Setup > Payroll tables > Pay preparation variables 

This function is used to define a list of employees and variables grouped under a list code.

On creation of a pay preparation slip, the user specifies the list code to be used. Only the employees and variables indicated on this list code are available.

In the case of an entry via the portal, a unique list code can be indicated in order to send the list of the variables available.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Code (field PVHCOD)


  • Title (field PVHDES)


  • Active (field ENAFLG)

When the box is not checked, the list cannot be selected for the creation of a new slip.

Assign an access code to this record, so that its access can be controlled upon inquiry or modification.

Assign an activity code to this record.
If the activity code assigned is inactive, the record is not available.



Tab General


This tab is used to define the employees grouped in a list code.

On creation of a pay preparation slip, the user specifies the list code. Only the employees registered in this list code are visible. 




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Preloading (field FLGLOA)

  • When the box is checked, preloading of the employees or the contracts and of the variables is activated during the creation of a slip using this list.
  • When the box is not checked, the selection of the employee ID is mandatory.

  • All companies (field ALLCPY)


Default values are proposed when creating a slip using this list.

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)


Default values are proposed when creating a slip using this list.

  • All departments (field ALLSRV)


Default values are proposed when creating a slip using this list.

  • All profiles (field ALLPRF)



Default values are proposed when creating a slip using this list.



Tab Variables


This tab is used to define the payroll variables grouped in a list code.

On creation of a pay preparation slip, the user specifies the list code to be used. Only the variables indicated in this list code are visible.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Setup

This field is used to indicate the variable code. Only the variables of the employees are selected.
This code identifies the variable in a unique way.

  • Entry window title (field CROINPDES)

This field indicates the title used in the entry window mode. If the field is empty, the variable code is displayed in the entry window.

  • Validation (field FLGAPP)

This column is used to identify the variables which require a specific validation via the signature management.
Example: Exceptional bonus.

  • Comment mandatory (field FLGCMTOBG)

This field indicates whether the comment entry is mandatory for the variable or not.

This field is used to group variables of the same nature. It determines the presentation order of the variables (per group and ascending sequence) or a filter (entry window).
A maximum of ten variables per group is possible.

  • Sequence (field VRAROW)

This column is used to determine a sort order for a group of variables.

This column is used to define the code of html document attached to the variable.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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