General parameters > Chapter Inventory > Parameter SCOPTRNUM (Automatic EO transaction) 

This parameter is used to specify, among the subcontract order launch transaction set up in the application, the one to use to launch a subcontract order from the planning function: Enterprise Workbench, Product Workbench, Company site Grouping.

It is a default value; it can be modified from the entry transaction setup functions of the planning functions.

Possible values: For this parameter, it is recommended to use a launch transaction for which the "Transaction reserved for automatic generation" check box has been checked.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site.It belongs to Chapter STO (Inventory) and the Group MIS (Miscellaneous),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

Its values are defined by the function Subcontract orders.

The global variable GSCOPTRNUM is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Manufacturing > Planning > Planning workbench

 Purchasing > Supply > Planning workbench

 Manufacturing > Planning > Enterprise planning

 Purchasing > Supply > Enterprise planning

 Manufacturing > Planning > Grouping

 Purchasing > Supply > Grouping workbench

 Setup > Manufacturing > Entry transactions > Planning workbench

 Setup > Purchasing > Entry transactions > Planning workbench

 Setup > Manufacturing > Entry transactions > Work orders

 Setup > Manufacturing > Entry transactions > Enterprise planning

 Setup > Purchasing > Entry transactions > Enterprise planning

 Setup > Manufacturing > Entry transactions > Grouping

 Setup > Purchasing > Entry transactions > Grouping workbench
