Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Assets >  > Capitalization of expenses - Implementation 


Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :

 KPL : Polish localization

General parameters

The following general parameters may change the way the function is working :

Fixed assets

 CPYBACUNY (defined at level Folder) : Single BC by company

 GRTPRVUPD (defined at level Company) : Review earlier subsidy

 REGVATIAS (defined at level Company) : IFRS ledger: VAT adj?

Miscellaneous prerequisites

  • In order to filter the list of fixed expenses, it is necessary to define matching criteria for expenses at the Expenditure link - Fixed asset.
  • During its creation or update, the asset can inherit, at the level of its free fields, the information contained in some of the fields of the expenses. For that purpose, it is necessary to set up the information flow between the sections of the expenses and the free fields of the asset. This setup is carried out in the Loading free fields function.

Tables used

The following tables are implemented by the function :


Table description






Expense asset link parameter