Engine trace

Administration PageApplication
(in $edit facet only)

This page is intended to set up logs on the Sage X3 server associated with the current connection. It is transmitted to all the connections opened on the corresponding endpoint from the current session (for Classic pages as well as query/detail/edit ERP pages).

When this page is opened, the following information can be entered:

Enable logging

This check box must be selected when a log is to be generated by the SAFE X3 engine.


This information is displayed and modifiable only if the previous check box is selected. This field is a numeric value type that is the addition of different numeric values (power of 2) corresponding to the elements that must be logged:

ValueElement logged
1Only the execution of the Gosub, Call, Callmet, and Fmet engine instructions.
2Execution of all engine instructions.
4Execution of the Read or For statements when they are used to access the database.
8Technical data feed exchanged between the SAFE X3 engine and the database driver (sadora or sadoss query).
16Technical JSON data feeds between the client and the web server.
32Technical binary data feeds between the web server and the Sage X3 server for Classic pages.
64Technical exchanges between the LDAP server and the Sage X3 server.
128Only the execution of the Opldap instruction (Technical).
256Technical exchanges linked to the runtime starting phase. (Technical)

Log directory

Defines the directory where the log files are generated on the Sage X3 server. The directory is relative to the folder directory on the process server. Make sure that the sandbox configuration allows you to write in this directory.


Defines the endpoint (the Sage X3 folder) in which the log is set.

The setup is updated when the Submit link is launched.

Operations available

Activate X3 log

This function triggers the log mode for the X3 engine. This mode is global, and will be applicable to all the sessions (V7 like or classic) started after the log activation. Take care that using this mode is consuming additional CPU, memory and disk resources. This should be done only for a short period of time for debugging, profiling and optimisation purposes.

Deactivate X3 log

This function stops the log mode previously enabled. It doesn't stop the log for the running sessions, but the new sessions started will no more fill the log.