- The selected company
- The currency used (company currency)
- The reference date
This report classifies the posted entries by BP. For each BP, the CFOBALAGEGRP report displays:
- The BP code
- The BP name
- The telephone number
- The partial balance for each open item horizon
- The final total balance of the BP account
For each open item, the report indicates if the "Detail by open item" has been selected:
- The Type/Document number
- The due date
- The difference in days with reference date
- The open item amount if above nd3 days late
- The open item amount if ranging from nd2+1 and nd3 days late
- The open item amount if ranging from nd1+1 and nd2 days late
- The open item amount if ranging between the reference date and nd1 day late
- The open item amount if not overdue
- The open item balance
If the "Detail by open item" has not been selected, the CFOBALAGEGRP report then gives back for each BP:
- The total amount of the open items if above nd3 days late
- The total amount of the open items if ranging from nd2+1 and nd3 days late
- The total amount of the open items if ranging from nd1+1 and nd2 days late.
- The total amount of the open items if ranging between the reference date and nd1 day late
- The total amount of the open items not overdue
- The total balance of the open items
The report also displays the following information at company level:
- A general total amount by open item horizon
- Its balance