General parameters > Chapter Sales > Parameter SOHVALLIG (Line order valuation) 

Use this parameter to define at what time the document valuation is to take place.

The values of this parameter are as follows:


The valuation is only performed when:

  • updating an invoicing element,
  • clicking Create or Save,
  • triggering the recalculation of all lines (this action is performed when header information is updated),
  • triggering a price search (this action is performed when header information is updated),
  • accessing the Valuation screen from the Actions icon on the document's Tax incl. field.


The valuation is also performed when:

  • creating a line manually or selecting it,
  • updating or deleting a line.

All documents fields are entered.

This value is the default value.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Company.It belongs to Chapter VEN (Sales) and the Group MIS (Miscellaneous),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GSOHVALLIG is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Sales > Orders > Orders


If no value is entered in this parameter, the behaviors applied are those corresponding to the value 'No'.

The value of this parameter also determines the display of the product stock availability, during the creation or modification of an order line:

  • No: the availability is not displayed.
  • Yes: the availability is displayed.