is limited to the quantity of the original expense.
    The Distribute quantity flag automatically becomes active and cannot be de-activated.
    Split by distribution of the amount
    This split type is the only available option if the quantity is lower than 2 and if the unit does not accept decimals: in this case, the quantity cannot be distributed. The maximum number of expenses obtained is limited to 999.
    The Distribute quantity flag becomes active, by default, when the quantity is greater than 1 (or when it is lower than 1, only if the unit does accept decimals); it is used to specify that the quantity must be distributed between the expenses obtained at the end of the split. This flag can be de-activated; in this case, the quantity of the original expense is transferred identically to each of the expenses resulting from the split.
    Original expense Before and After
    This block is used to view the consequences of the split on the original expense both in terms of quantity and amount. This information cannot be modified.
  • The second stage consists in the setup of the numbering method to be applied to the expenses resulting from the split. Several options are available:
    - None means that no automatic numbering is applied. The reference will need to be entered by the user and the line number will always be equal to 1. The Start line and Increment headings cannot be entered.
    - By 'line number increment' means the automatic assignment of an identical reference to that of the original expense with a line number increment depending on the Line start and Increment values entered.
    - 'New number' means that the reference of each expense resulting from the split is automatically generated with the assignment of a line number equal to 1. The Start line and Increment headings cannot be entered. This option is only available if at the setup level, a sequence number counter has been assigned to the Expenses object (see the Sequence number counter assignment documentation ).

Setup the split

The split processing for the original expense is started by using the button. It brings about the loading of the Generated Expenses grid with as many lines as there are created expenses.

For each expense, the information is entered in the following fashion:

  • Reference: The possibility to enter the reference or not depends on the numbering method set up and, if the automatic numbering is defined, on whether it is mandatory or optional.
    -  If the numbering is By increment of the line number,the reference of each generated expense is entered with the reference of the original expense and it cannot be modified.
    -If the option None has been selected, the user MUST enter the reference.
    - If the New Number option has been selected, the user cannot enter the reference if the automatic numbering has been defined as mandatory (LOFAUTNUM parameter): this reference is automatically assigned when validating the original expense. If the automatic numbering has been defined as optional, the user can enter the reference.
  • Line number: this value is forced to 1 except if the numbering is By line number increment. In this case, it is determined according to the Line start and the Increment.
  • Quantity: the quantity depends on the split type.
    - If the split is performed based on the amount and that quantity must be distributed: the quantity displayed for each expense resulting from the split is proportional to the expense amount compared with the original expense. This quantity can be modified by the user as long as the new quantities remain equal to the original quantity.
    - If the split is performed based on the amount and the quantity must not be distributed: the quantity assigned to each expense resulting from the split is the same as the one specified on the original expense. This value cannot be modified.
    - If the split is performed based on the quantity, the quantity specified on each generated expense is calculated according to the quantity of the original expense and to the number of expenses to obtain at the end of the split. The quantities determined are rounded according to the unit; the remainder will be assigned to the original expense. These quantities can be modified by the user. After modification, activating the buttonused to recalculate the ex tax amount of each expense in proportion to the new quantities entered.
    A quantity can be lower than 1 only if the unit accepts decimals.
  • Ex-tax amount.: it is the ex tax amount and it is expressed in the company currency.
    - If the split is performed based on the amount, this amount is automatically calculated. It can be modified if the sum of the ex tax amounts for all lines is lower than or equal to the amount of the original expense before split. The difference between these two values will load the ex tax amount of the original expense after split.
    - If the split is performed based on the quantity, the calculated amount cannot be modified by the user. It is automatically recalculated after modification by the user of the determined quantities and the activation of the button..
  • Rules linked to the headings of type Amount:
    - The sign of the ex tax amountof each line must be the same as the sign of the original ex tax amount.
    - Further to the split , the original expense amount can be equal to 0 only if it was already equal to 0 before the split. The amount of an expense resulting from the split can be equal to 0.
    - The amounts for the VAT and VAT collected in transaction currency and in company currency are distributed on the basis of the ratio between the ex tax amount for each generated expense and the ex tax amount of the original expense before the split.
    - Free fields of type Amountare distributed if the setup at the level of the properties of free fieldsprovides for it.
  • Description: the description of each generated expense is automatically loaded with the description of the original expense. It is freely modifiable.
Validation of the split process

The buttonis used to validate the setup carried out and to return to the original expense presented with its new values. The expenses resulting from the split are created in the database only after the original expense validation. They appear in the left list after refreshing this list using the F5 function key.

Split of an expense linked to a financial asset

The expenses generated at the end of the split of an expense linked to a financial asset are automatically linked to the same asset and the original expense is regarded as the main expense.

Specific Buttons

This button is used to split the expense by applying the parameters entered. The expenses resulting from the split are displayed in the Generated expenses grid.

This button is accessible only after the split of the expense by Quantity. If the user modifies the quantity determined for the generated expenses, this button enables the recalculation of the ex tax amount of each expense proportionally to the new quantities entered.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No specific message is listed. See the generic messages.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation