- Financial site
- Lease contract reference
Characteristics of the contract
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Contract | LEAREF | LEA |
Leaser | LES + BPRNAM | LEA + BPR |
Company | CPY | LEA |
Financial site | FCY | LEA |
Type | LEATYP | LEA |
Status | LEASTA | LEA |
Start date | STRLEADAT | LEA |
End date | ENDLEADAT | LEA |
Nature | LEANAT | LEA |
Update date | CUTDAT | LEA |
Origin | LEAORI | LEA |
Termination date. | TRMLEADAT | LEA |
Balance sheet line | BSENAT | LEA |
Purchase option removal date. | RPUDAT | LEA |
Capital amount | LEAAMT | LEA |
Interest rate | LEARAT | LEA |
Application fee. | LEAEXS | LEA |
Buyback value | RPUVAL | LEA |
Advance fee | BEFRNT | LEA |
Free fields : This frame is printed only if the free zones are entered on the contract.
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Free fields 1 to 10 | USRFLDA1 to 10 | FAS |
Free amounts 1 to 6 | USRFLDA1 to 6 | FAS |
Free conversion factors 1 to 2 | USRFLDC1 to 2 | FAS |
Free dates 1 to 4 | USRFLDC1 to 4 | FAS |
Assets assigned to the contract
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Asset reference | AASREF | FAS |
Description | AASDES1 | FAS |
Purchase date | PURDAT | FAS |
Financial leasing contract payment schedule
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Period start | STRDPRDAT | LBB |
Period end | ENDDPRDAT | LBB |
Balance to pay | RMNTPA | LBB |
Fee amount | RNTAMT | LBB |
Financial depreciation | FINDPR | LBB |
Financial fee | FINEXS | LBB |
Paid back capital | RPACAP | LBB |
Payment date | PAYDAT | LBB |
Payment reference | PAYREF | LBB |
The data extracted from the following tables are processed by the report FICHELEA :
Table | Table description |
AFCTFCY [AFF] | Site profile function |
LEABILBOOK [LBB] | Lease contract schedules |