Payroll > Payslips > Payroll preparation > Pay preparation slips > Preparation slips 

Use this function to create, modify, duplicate, delete a pay preparation slip. Operational managers can perform the following actions:

  • Select the list code of payroll variables to pre-load the entry screen,
  • pre-load or not supervisors,
  • enter payroll variables for:
    • their team (individually or by batch) for the current payroll date and forthcoming ones,
    • others, for delegation,
  • enter a comment by variable,
  • add a general comment,
  • inquire the history of entries in navigation.
    SEEREFERTTO View the scrolling option.

The pay date is initialized on the pay date corresponding to the current pay month. When the pay order is performed, the payslip is initialized based on the activity period start date.

The operating manager can only select the current pay date (as long as the pay order is not performed) or an upcoming pay date.
The pay supervisor can manually modify all the data of the entry grid, including the pay date.

Once the request is validated by the manager, payroll variables which do not require hierarchical validation are initialized to the Accepted value by default. Only the requests requiring a validation have the Request status and are subject to the signature management.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Use the four tabs containing pre-loaded grids with the list of employees / contracts followed by the manager and the variables of the chosen list to perform the entry.

The pre-loading is performed on creation of a new slip.

Four entry modes are available for the manager:

  • entry window,
  • entry by variable,
  • entry using ID number,
  • entry by elements.

These entry modes are available at any time and are dynamic: updating data in one grid triggers their propagation in real time in all the grids containing these data.

The fields available for entry in the grids are:

  • the requested amount,
  • the associated comment (only if an amount is present),
  • the status, if the user has rights on the function where the manager / supervisor is.

Creation of a pay preparation slip


The following fields are present in this window :


This field displays the manager ID. By default, the ID associated with the connected user is proposed. The field is populated according to the setup configured in the Business process function.

  • Title (field DES)



This field is used to specify the list code which groups the employees and the payroll variables concerned by the request. This list code is defined in the "Pay preparation variables" function.

  • All companies (field ALLCPY)



  • All sites (field ALLFCY)



  • All departments (field ALLSRV)



  • All profiles (field ALLPRF)





  • Request date (field DEMDAT)

This field indicates the request date of the slip creation. The current date is loaded by default, but the field can be modified.

SEEINFO The request date must be earlier than the application date.

  • Application from (field APLSTR)

This field indicates the application period through which the active activity periods and the payslips which include the payroll variables are identified. The application period is automatically initialized based on the current pay month.

  • Application to (field APLDAT)


  • Loading (field LOAD)

Use this button to import: 

  • the list of employees/contracts hierarchically linked to the manager specified in the header (defined in the "Business process" function),
  • the list of employees and variables grouped under a list code defined in the "Pay preparation variables" function. 

The first workflow taken into account is the one entered in the "Pay preparation workflow" parameter (TC chapter/PRH group/FLXPREPAI). If the parameter is not indicated, the workflow specified by default is the one defined in the "Business process" function.

Table Detail

Employee concerned by the entry of variables.

  • Family name-first name (field NAM)


  • Contract (field CTRNUM)

The employee's contract number corresponds to one of their contract chronos.
To inquire the various contracts of an employee, it is necessary to select the following elements:

  • The employee's ID number
  • The requested document type
  • Arrival (field CTRDAT)

This field indicates the activity period start date. This date is visible when the employee list is imported into the function. The user has the possibility to assign the request to the activity period of their choice by selecting it via the Actions icon.


To create a new slip, click New. The window New request window opens.



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • No. (field REQNUM)

Two management types are possible for this field:

  • management via the PPH sequence number (Sequence number assignment):
    if the numbering is by site, the site used is the one of the last valid contract of the manager.
    The date corresponds to the date of the request.
  • Manual management.
  • Title (field DES)


  • Status (field REQSTA)


This field displays the number of the manager, determined on creation of the slip. It cannot be modified.

  • Request date (field DEMDAT)

Date on which the payroll variable is entered.

  • Application from (field APLSTR)

This field indicates the application period through which the active activity periods and the payslips which include the payroll variables are identified.

  • Application to (field APLDAT)


  • Pay date (field PYRDAT)

This field indicates the pay date on which the slip is charged.

  • Period from (field DATDEB)

This field indicates the extraction period defined for the pay date and the company or the site concerned by the slip. This field is used in the "Extraction periods" function.

  • Period to (field DATFIN)


  • Month end (field FMOIS)




Tab Entry window


The grid displays:

  • in line: employees / contracts,
  • in column: the variables of a chosen entry group.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 3


  • Previous (field PREGRV)


  • Next (field NEXGRV)


  • Group (field SELGRV)


  • field DESGRV


Table Values

Employee concerned by the entry of variables.

  • Contract (field CTRNUM)

The employee's contract number corresponds to one of their contract chronos.
To inquire the various contracts of an employee, it is necessary to select the following elements:

  • The employee's ID number
  • The requested document type
  • Arrival (field CTRDAT)

This field indicates the activity start date initialized at the end date of the slip application. By default, it corresponds to the last active activity period.

SEEINFO When creating, modifying and deleting an activity period in the "Contract" function, a warning message displays to inform the user about the update of the activity periods.
Message display conditions: some events occur after the new activity period start date and the user has chosen to display the activity periods (Input, Output) in at least one time entry transaction.

  • Name (field NAM)

This field indicates the name of the employee for whom the request is entered.

  • field GRVDEMAMT1


  • field GRVDEMAMT2


  • field GRVDEMAMT3


  • field GRVDEMAMT4


  • field GRVDEMAMT5


  • field GRVDEMAMT6


  • field GRVDEMAMT7


  • field GRVDEMAMT8


  • field GRVDEMAMT9


  • field GRVDEMAMT1


  • field GRVDEMAMT1


  • field GRVDEMAMT1


  • field GRVDEMAMT1


  • field GRVDEMAMT1


  • field GRVDEMAMT1




Functions accessed by right click on the grid


To access the employee record, click the Actions icon icon located at the beginning of each line and click Employees.




Tab Entry by variable


The grid displays the employees / contracts for a chosen variable.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Previous (field PREVRA)


  • Next (field NEXVRA)


  • Variable (field SELVRA)


  • field DESVRA


Table Values

  • Employee (field ZOOMID)


Employee concerned by the entry of variables.

  • Contract (field CTRNUM)

The employee's contract number corresponds to one of their contract chronos.
To inquire the various contracts of an employee, it is necessary to select the following elements:

  • The employee's ID number
  • The requested document type
  • Arrival (field CTRDAT)

This field indicates the activity start date initialized at the end date of the slip application. By default, it corresponds to the last active activity period.

SEEINFO When creating, modifying and deleting an activity period in the "Contract" function, a warning message displays to inform the user about the update of the activity periods.
Message display conditions: some events occur after the new activity period start date and the user has chosen to display the activity periods (Input, Output) in at least one time entry transaction.

  • Name (field NAM)

This field indicates the name of the employee for whom the request is entered.

  • Amount (field DEMAMT)

This field displays the amount for each variable.

  • Comment (field VRACMT)


  • Validation (field FLGAPP)


  • Status (field STA)

This field indicates the status of the request for each employee.

  • "Accepted": the slip line whose application date is inferior or equal to the date of a payslip end period is taken into account.
  • "Taken into account": the pay order is activated and the amount of the variable has been transferred to a payslip. 
  • "Rejected": rejection of the slip line. The payroll variables are not transferred to the payroll (after the pay order).
  • "Disable": status indicated if the variable not specified.
  • "Request": the slip line entered by the manager is in pending validation from the HR supervisor.
  • "Draft": the slip line has not been submitted to the validation cycle.
  • Payslip (field BUL)

This field indicates the number of the payslip which includes the payroll variable.


  • Total (field TOTVRA)




Functions accessed by right click on the grid


To access the employee record, click the Action icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Employees.

Occupation help

To access the HTML function, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Occupation help. Use the HTML function to define the occupation rules applied to the variable.




Tab Entry using ID number


The grid displays the variables for a chosen employee / contract.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Previous (field PRESAL)


  • Next (field NEXSAL)


  • Employee ID (field SELREFNUM)


  • field DESSAL


  • Contract (field SELCTRNUM)


  • Arrival (field SELCTRDAT)


Table Values


  • Amount (field DEMAMT)

This field displays the amount for each variable.

  • Comment (field VRACMT)


  • Validation (field FLGAPP)


  • Status (field STA)

This field indicates the status of the request for each employee.

  • "Accepted": the slip line whose application date is inferior or equal to the date of a payslip end period is taken into account.
  • "Taken into account": the pay order is activated and the amount of the variable has been transferred to a payslip. 
  • "Rejected": rejection of the slip line. The payroll variables are not transferred to the payroll (after the pay order).
  • "Disable": status indicated if the variable not specified.
  • "Request": the slip line entered by the manager is in pending validation from the HR supervisor.
  • "Draft": the slip line has not been submitted to the validation cycle.
  • Payslip (field BUL)

This field indicates the number of the payslip which includes the payroll variable.


  • Total (field TOTVRA)




Functions accessed by right click on the grid

Occupation help

To access the HTML function, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Occupation help. Use the HTML function to define the occupation rules applied to the variable.




Tab Elements


The grid displays all the employees / contracts and variables combinations to enter.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Values

Employee concerned by the entry of variables.

  • Contract (field CTRNUM)

The employee's contract number corresponds to one of their contract chronos.
To inquire the various contracts of an employee, it is necessary to select the following elements:

  • The employee's ID number
  • The requested document type
  • Arrival (field CTRDAT)

This field indicates the activity start date initialized at the end date of the slip application. By default, it corresponds to the last active activity period.

SEEINFO When creating, modifying and deleting an activity period in the "Contract" function, a warning message displays to inform the user about the update of the activity periods.
Message display conditions: some events occur after the new activity period start date and the user has chosen to display the activity periods (Input, Output) in at least one time entry transaction.

  • Name (field NAM)

This field indicates the name of the employee for whom the request is entered.


  • Amount (field DEMAMT)

This field displays the amount for each variable.

  • Comment (field VRACMT)


  • Validation (field FLGAPP)


  • Status (field STA)

This field indicates the status of the request for each employee.

  • "Accepted": the slip line whose application date is inferior or equal to the date of a payslip end period is taken into account.
  • "Taken into account": the pay order is activated and the amount of the variable has been transferred to a payslip. 
  • "Rejected": rejection of the slip line. The payroll variables are not transferred to the payroll (after the pay order).
  • "Disable": status indicated if the variable not specified.
  • "Request": the slip line entered by the manager is in pending validation from the HR supervisor.
  • "Draft": the slip line has not been submitted to the validation cycle.
  • Payslip (field BUL)

This field indicates the number of the payslip which includes the payroll variable.



Functions accessed by right click on the grid


To access the employee record, click the Action icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Employees.

Occupation help

To access the HTML function, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Occupation help. Use the HTML function to define the occupation rules applied to the variable.




Tab Criteria


This tab lists the selection criteria used on creation of the slip.




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • All companies (field ALLCPY)



  • All sites (field ALLFCY)



  • All departments (field ALLSRV)



  • All profiles (field ALLPRF)





  • Comments (field CMT)





By default, the following reports are associated to the function :

 PPHFIC : Preparation slip detail

 PPHLIS : Preparation slip list

This can be changed by a different setup.

Specific Buttons

Click the Request to trigger the slip validation requests.

When created, a preparation slip is in Draft status. As long as it remains in Draftstatus, nothing happens. To trigger the validation requests, you have to submit the slip by clicking the Request button.

Once the slip is in Request status, the status of each line is evaluated and modified consequently (Disable, Request, Accepted) and you can modify the slip lines without submitting it again.

Menu Bar

Orders / Overview


Use this option to view in a synthetic manner the number of variables and the amount.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Variables


  • Amount (field DEMAMT)

This field displays the amount for each variable.

  • Number (field NBVRA)

This field displays the number of use for the variable.

  • Draft (field NBBRO)

This field displays the number of occurrences of the variable in Draft status.

  • Inactive (field NBINA)

This field displays the number of contracts for which the variable was not used.

  • Request (field NBDEM)

This field displays the number of occurrences of the variable Request.

  • Refusal (field NBREF)

This field displays the number of occurrences of the variable in Rejected status.

  • Accepted (field NBACP)

This field displays the number of occurrences of the variable Acceptedthat is to say on hold to be taken into account.

  • Taken into account (field NBPEC)

This field displays the number of occurrences of the variable in the Taking into account status,that is to say used on a payslip.



Orders / Pay order

Use this option to access the Pay order function.

Signature / Signature

Use this option to automatically validate the slips. Via this function, the signature process of the line is triggered.

Signature / Signature history

Use this option to display an history of the signatures in the case of multiple recipients.

Signature / Signature management

Use this option to manage the workflows.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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