This window is used to select one or more capitalized expenses in order to proceed either with the creation of a new asset or the update of an existing asset. This increase is possible only if the asset is in one of the two following situations:

- it is already composed of one or several expenses,
- it is not linked to any expense and is not valued.

This window is called via the [Capitalize] button available in the financial Assets management function. It can be accessed:
- in Creation mode,
- in Visualization mode of an asset already linked to one or several expenses,
- in Visualization mode of an asset still linked to an expense, only if this asset is not valuated.


1/ Adding a subsidized expense is only authorized if the GRTPRVUPD - Calling previous subsidies into questions setup is set to Yes (in order to maintain an equal level between the subsidy plan basis of the asset and the sum of the subsidy amounts mentioned on the attached expenses.

2/ To be grouped on a single asset, expenses must be recorded in the same financial site and contain identical values for their VAT coefficients.
3/ When the company is submitted to the French legislation, the update of an asset attached to a financial lease contract is prohibited if, as a result of the addition of the expenses, the sum of the IAS/IFRS bases of the assets attached to the contract becomes greater than the total of fees of the contract.

SEEREFERTTO The mass creation of assets by capitalization of expenses is also possible using the process Capitalization of expenses.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This screen consists of:

  • Two tables:
    - By default the first displays all the capitalized expenses ; the right click option Criteria is used to carryout a selection on the expenses to be displayed.
    Upon creating asset, it is necessary to choose the expense that will be selected as the main one. The list of expenses is then updated based on the expense grouping rule and filtered so as to only display those that are compatible with the main expense. It is then possible to select other expenses.
    In the event of an update of an existing asset, the grouping criteria of the expenses are applied to the asset valuation (and not to its main expense): the list of expenses is filtered in order to only display expenses that can be capitalized and compatible with the asset.

    Note: only expenses assigned to the same field of activity and having similar values for their VAT coefficients can be grouped together.
    - The second table is loaded with the expenses thus selected. In the case of addition to an existing asset, it also displays the expenses already attached to the asset.
  • A Totals section displaying the valuation of the asset, before attachment of the expenses (in the event of asset update) and after attachment of the selected expenses.
  • A section dedicated to the Accounting allocation of the asset.

After selecting the expense and potentially entering or modifying the accounting allocation, the [Apply] button enables the user to close the window and get back to the Financial assets screen in Creation or Modification mode in order to allow the entry or modification of some fields before saving the asset.

Entry screen


The creation or update of an asset is only possible from the so-called capitalized expenses. When several expenses are grouped, one of these expenses must be chosen as the Main expense.

Before detailing the procedure used to select the capitalized expenses, the Capitalized expenses and Main expense concepts are reminded here below.

Upon completion of the grouping:

- the asset is created or updated according to the valuation, account allocation and loading rules of some of the information, as described below.

- the capitalized expenses are updated, including their allocations. The detail of the impact on the expenses is described below.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

This field can not be entered by the user. In the asset creation mode, this field is not filled. When adding expenses on an asset, this field reminds the user of the reference of the financial asset.

  • Description (field AASDES1B)

This field can not be entered by the user. In the asset creation mode, this field is not filled. When adding expenses on an asset, this field reminds the user of the description of the financial asset.

  • Improvement (field MDRFLG)

This flag, reserved to the Polish legislation, is submitted to the KPL activity code.
It can be accessed when updating a fixed asset, which at least one of the plans is tracked with an "improvable" mode having for origin the depreciation basis of the CoA balance sheet value.

  • Activating it is used to improve the asset according to the improvement mechanism: only the CoA balance sheet value is impacted by the ex tax amount of selected expenses. The IAS balance sheet value is not updated. 
  • If this flag is not activated, the improvement of the asset follows the standard mechanism.
    SEEINFO It is possible to assign expenses to the asset, according to both mechanisms (standard and improvement) but not during the same capitalization operation: once the first expense selected, it is no longer possible to modify whether to choose the improvement mechanism.

Asset update by improvement

After selecting the expenses, click the [Apply] button.
The improvement window is displayed and lists a table loaded with all the plans on which it is possible to carry out the improvement. By default, they are all selected but it is possible to de-select those for which the improvement is not requested.

  • The improvement date must be entered.
  • When the mode "ML - Polish linear" is used, the improvement makes it possible to determine the effective date of improvement, which can never be entered.
  • When the mode "MD - Polish declining" is used, the effective implementation date of the improvement is enterable and will begin either on the 1st day of the current period, on the 1st day of the next period or on the 1st day of the first period of the next fiscal year.
    The possibility of choosing one or the other of these dates depends on a number of conditions. The latter can vary according to the given plan of depreciation (accounting or tax plan), on the value of the parameter MDRCURPER - Current period improvement (chapter AAS, group CLC), and on the fiscal year during which the improvement occurs.

SEEREFERTTO The rules related to the choice of the implementation date are detailed in the Detailed methods of depreciation linked to the Polish legislation.

SEEINFOOnly one improvement operation is authorized on the current period. In case one expense assignment has been forgotten, it is necessary to start the assignment operation again, after having unlinked those already assigned.

  • After record, the ex-tax General Chart of Accounts entry value of the asset is updated as well as the balance value on each of the concerned plans.
  • The effective date as well as the improvement value applied to the asset are displayed at the level of the periodical depreciation plan.
  • When the effective date of improvement is implemented:
    - on the current period, the improvement has an immediate impact on the calculation of depreciation expenses,
    - on the next period or on the 1st period of the following FY, the improvement has an impact on the calculation of period depreciation expenses, only after the current period closing,
    - on a closed period of the current fiscal year, the improvement is implemented on the current period, taking the anteriority into account (adjustment calculation).

Grid Selection

  • field SELFLG


  • Reference (field CODLOFS)

Upon opening the window, this table displays by default all the capitalised expenses.
The Criteria contextual option is used to select the expenses to be displayed.
After selecting the Principal Expense, only the expenses matching the grouping criteria are displayed and can be selected.
Individual selection is carried out using the Add contextual option and mass selection through the Add all contextual option.

  • Line no. (field LINLOFS)

This field reminds the user of the line number of the expense.

  • Description (field DESS)

Description for the expense.

This field reminds the user of the CoA account of the expense.

  • CoA tax excl (field AMTNOTCPYS)

This field displays the expense amount, expressed in the company management currency.

This field displays the company management currency.

This field reminds the user of the IFRS account of the expense.

  • IAS tax excl (field AMTNOTIASS)

This field displays the expense amount, expressed in the IAS-IFRS valuation currency.

When this currency is different from the transaction currency:

  • if the expense is created by direct entry, this amount is obtained by conversion based on the invoice date and the expense rate type,
  • If the expense comes from a document entry, this amount comes from the document IAS amount when such amount exists,
  • If the expense comes from a purchase or BP supplier invoice, this amount is loaded from the IAS amount available on the posting entry generated from this invoice.

This field displays the management currency of the IAS/IFRS depreciation context.

  • Tax excl. expense (field AMTNOTCURS)

This field displays the expense amount ex-tax, expressed in the transaction currency.

This field displays the transaction currency.

This field displays the Group of the expense.

Grid To be capitalized

  • Main (field MAIVCR)

This indicator is activated if the expense is a principal expense.

  • Reference (field CODLOF)

This table displays the list of expenses to be fixed, selected among the capitalised expenses.
If needed, the Remove or Remove all contextual options enable the individual or mass deletion of unwanted expenses.

  • Line no. (field LINLOF)

This field reminds the user of the line number of the expense.

  • Description (field DES)

Description for the expense.

This field reminds the user of the CoA account of the expense.

  • CoA tax excl (field AMTNOTCPY)

This field displays the expense amount, expressed in the company management currency.

This field displays the company currency and cannot be modified.

This field reminds the user of the IFRS account of the expense.

  • IAS tax excl (field AMTNOTIAS)

This field displays the amount for each retained expense, expressed in the IAS-IFRS valuation currency.

The modification of this amount is possible (except on expenses already attached to the asset). Such modification can be used, for example, to manage the issues raised by conversion rounding, or forced rates in the document originating the expense.

SEEINFOThis amount is recorded on the expense but is not displayed on the expense management screen.

This field displays the management currency of the IAS/IFRS depreciation context.

  • Tax excl. expense (field AMTNOTCUR)

This field displays the expense amount ex-tax, expressed in the transaction currency.

This field displays the transaction currency.

This field displays the Group of the expense.

CoA totals

This field displays the company management currency, as a reminder.

  • Current value (field CUMIMMVCR)

PCG amount (amount selected in the company accounts) of the expenses already linked to the asset.

  • Additional expenses (field CUMAMTVCR)

Total of the tax excl amounts for the selected expenses whose CoA nature differs from Cost.

  • Revised capitalized value (field CUMPREVCR)

PCG total of the Current value and the Additional expenses.

IAS/IFRS totals

This field displays the IFRS currency in the IAS depreciation plan for a company.

  • Current value (field CUMIMMIAS)

IAS/IFRS amount (amount selected in the consolidated accounts) of the expenses already linked to the asset.

  • Additional expenses (field CUMAMTIAS)

Total of the tax excl amounts for the selected expenses whose IAS/IFRS nature differs from Cost.

  • Revised capitalized value (field CUMPREIAS)

IAS/IFRS total of the Current value and the Additional expenses.

Accounting allocation of asset

This field displays the Group of the asset. If the asset is constructed from the capitalization of expenses, this field is filled in by default with the group of the main expense. It remains editable. If adding expenses on an asset, this field indicates the group of the asset.

Asset accounting code. This information is mandatory.
During the creation of an asset, the accounting code is determined from the CoA account of the principal expense. It can also be determined by the Group if field associations have been set up for the Asset. In this case, the possibility to modify it depends on the setup of the association (indicator Changeable active).
If however the forcing code, set up at association level, is also active, the value entered will not be taken into account but will be overwritten when triggering the association on returning to the Asset screen. Assets. The modification of the accounting code must therefore be carried out directly in the Asset screen.
During the increase of an asset, this field reminds the user of the asset accounting code and cannot be modified.

  • CoA nature (field GACACNV)

This field displays the nature of the CoA account.

This field displays the CoA account, i.e. the accounting classification of the asset towards the national norms. It is filled in using the CoA capitalisation account defined at the level of the Accounting code and cannot be modified.

  • IFRS nature (field IASACNV)

This field, non modifiable, displays the nature of the IAS/IFRS account of the asset.

This field displays the IAS/IFRS account, i.e. the accounting classification of the asset towards the international norms.
It is filled using the IAS/IFRS account of the main expense or the account defined in the Accounting code if it has been modified.
Note : when the IAS/IFRS account of the main expense is a Cost account, the asset will also have to be allocated on an IAS/IFRS Cost account.



Action icon

All capitalized expenses

This function can be accessed from the Capitalized expensestable, used to display the list of all capitalized expenses attached to the Financial site of the company. In order to be capitalized, an expense must meet the conditions specified below at the level of the Definition of a capitalized expense.


This function is used to open the standard object selection window in order to specify the selection criteria for capitalized expenses to be displayed.


This function is accessible from the Capitalized expenses list. It is used to add the selected expense to the Selected expenses table. The first expense thus selected will be considered the main expense.

Add all

This function can be accessed from the Capitalized expenses list, available only when a main expense has been picked. It is used to add all the capitalized expenses to the Selected expenseslist.


This function can be accessed from the Selected expenses list. It is used to remove the selected expense from the table. If it is the Main expense, the expense found in the first line of the table is automatically considered as the new Main expense. In the event of an asset update, an expense already attached to an asset cannot be removed.

Remove all

This function can be accessed from the Selected expenses list. It is used to remove all of the selected expenses from the list. In the event of an asset update, the expenses already attached to an asset cannot be removed.




Capitalized expense/Main expense

  • Definition of a capitalized expense

    In order to be capitalized, an expense must fulfill the following conditions:
    - It must not be already attached to a financial asset.
    - If the IAS/IFRS standards are not managed: its CoA nature must be In process or In service (it must therefore not be an expense posted to a Charge account).
    - If the IAS/IFRS standards are managed: its nature must be In process or In service with respect to at least one of the two standards CoA and IAS/IFRS (it can therefore not be an expense with the nature Charge both with respect to the national CoA standards and the international IAS/IFRS standards).
    - When the expense comes from the posting of an invoice and the company is submitted to the French legislation, the VAT coefficients allocated to the expense must have been validated if the VAT collection rate is not equal to 100% and the VATAUTVAL - VAT Automatic validation parameter is set to No.  
    - When the company is submitted to the German or Austrian legislation, the choosing of expenses to create LVA or Pool type assets is subject to a certain number of checks related to the type-specific management terms.
    SEEREFERTTOManagement terms of low value assets ( LVA or Poolstatus).
  • The rules restricting the choice of main expense
    It is from the values present in this expense that the grouping rule will be applied to the expenses and what is filtered as a capitalized expense in order to list only those expenses compatible with the main expense.
    The main expense also represents the expense that "carries" the account allocations where the asset inherits them (see theasset allocation rules below).
    When expenses with different natures are retained, the choice of main expense is automatically carried out in the following order of priority:
    - Expense posted to a CoA account and an IAS/IFRS account with a Fixed asset in service nature. By default,
    - Expense posted to a CoA account with a Fixed asset in service nature. By default,
    - Expense posted to a IAS/IFRS account with a Fixed asset in service nature. By default,
    - Expense posted to a CoA account and/or an IAS/IFRS account with a Fixed asset in process nature if no expense is posted to an account with a Fixed asset in service nature.
    It is prohibited to choose as main expense:
    - an expense posted to a CoA account with a Charge nature except if it is made up of a single capitalized expense or if the other capitalized expenses are also posted to a Charge CoA account. In this latter case, the choice of main expense automatically will fall on an expense posted to an IAS/IFRS account with a Fixed asset in service nature if an expense of this nature is retained.
    - an expense posted to an IAS/IFRS account with a Charge nature except if it is made up of a single capitalized expense or where the other capitalized expenses are also posted to an IAS/IFRS account with a Charge nature. In this latter case, the choice of the main expense will automatically pertain to an expense posted to a CoA account with nature Fixed assets in service if an expense of that nature is kept.

Expense grouping implementation

  • List of the capitalized expenses
    On asset creation, by default, the table displays all the capitalized expenses. Right click option Criteria is used to carryout a selection of the capitalized expenses to be displayed.
    In this list, it is necessary to choose the first expense ; this is considered to be the Main expense. The selection is carried out either by ticking the line of the expense or by right click option Add. This expense is displayed on the first line of the selected expenses table. The choice of this main expense is under the rules indicated above.
    The list of capitalized expenses is then automatically filtered by means of the application:
    - the expense grouping rule (see the Expense – Fixed asset documentation) applying with respect to the valuation of the main expense,
    - of the management rule which forbids grouping of expenses for different activity sector and different values for their VAT coefficients (subjection, taxation and admission).
    Only the expenses compatible with the main expense are conserved in the list. They can then be selected to be added to the list of selected expenses, either single by ticking the selection box (or by the right click option Add), or by mass selection by the right click option Add all.
    If one or several expenses are added to an asset, the list of capitalized expenses is automatically filtered via the expense grouping rule that applies to the asset valuation (or, when the fields defined in the rule do not exist in the financial assets table, to the main expense valuation).
    In the list displayed, it is necessary to select the expense(s) to be grouped either unit by unit, by ticking the selection box (or by right-clicking Add), or doing a mass selection by using the right click option Add all. The selected expenses are displayed in the selected expenses table.
  • List of selected expenses
    This table is loaded with the expenses selected in the capitalized expenses.
    In asset creation, the first selected expense is considered as the main expense. It is possible to choose another main expense by using the corresponding flag provided that the rules governing the choice of main expense are respected
    Addition of an expense to an asset, this table presents the expenses already attached to an asset (displayed in blue). The choice of main expense, displayed on the first line, cannot be modified.
    The right click options Remove and Remove all are used to delete either one or all the expenses in the list of selected expenses. In the event of an asset update, the expenditures already attached cannot be removed.

Creation/update of an asset

Valuation of an asset

The CoA amounts are valued in the company management currency.
The IAS/IFRS amounts are valued in the currency defined for the IAS/IFRS depreciation contexts.

Current value
In asset creation, since the asset does not exist yet, the current value is not specified. Upon asset updating, it corresponds to the amount of expenses already capitalized.

Additional CoA expenses
This amount corresponds to the sum of the Ex-tax amount for the selected expenses where the nature with respect got the CoA standards is not Charge.

Additional IAS/IFRS expenses
This amount corresponds to the sum of the Ex-tax amount for the selected expenses where the nature with respect got the IAS/IFRS standards is not Charge.

Revised capitalized value
This amount is the the sum of the Current value and the Additional expenses.

Asset allocation

1/ In asset creation:
- The Group is loaded by default with the group of the main expense and is modifiable. If the field associations are setup for the Asset object, the group can determine the different field values including the account code.

- The entry of the Accounting code is mandatory. It is determined from the CoA account of the main expense. It can be modified, in this case an new CoA and IAS/IFRS nature and a new CoA and IAS/IFRS account will be determined.
It can also be determined by the Group if the field associations are set up for the Financial asset object. When it is loaded by field associations, the possibility to modify it depends on the setup of the association (Modifiable flag active). If however the forcing code, set up at association level, is also active, the value entered will not be taken into account but will be overwritten when triggering the association on returning to the Asset screen. The modification of the accounting code must therefore be carried out directly in the Assets screen.

Note: an asset created from one or more expenses posted to a CoA account with a Charge nature must be posted to a CoA account with the same nature. (The same rule is applied to an asset created from one or more expenses posted to an IAS/IFRS account with a Charge nature). The creation of an asset will therefore be prohibited if the accounts defined at account code level, either entered or determined by association, do not respect this rule.

2/ In addition of expenses on an asset, the code and the account, analytical and geographic allocations to an asset cannot be modified.

Load of the asset

1/ In asset creation

A - Some fields of the asset are loaded from the main expense. These are the following fields, which can be modified:
- Description ,
-Purchase date and Service start date, entered with the Invoice date for the expense,
- Accounting date entered with the expense Posting date,
- IFRS ActivityandGeographic sector,
Geographic site and Location,
- Analytical dimensions

B - The other fields, that cannot be modified, are loaded from the expenses provided that the value is identical across all of the grouped expenses:
- Supplierand Order references,
- Project, Budget, Investment request references,
Budget fiscal year,
Market number,
-Activity sector.
: in the case when the activity sector is not entered on expenses, this field stays modifiable during the creation of the asset. If no sector is entered on the asset, the VAT collection rate will always be equal to 100% and the collected VAT amount will be equal to the invoiced VAT amount. If a sector is entered, it is transferred on the expenses composing the asset; besides if the entered sector brings a taxation coefficient different from 100%:
- this coefficient is updated on the expenses,
- a VAT regulation event (ELOFVATREG event), will be generated for each expense on the accounting plan and on the IAS/IFRS plan if the REGVATIAS (IFRS referential: VAT adj) parameter has the value Yes.

C - The fields Ex-tax receipt value, VAT rate, VAT amounts and Balance sheet value are loaded as follows:
-Ex-tax CoA receipt value: the amount corresponds to the Ex-tax amounts total of all expenses attached to the asset, with a CoA nature different from Charge (this total can be converted into the company management currency).
- Ex-tax IAS/IFRS Receipt value: the amount corresponds to the Ex-tax amounts total of all expenses attached to the asset, with a IAS/IFRS nature different from Charge(this total can be converted into the IAS/IFRS ledger currency if the currency of expenses is different from the IAS/IFRS ledger currency).
- Invoiced VAT rate and Collected VAT rate: the displayed rate are taken from the main expense. However, they are not significant.
- Invoiced VAT amounts and Collected VAT: the respective value is not calculated from the displayed rates, it is forced. It corresponds to the total of Invoiced VAT amounts and to the total of Collected VAT amounts, for all of the expenses attached to the asset, where the CoA (in the CoA plan) or IAS/IFRS (in the IAS/IFRS plan) nature is not Charge. When modifying an asset, or one of the VAT coefficients, or the activity sector, the collected VAT rate is modified: the collected VAT amount is unforced and recalculated.
- Balance sheet value on each of the plans. It corresponds to the total of ex-tax expense amounts and can be modified on creation. However, when modifying this value, the expenses capitalized upon creation can no longer be detached.

2/When adding expenses to an asset

- The CoA ex-tax receipt value for the asset is increased by the total of amounts for the selected expenses where the nature in the CoA plan is not Charge. The CoA invoiced VAT amounts are increased with the total of CoA invoiced VAT amounts of the attached expenses. The following rules are applied to the update of the CoA collected VAT amount on the asset:

  • When the CoA collected VAT amount on the asset is forced before it is attached, then this amount is increased with the total of CoA collected VAT amounts of attached expenses, without taking into account the CoA collected VAT rate of the asset.
  • When the CoA collected VAT amount on the asset is calculated before it is attached, then this amount is calculated again based on the CoA collected VAT rate of the asset.

- The IAS/IFRS Ex-tax receipt value for the asset is increased by the sum of the amounts for the selected expenses where the nature in the IAS/IFRS plan is not Charge. The IAS/IFRS invoiced VAT amounts are increased with the total of IAS/IFRS invoiced VAT amounts of the attached expenses. The following rules are applied to the update of the IAS/IFRS collected VAT amount on the asset:

  • When the IAS/IFRS collected VAT amount on the asset is forced before it is attached, then this amount is increased with the total of IAS/IFRS collected VAT amounts of attached expenses, without taking into account the IAS/IFRS collected VAT rate of the asset.
  • When the IAS/IFRS collected VAT amount on the asset is calculated before it is attached, then this amount is calculated again based on the IAS/IFRS collected VAT rate of the asset.

- The activity sector cannot be modified even if the asset is not allocated to any activity sector; in this case, only an analytical and geographic transfer will enable the user to change the asset activity sector which will not be transferred to the attached expenses. To attach an additional expense to the asset allocated to the new sector, it will be necessary to load the expense sector with the same sector as the asset.

- The depreciation bases having been modified, the different plans will be re-valued and recalculated: The depreciation base update is taken into account from the current fiscal year start date (or the depreciation start date if it is later). The current fiscal year expense as well as the next ones are recalculated based on the new depreciation basis. If closed periods exist for the current fiscal year, the expense of the current period contains the adjustment due to the revision of the fiscal year expense. The update of the depreciation base does not lead to an depreciation mode change.

SEEINFO In the particular event of a capitalization of an expense on a non-valued asset, the dates of the asset is not updated with those of the expense.

Impacts on expenses

Upon completion of action Capitalization, on saving the asset, some operations are carried out for each of the capitalized expenses:

- The expense is marked as capitalized. In the Expenses screen, the Fixed asset section is automatically entered: the Asset link flag is activated to specify that the expense is attached to a fixed asset whose reference is displayed. When the expense represents the main expense, the corresponding flag is also activated.

- The CoA accounts and nature of the expenses automatically take the values of the asset, except if the CoA nature for the expense is Charge in which case it keeps its CoA nature and expense account.
The initial accounts are kept and displayed in the fields: Origin CoA.

- The IAS/IFRS accounts and nature of the expenses automatically take the value of the asset, except if the IAS/IFRS nature for the expense is Charge in which case it keeps its IAS/IFRS nature and expense account.
The initial accounts are kept and displayed in the fields: Origin IAS/IFRS.

- The Account change (ELOFCIM) events are generated.
(The inquiry of events in the Event Journal window can be accessed from the Other info tab of the Expenses management function).

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Specific Buttons

This button is used to close the expense capitalization window and to load or complete the asset from the selected expenses. The Fixed assets screen remains in Creation mode (or Modification in the case of any addition to an asset) in order to allow the user to fill in or modify some fields before saving using the [Create] or [Save] buttons.

Note: this button can only be used once during the creation or update of an asset.

The [End] button is used to close the window and return to the Fixed asset screen without losing the information already entered; the Capitalize expenses window can be displayed again, in view mode only, by clicking again on the [Capitalize] button.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The IFRS (or CoA) nature arising from the accounting code is not compatible with the IFRS (or CoA) account nature for the main expense.

This message appears when the accounting code entered - or determined by the Group, when the field associations are defined for the Fixed asset object - generates an inconsistency between the nature of the accounts that are associated with it and those of the main expense accounts. (It can be for example, a Main expense posted to an IFRS Charge account, whilst the IFRS account defined at the level of the entered code has nature In service. In this case it is necessary to check the coherence between the setup of the field associations and the CoA and IAS/IFRS allocations of the main expense.

Modified balance sheet value: the expenses capitalized upon creation of this asset can no longer be detached.

The balance sheet value of the asset corresponds to the total of capitalized expenses values. In creation mode, this value can be modified but it will no longer be possible to detach theses expenses as the depreciation base of the asset could not be adjusted accordingly.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation