Use this function to search in the personnel database, employees corresponding to a specific professional profile: they meet some specific criteria, they acquired some specific skills. From the searched skills list, use this function to view the list of employees who have acquired these skills. It is possible to display the list of employees as a graphical representation.

An indicator identifies which skills are key skills. For each employee, a note is displayed. The note is calculated on the basis of the acquired skills in relation to the reachable maximum and takes into account the weighting coefficient associated to each skill. The weighting coefficient, set to 1 by default, can be modified to indicate that a skill is more important than an other in the search profile.

For each employee and each skill, the achieved level is displayed in the form of a number expressed in percentage. An indication about the reference scale is available (1/6 being the lowest level and 6/6 the highest level).

It is possible to sort the data on the columns and on the column headers. Use the [Criteria] button to return to the selection criteria to modify them if needed, and to display the number of employees who have validated each skill.


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Screen management

Entry screen


Entry of search criteria.

This search can be done:

  • for a specific standard job or position: associated skills are initialized as search criteria by default,
  • within a company,
  • on a list of skills and their requested level. It is possible to enter a list of searched skills or to add skills to the list of skills initialized by the standard job or the position. It is also possible to delete skills from this list.

The searched skills can be weighted in order to give more value to some skills over other skills. It is also possible to exclude from the search employees with no specific skill. In that case, the specific skill must be checked as mandatory in the search profile.

It is possible to limit the search of a profile to a maximum number of employees.

On validation of the search criteria, the result is displayed in a grid (list of employees corresponding to the search profile). A note is assigned to each employee, which can be used to sort them in relation to the search criteria.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Max number of employyes (field NBR)
  • Key skill only (field FLGKEY)
  • Activated contract only (field FLGCTR)


  • Critical skill only (field CRSFLG)



  • Calculation type (field TYPCAL)


Table Requested skills

  • Level (field LEV)


  • Weighting (field WEI)


  • Mandatory (field OBGFLG)


  • Critical skill (field CRS)


  • Number of people (field NBSAL)




Functions accessed by right click on the grid


Jumps to the current employee's Career record.




Specific Buttons

Use this button to return to the criteria entry screen to perform a new professional profile search.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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