This attribute returns whether a property of an instance has been modified since the snapshot has been enabled on the instance.
This attribute returns '1' if the property has been modified; otherwise, it returns '0'.
# Check if some properties have been modified to decide if a SORDER instance needs to be recomputed.If (SORDER.CUSTOMER.modified=1) or (SORDER.CURRENCY.modified=1)& or (SORDER.PAYMENTTERM.modified=1) or (SORDER.AMOUNT.modified=1)& or (SORDER.DISCOUNT.modified=1) or FORCE_RECOMPUTE=1OK=Fmet SORDER.RECOMPUTEEndif
revertToSnapshot, freeSnapshot, SnapshotEnabled, snapshot, Sage X3 Script Glossary Snapshot,
SnapshotEnabled, getmodified.