Development > Business intelligence > BO reports > Business objects reports 


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Code (field COD)


  • Title (field ZDES)



  • Active (field ENAFLG)


  • Short title (field ZSHO)


  • Module (field MODULE)



  • BO report (field REPCOD)


Add. info.




Table Identifiers



  • Identifier (field DOCID)



  • Reference (field ETAREF)


  • field WA


  • 1 (field ZDES1)


  • field WB


  • 2 (field ZDES2)


  • field WC


  • 3 (field ZDES3)


Table Prompts

  • Prompt type (field TYPBO)


  • Prompt text (field ZTEX)



  • Lg (field LNG)


  • Menu (field MENLOC)



  • Ent (field DAC)


  • Range (field STREND)


  • Default value (field VALDEF)


  • Control (field CTL)


  • Parameter (field PAR)


  • Options (field OPT)






Specific Buttons

Menu Bar

Documentation / Paragraphs

This function is used to access the documentation management on the first paragraph of the documentation (if there is one) associated to the current record.

Documentation / Links

This function is used to access the links management. It is used to define the links between the current and other records (for example the links between functions and setups). These links are specific to the documentation and are used to load the generation of documentation structures.

Documentation / Generation

This menu is used to launch a documentation generation. The generation can also be launched from the [Generation] button at the bottom of the window.

Three types of generation can be launched one by one or simultaneously:

  • the generation of the documentation structure from the dictionary (tables ADOCUMENT, ADOCBLB, ADOCCLB).
  • the generation of the documentation from the previous tables.
  • the generation of the field documentation.

The range suggested by default takes into account the current record but it can be modified upon launch.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation