Supervisor administration volumes

Full version 7 functionApplication/ContractSage X3/ERPClassAVOLUMERepresentationAVOLUME

The Sage X3 supervisor is able to manage files on the server in dedicated directories such a logfile and other files used for transferring data. This function allows you to predefine the places where files can be placed. In the functions managing files, you can select a volume in the list of available volumes.

The volumes are defined with the following information:


This code identifies the volume. It can have up to 30 characters.


The description of the volume.


Identifies the root directory associated with the volume. The syntax accepted for the path is the same as the filpath function, which is the following:
* If the format is server_name@path: the directory is located on another server in which a Sage X3 service runs (sadfsq program and adxd service or daemon).
* If no server_name segment is given: the server is the application server by default.
* If the path starts with '/' or '\': the path is an absolute path on the corresponding server
* If the path does not start with '/' or '\': the path is relative to the base path of the folder. This base path can be computed by the expression filpath("","","").

In version 7, a new feature that is mandatory for security reasons enables you to define the sandbox where a Sage X3 process is allowed to read and write files. Every server in which a Sage X3 service runs must have a corresponding configuration file; otherwise, the access on files will not be allowed. This means that even if the volumes have been defined at a given moment, this does not ensure that the access will be allowed in the future. If the sandbox configuration file changes, the access to some volumes can be denied.