General parameters > Chapter Sales > Parameter SDHVALLIG (Line delivery valuation) 

Use this parameter to define at what time the document valuation is to take place.

The values of this parameter are as follows:


The valuation is only performed when:

  • updating an invoicing element,
  • clicking Create or Save,
  • triggering the recalculation of all lines (this action is performed when header information is updated),
  • triggering a price search (this action is performed when header information is updated),
  • accessing the Valuation screen from the Actions icon on the document's Tax incl. field.


The valuation is also performed when:

  • creating a line manually or selecting it,
  • updating or deleting a line.

All documents fields are entered.

This value is the default value.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Company.It belongs to Chapter VEN (Sales) and the Group MIS (Miscellaneous),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GSDHVALLIG is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Sales > Deliveries > Deliveries


If no value is entered in this parameter, the behaviors applied are those corresponding to the value 'No'.