Setup > Manufacturing > Entry transactions > Work orders 

Use this function to customize the Work order (GESMFG) function to the needs of your organization and your processes. 

Your system is provided with a standard or master Work order entry transaction format. You can modify the master or create new entry definitions to suit your processes, your users or just to make your system more convenient to use. Each entry definition affects the way in which information is entered, and what information is displayed and printed.

You create each entry definition as a 'Transaction'. Each transaction you define is available for selection when the Work order function is loaded, either from the menu or from an action in a linked function. The default entry screen will be displayed and a choice will not be offered if you do not define additional transactions to the standard or master Work order entry format.

 You are advised to get a basic understanding of how your system works before changing the master entry definition.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The Work orders Entry transactions function contains a Home section and one section per feature of the functionality:

  • Home section. The Home section contains the code and name for this entry transaction, and the user access code.
  • Parameters. Use this section to describe the functional characteristics of this entry transaction.
  • Input. Use this section to provide default entry, and display, fields and values.
  • Analytical. Use this section to define the default analytical dimensions applicable to this entry transaction.
  • Documents. Use this section to define which printed documents are required for work orders associated with this entry transaction.



The Home section provides key tracking and access information. You can pin this section so that it does not scroll off the page.

Each transaction code you define is available for selection when the Work order function is loaded, either from the menu or an action that accesses the Work order function.

 You must define at least one entry transaction which is dedicated to the automatic work order generation functions (to support the release of order plans). Please refer to the Parameters tab for further information.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Work order

  • Transaction (field MTSNUM)

Use this field to assign a code to this entry transaction.
This transaction determines the way in which information is entered in the associated function, and how information is displayed and printed.
Upon validation of this entry transaction, entry screens are created which can be used by any user with the defined access code in their profile when accessing the associated function. If multiple transactions are available to the user they can choose which one to use when loading the associated function; if only one transaction has been set up they are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

  • field DESAXX

Use this field to identify this transaction.

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Use this check box to activate (field Active=selected) or deactivate (field Active=clear) this record.

Inactive records are not available for selection.

This access code is used to restrict access to data by user or group of users.
If this field is entered, only users with this access code in their profile can use this transaction.
If several transactions are available, you can choose the transaction you want to use to open the function. If only one transaction is available, there is no selection to be made: the default entry screen opens directly.

Use this field to restrict access to this transaction to a specific site/company group.



Tab Parameters


You use this section to define functional characteristics for this entry transaction. This includes the following information:

  • The default status for the work orders.
  • The ability to manage multiple released products.
  • Partial release authorization.
    For a partial release you should define whether the production folder can be printed or if the work order must be completed before the production folder is printed. You must also define an entry transaction which authorizes a full release so that a partial work order can be completed. This is fundamental to the operation of this feature.
  • The work order processing actions to be available to the user such as manual material allocations and operation scheduling.

 You must define at least one entry transaction which is dedicated to the automatic work order generation functions (to support the release of order plans). The transaction code must be attached to the general stock parameter MFGMTSNUM - Automatic WO transaction (STO chapter, MIS group).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Transaction reserved for automatic generation (field TRSAUTO)

Click this check box if this entry transaction code is dedicated to the automatic work order generation functions (to support the release of order plans). These include the functions Enterprise planning (FUNGBENCH), Planning workbench (FUNDBENCH), Grouping (FUNMPICK) and Automatic release (FUNMAUTR).

 This transaction code must be attached to the general stock parameter MFGMTSNUM - Automatic WO transaction (chapter STO, group MIS).

Authorized statuses

  • field MFGSTA

Use this field to set the initial status for the work order as 'Firm' or 'Planned'. Planned orders cannot be allocated, printed, or tracked. They can, however, be scheduled and can be respected by the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process.

Alternatively, select 'By selection'. This value requires the user to choose the initial status upon order entry.


  • Multiple products allowed (field ITMMULT)

Use this field to control the addition of released products to a work order.

  • Click this check box if multiple released products can be added to a work order.
  • Leave clear if a work order can only contain one released product line.

 Sage recommend that a work order for a project should be single product only. That is, one work order for one product for one project. If this Entry transaction will be used for project-related work orders Sage advise that you leave this check box clear. With multiple products on a single work order it can be difficult to trace inconsistencies in the postings if they occur. If you click this check box to permit multiple released products on a work order, Sage advise that all additional product lines are for the same project as the first product line or blank (not assigned to a project). 

 Parameter WOPJMMSG - Block multiple projects on WO (TC chapter, PJM group)

Release mode

  • Full (field MFGMODC)

This field defines the release mode for a work order.

  • Click this check box if both components and routing operations are mandatory. The list of components from the defined bill of materials (BOM) record and the operations in the defined routing will be loaded to the work order automatically. The default order for the list of components reflects the order of the components in the BOM, but can be amended.
  • Leave clear if a work order can initially be raised with only components or routing operations defined.

  • Materials only (field MFGMODM)

This field defines the release mode for a work order.

  • Click this check box if components are mandatory. The list of components from the defined bill of materials (BOM) record will be loaded to the work order automatically. The default order for the list of components reflects the order of the components in the BOM, but can be amended.
  • Leave clear if both components and routing operations are mandatory for a work order, or a work order can initially be raised with only routing operations defined.

  • field TYPMODM

This field is used in conjunction with the Materials only (field MFGMODM) release mode, as follows:

  • To be completed. Initially, only components are mandatory for a work order. A routing number must be defined before a work order can be tracked.
  • Complete. A work order can be released without routing information.

  • Operations only (field MFGMODO)

This field defines the release mode for a work order.

  • Click this check box if routing operations are mandatory. The operations in the defined routing will be loaded to the work order automatically.
  • Leave clear if both components and routing operations are mandatory for a work order, or a work order can initially be raised with only components defined.

  • field TYPMODO

This field is used in conjunction with the Operations only (field MFGMODO) release mode, as follows:

  • To be completed. Initially, only routing operations are mandatory for a work order. Material (component) requirements must be defined before a work order can be tracked.
  • Complete. A work order can be released without material requirements.


  • Allocation method (field MODALL)

This field defines when components are allocated to the work order.

  • Manual. Components are allocated when requested manually.
  • Automatic (global). Components are allocated/deallocated automatically to the work order upon creation, modification and deletion. A global allocation is performed simultaneously for all components. Global allocation does not specify the details of the stock (location, lot) to be consumed. Global allocation simply increments the reserved stock for the component and decreases its available stock. At the time of the effective consumption of the materials, the system transforms the global allocation into a detailed allocation.
  • Automatic (detailed). Components are allocated/deallocated automatically to the work order upon creation, modification and deletion. Detailed allocation specifies the location from which the material will be consumed. The allocated stock for the material is increased and its available stock is decreased. The determination of these locations is performed based on the allocation rule set up at product category level.

  • Scheduling mode (field MODJAL)

This field defines when the work order is scheduled. Scheduling is the process of sequencing the operations in time, according to the durations, slack times, and relationships in the work order (or routing for suggestions).

  • Manual. The scheduling process schedules the operations in the defined routing, and if specified, routing version when requested manually.
  • Automatic. The scheduling process schedules the operations in the defined routing, and if specified, routing version automatically. The target completion date is initialized by the required completion date for the work order.

  • Finite scheduler mode (field MODOPT)

Are work orders submitted to the Production Scheduler for detailed scheduling manually or automatically?

 This field is only available for selection if the Scheduling mode (field MODJAL) is set to 'Automatic'.

 Activity code POPS must be activated to use Production Scheduler for detailed scheduling.

 Production Scheduler only applies to on-premises instances of Enterprise Management.

  • Print documents (field MODDOS)

This field defines when the defined production folder documents are printed.

  • Manual. Planned documents from the production folder are printed when requested manually.
  • Automatic. All planned documents from the production folder are printed automatically. Once all planned documents from the production folder have been printed the work order advances to status 'Printed'.



Tab Input


You use this section to apply default entry, and display, fields and values to this entry transaction. The help for a field in this section might prompt you to think about the effect of selecting the option (check box). For example, whether the first date of availability of a component should be calculated by your system as many factors such as demand, replenishments, free stock and lead times can affect the calculation, potentially leading to a loss in performance.

Where fields can be entered or displayed you can select from the following values:

The associated field is to enable data entry.

The associated field is to be displayed. It is not to be available for data entry.

The associated field is not to be displayed and where appropriate, not calculated.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Entry parameters

  • Change release units (field UOMSAI)

Use this field to permit (check box=selected) or prevent (check box=clear) modification of the release unit where the displayed unit is different from the stock unit.

  • Routing modifiable (field ROUSAI)

Use this field to control entry or modification of the production routing.

  • Click this check box if the routing code can be entered. By default the system presents the first valid production routing for the released product at the production site, unless the product is not linked to a standard routing.
  • Leave clear if the routing code must match the product code and cannot be modified. The product code might be a manufactured product (a bill of materials), or a generic reference to a parent routing which is linked to several products.

  • Default quantity (field QTYSAI)

This field defines the default release/tracking quantity. 

  • Economic lot. The economic order quantity defined on the product-site record (field EOQ);
  • Technical lot. The lot size defined on the product-site record (field Technical lot);
  • None. The release/tracking quantity must be entered manually.

Entry mode

  • Lot (field LOTAFF)

Do you use lot numbers? If yes, do you assign a lot number manually to a released product or are your lot numbers assigned automatically?

  • Description (field DESAFF)

Do you add manual descriptions?

  • Destination (field DENAFF)

Do you manually define the site or customer to ship a released product to?

  • Project (field PJTAFF)

Do you manually associate a released product with a project code?

  • % LT reduction (field REDAFF)

Do you want to manually adjust lead times for the work order operations? The default lead time reduction rate is defined by the GPERCOMP - % LT reduction default (GPA chapter, LOA group) parameter.

  • Priority code (field PIOAFF)

Do you prioritize orders?

  • Change request (field CRAFF)

Do you want to see if a Change request has been raised and is being processed against a product?

  • First availability (field FDMA)

Do you want your system to calculate (suggest) the First Date of Material Availability for components?

 Component availability

Scheduling mode

  • field SCDMODSAI

This field defines the scheduling method for a work order.

  • Backward. With 'backward', or upstream scheduling the system calculates the production start date (field Start date) from the end or required completion date (field End date).
  • Forward. With 'forward', or downstream scheduling the system calculates the required completion date (field End date) from the defined production start date (field Start date).
  • By selection. The scheduling mode (Backward/Forward) is set manually.

These calculations rely on the production lead time, reduction factor and economic quantity defined on the product-site record.

 If this entry transaction code is dedicated to the automatic work order generation functions, that is the Transaction reserved for automatic generation (field TRSAUTO) check box is selected, you must select either Backward or Forward.

Materials entry

  • Major version (field ECCCOD)

Use this field to control entry or modification of the Major version number for a product. You can set this field to one of the following values:

  • Hidden:
    The Major version field is not displayed on the entry screen
  • Displayed
    The version number is loaded automatically if a product is version managed. It cannot be modified.
  • Entered
    The version number can be entered. The version number is loaded automatically if a product is version managed but can be modified.

  • field ECCSCR

Use this field to control where a Major version number is displayed or available for entry. If the Major version parameter is hidden this field is not available for selection.

  • Minor version (field ECCCODMIN)

Use this field to control entry or modification of the Minor version number for a product. You can set this field to one of the following values:

  • Hidden
    The Minor version field is not displayed on the entry screen.
    The minor version is always hidden if the major version is hidden.
  • Displayed
    The version number is loaded automatically if a product is version managed. It cannot be modified.
  • Entered
    The version number can be entered. The version number is loaded automatically when a product is version managed but it can be modified.
    You can only select this value if the Major version is set to 'Entered'.

  • field ECCSCRMIN

Use this field to control where a Minor version number is displayed or available for entry. If the Major version parameter is hidden this field is not available for selection.


Tab Analytical


You use this section to define the default analytical dimensions applicable to this entry transaction.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Stock movement dimensions (field STOCCECOD)

Specify for this transaction if the analytical dimension fields related to stock movements must be:

  • Hidden
  • Displayed: The menu Analytical sections, accessible from the menu in the movement detail window, will be available. The fields are displayed but cannot be accessed.
  • Entered: The menu Analytical sections, accessible from the menu in the movement detail window, will be available. The fields are displayed and can be accessed.
This screen is common to the entry transactions for the orders and open orders. In the open orders entry transaction, this field is not available.

Released product entry

  • field CCESCR

Parameter invisible and not used.

Grid Released product

You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line.
You can access a function from the Actionsicon to pre-load all the dimension types defined on the sites of a given group of sites.

  • Method (field CCECOD)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen. However, it is possible to initialize this field with a default section code.
  • Displayed: The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified, and, in that case, the entered value is checked in the analytical dimension table.
    The default value assigned to the analytical dimension is dependent on the dimension setup performed.

Material entry

  • field CCESCR2

Parameter invisible and not used.

Grid Materials

You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line.
You can access a function from the Actionsicon to pre-load all the dimension types defined on the sites of a given group of sites.

  • Method (field CCECOD2)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen. However, it is possible to initialize this field with a default section code.
  • Displayed: The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified, and, in that case, the entered value is checked in the analytical dimension table.
    The default value assigned to the analytical dimension is dependent on the dimension setup performed.

Operation entry

  • field CCESCR3

Parameter invisible and not used.

Grid Operations

You can enter an analytical dimension type code on each table line.
You can access a function from the Actionsicon to pre-load all the dimension types defined on the sites of a given group of sites.

  • Method (field CCECOD3)

Parameter used to define, for this entry transaction, if the analytical dimension must be:

  • Hidden: The field is not displayed on the entry screen. However, it is possible to initialize this field with a default section code.
  • Displayed: The default value is allocated to the field and displayed but the value cannot be modified.
  • Entered: The default value is assigned to the field and displayed. It can be modified, and, in that case, the entered value is checked in the analytical dimension table.
    The default value assigned to the analytical dimension is dependent on the dimension setup performed.



Tab Documents


You use this section to define which documents to print with each work order and the number of copies required.




The following fields are present on this tab :

WO documents

  • Material issue slip (field PICLIS)

Click this check box if a Material issue note (BSM) must be printed. If a Material issue note is not required, leave clear.

If the associated document check box is selected, enter the report code for the standard printed document.

Enter, select or build an Enterprise Management filter calculation expression using the formula editor to calculate the number of copies of the associated document to print.

 An error message is displayed if you refer to tables which are not generally used by the configurator, or to unknown variables.

  • Routing sheet (field ROUSHE)

Click this check box if the Routing sheet (FICHSUI) must be printed. If the Routing sheet is not required, leave clear.

  • Job ticket (field LABTIK)

Click this check box if a Job ticket (BONTRV) must be printed. If a Job ticket is not required, leave clear.

  • Production slip (field MFGTIK)

Click this check box if a Production slip (RECETTE) must be printed. If a Production slip is not required, leave clear.

  • Technical sheet (field TECCRD)

Click this check box if the Technical sheets (FICHTEC) must be printed. If the Technical sheets are not required, leave clear.


  • field LBEMOD

This field controls the printing of labels. Set to 'Manual' to print labels on demand or 'Automatic' to print labels when progress is recorded using the Production tracking function (GESMTK).

 This field is ignored when production reporting is made via subcontract receipts, the production tracking plans or imports.

Provisional cost documents

  • field MCCIMPMOD

The provisional cost calculation is launched at the end of creation or modification of a work order.
It is possible to manage the printing of documents linked to this calculation in the following way:

  • No. No print-out.
  • Report. Print of the summary report on the cost calculation.
  • Trace. Print of the summary log file for the provisional cost calculation.
  • Report and trace. Print of both the report and the log file.

Weighing stations

  • Weighing plan (field MWLFLG)

This field controls the selection of work orders in the Weighing functionality. Set to 'Manual' to use the Weighing plan (FUNWEIGH) function to manually select a work order or 'Automatic' if a work order is to be selected automatically by the weighing plan when created.



Action panel

Click the Validationaction to save this entry transaction definition. This triggers the corresponding screens to be generated.

You should view your results to check the display is as you expected. Should you need to make further adjustments you can adjust your definition and revalidate until the results you require are displayed.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

  • field OBJET


  • field CLES


Block number 2

  • From folder (field DOSORG)

Use this field to define the folder from which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.

  • All folders (field TOUDOS)

Use this option to copy the record to all the folders defined in the dictionary (ADOSSIER table of the current solution).

  • To folder (field DOSDES)

Use this field to define the folder to which the record will be copied. The possible syntaxes are described in the Dedicated appendix.


Click the Copyaction to copy this entry transaction to a different folder.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

You do not have the access rights for this code

This message is displayed if the access code defined does not exist in the user profile. Select a different access code or (provided you have the authorization) add the requested access code to the user profile.

Report dictionary: XX Record does not exist

You have entered a report reference (in the tab Documents) that does not exist in the Report dictionary.

Tables used

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