
day$ returns a string that contains the name of the day (in the week) that corresponds to the date given as an argument. The result is given in the current connection language.




 # Which day was the Bastille Day?TUESDAY=day$([14/07/1789]) : # TUESDAY contains "Tuesday" if connected in English, "Mardi" if connected in French# Let's fill a string with the date in a sentenceMYDATE="Today we are"-day$(date$)-month$(date$)-num$(day(date$))+","-num$(year(date$))# Returns a text like "Today we are Monday December 9, 2013"


day$ returns the name of the day from a valid date. If a numeric argument is given, the result is the name of the day with the following:

1=Monday, 2=Tuesday... 7=Sunday.

If the number is not in the right [1,7] range, a 7 modulus calculation is done to bring it to the right range. For example, day$(9) is equal to day$(2).

The result type is Char.

Associated errors

10The argument is not a number.

See also

day, month$, month, year, dayn, nday, date$, Date.