Setup > General parameters > Sets of values 

The general setups are organized in functional modules and in groups. A group forms a set of setups which are logically linked.

It is possible to define sets of values for a given group of setups. A set of value is used to pre-define values by default in order to make the software setups easier.

Each set is defined by a code and a clear title. There could be levels (for instance high, medium, low for the security setups), codes defining activity sectors or legislations (for accounting for example).

Upon setup entry, it is then possible to:

  • either choose directly a set of values in order to globally enter the setups (this set of values is displayed in a dedicated column).
  • or to enter the setups one by one in order to attribute them customized values. However even in this case, it is possible to begin by using a set of values corresponding to most of the required values and then to modify only the setups whose value is not that required.


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Screen management

Entry screen


The three values (module, group, set code) are associated with a list of values, the setups concerned being displayed in a grid.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The chapter, defined in miscellaneous table number 901, identifies the functional domain to which the parameter is attached.

The group code, defined by miscellaneous table number 903, is used to group the parameters of a single chapter, in order to organize them and to facilitate their parameterization. In fact, there is the possibility to define the values sets by group of parameters.

This code identifies the value set and is used to recall the entry of the parameter values.


  • Parameter (field PARAM)

This code identifies a general parameter, likely to supply one or more values, according the definition level to which it is attached.

  • Title (field NAME)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Definition level (field NIVDEF)

The definition level is used to characterized the deepest level of detail possible to associate a value for each parameter. If, in a given context, no value exists at the defined level, ascend up successive levels until a value is found. It is therefore possible to define a default value for the levels above the bottom level of the definition, in order to only manage the specific cases of the lowest level.

The definition levels possible, defined by the local menu 987, are, in descending order :

  • Folder: a single global value is then defined for all the folder.
  • Legislation :a value is defined by legislation. This supposes that in the parameter usage context, a current legislation can be defined (it is carried out in practice by means of the current company in the usage context).
  • Company : a value is defined by company. This supposes that in the parameter usage context, a current company can be defined.
  • Site: a value is defined by site. This supposes that in the parameter usage context, a site can be defined.
  • User : a value for each user (and defined at the time of the connection, remembering that if it does not exist, a search is mad for the value associated by default with the user for the module to which the parameter is attached).
  • Value (field VALEUR)

Define the value of the parameter if the value set has been applied.



Specific Buttons

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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