General parameters > Chapter Fixed assets > Parameter VATAUTVAL (Automatic VAT validation) 

This setup is used upon automatic creation of an expense by validation of an invoice or accounting document when the following conditions are met:

- the company is submitted to the French legislation
- the VAT rate recovered differs from 100%.

The VAT coefficients are, in this case, initialized with the following values:
- the liability and admission coefficients are loaded with the value: 1,
- the taxation coefficient is the reflection of the recovered VAT rate (if, for example, the recovered VAT rate is 80%, the taxation coefficient is loaded with the value 0.8).

  • When this setup is set toNo :

So that the expense can be capitalized, it is necessary to validate its coefficients, after having modified them if necessary. The validation is carried out by activating the Validated checkbox available and visible only on the expense as long as the validation has not been carried out.

When this setup is set toYes :

The VAT coefficients loaded on the expense cannot be changed and are automatically validated. The expense is capitalized immediately.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Company.It belongs to Chapter AAS (Fixed assets) and the Group VAT (Tax management),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Supplier BP invoice posting

 Financials > Current processes > Final validation

 Purchasing > Invoices > Invoice validation

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Supplier BP invoices

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Supplier intercompany invoice

 Financials > Journals > Journal entry

 Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Expenses

 Purchasing > Invoices > Invoices