Setup > Fixed assets > Depreciation contexts > Depreciation contexts - Implementation 


Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :

 CCN : Concessions

 LNK : Variances between plans

General parameters

The following general parameters may change the way the function is working :

Fixed assets

 ACCPERCTL (defined at level Company) : Accounting period control

 DEFPSTTYP (defined at level Company) : Posting type

 DPRPLNPIO (defined at level Company) : Priority plan

 NBEXESTO (defined at level Company) : Number of FYs to be stored

See below at the level of the Miscellaneous pre-requisites.


This function is object managed. The creation, modification, anddeletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user.Filters by rolescan also be associated with this function.

As data is linked to a site, a filter per site can be activated.

Miscellaneous prerequisites

  • When parameter ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control (Chapter AAS, Group CPT) has the value Yes, a control is carried out in order to ensure the coherence of the year/period division between the accounting management and the fixed assets management.
    Then, the creation of a context is authorized only if the following conditions are met:
    - the year/period division has been carried out in accounting management (automatic division upon company creation),
    - at least one fiscal year and one period are opened in accounting management The accounting period corresponding to the current period at the level of the fixed assets must necessarily be opened,
    - at least one additional fiscal year (open or not) is defined after the first FY opened in accounting (in order to create the next FY at the level of the Fixed assets.
    Besides, the management of the FY/period division of the contexts is piloted by the accounting.
  • When the assets exist already, the initialization of a new plan is made by using the Field associations, whose setup must have been carried out beforehand.
  • In the case where a company wants to activate the funds management in a plan in order to print the preparatory reports destined to create funds reports other than the fiscal file required by the French legislation, the parameters of the grouping of the different asset accounts with the fiscal lines must have been carried out beforehand via the Definition of accounting funds function.

Tables used

The following tables are implemented by the function :


Table description








Fiscal year




Track funds


Associations - definition/plan


Associations - values/plan


Currency table