
This property of a class defines whether the snapshot is enabled on the class (if equal to 1) or disabled (if equal to 0).

When a class is instantiated, the default value of this property is 0.




# This program will free a snapshot and consider (because snapshot is enabled) that a new snapshot will be# created at the first modification of a property of the class# The main class is called SORDER, and includes a reference to LINE child classes.Local Instance SORDER Using C_SALESORDERSORDER=newInstance C_SALESORDER AllocGroup NullOK=fmet SORDER.AREAD(ORDER_NUMBER)# Now let's start the snapshot : Every modification done now will trigger the storage of the current valueSORDER.snapshotEnabled=1

See also

freeSnapshot, revertToSnapshot, getmodified, modified, snapshotSage X3 Script Glossary Snapshot