Use this function to define a standard job reference base.

A position can belong only to a standard job.
A standard job can belong only to a branch.
A branch can belong only to a sector

The link between the position and the standard job is not mandatory, but a standard job must be linked to a branch or a sector.

You can manage the standard job or branch level only, without managing the position level.


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Screen management



Identification of the standard job.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Code identifying the current record.

  • Title (field DES)

Description used by default in reports and screens (if there is enough space).
If you have limited space, you can use the short title if there is one.



Tab Standard job


Use this tab to define:

  • the main characteristics of the standard job,
  • missions specific to the position.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Validity period from (field DATSTRVLY)

Only the activated standard jobs will be displayed in the selection lists.

  • Validity period to (field DATENDVLY)


  • Collective agreement job (field JOB)

Description as per the labor agreement of the current standard job.

  • Short title (field DESSHO)

Short description.
Description on 10 alphanumeric characters.


  • Description (field TEX)

Free comment field associated with the current object.

Table Missions

List of missions which characterize the standard job or the current position.
When a position is created, and the standard job is entered, missions are initialized using those which have defined for the standard job.
When a standard job is linked to a position, missions are initialized only if no value has been defined for the position.



Tab Skill list


In the Fields grid, you can list default fields (Field column) and the default values of these fields (Default value column).

These fields and these values are automatically displayed in the contract records when entering the standard job in the contract records. If you modify the standard job in the contract record, the system can update the default fields and the values of these fields in the contract record.

The fields and the values specified in the Fields grid can be applied to the whole folder, or exceptionally to a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population.

If you modify the list of default fields, or the values of these fields, or both, you can apply these mass modifications to all the contracts. To apply the mass modifications to all the contracts, use the Contract field upd criteria function.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Fields

  • Field (field FLD)

For a field, determine a default value for a company, a site, etc. The default values are used and initialized in the contract records.

  • Title (field TIT)


  • Level (field LEV)

For a field, determine a default value for a company, a site, etc. The default values are used and initialized in the contract records.





  • Default value (field VALDEF)

For a field, determine a default value for a company, a site, etc. The default values are used and initialized in the contract records.

Total payroll

The template employee of a profile is used as a payroll reference to initialize the variables of the first pay of an employee having the same profile. This field is not mandatory.



Functions accessed by right click on the grid


To preload the list of fields in the grid, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line in the grid. Preloading.

The fields which are thus initialized correspond to those fields having the Universal preloading check box selected in the Employee field dictionary.




Tab Positioning


The Positioning tab is linked to the collective agreement. In this tab, you can create a link between the standard job and the collective agreement classification.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Collective agreement classification

Classification as per the labor agreement of the standard job or current position.
Selecting a classification code automatically populates the fields in the "Positioning" tab .

Collective agreement salaries

  • Minimum salary (field SALMIN)


  • Maximum salary (field SALMAX)


Median gross salary

  • Salary to sequester (field FLGSAL)

A salary defined as a 'Salary to sequester' is not impacted by the median wage calculation processing. For example, the CEO's salary of a company is a unique salary in the company. This information must not be communicated.

  • Median salary (field SALMED)

The median salary is the salary representing the salaries for this job in the folder. It is the salary above which half of the employees has a higher salary and the other half, a lower salary.



  • Occupation level (field OCPLEV)


Skills info


Equity info

  • Employment type (field EQUEMPTYP)


  • Foreign worker (field STG)


  • PDI Flag (field PDIFLG)


  • Race group (field RCEGRP)


  • Individual's gender (field SEX)


  • Start date (field PDISTR)


  • End date (field PDIEND)


  • Disabled flag (field HDCFLG)



  • Start date (field HDCSTR)


  • End date (field HDCEND)




Tab Skill set


In this tab, preload the skill groups for a standard job.

This tab can only be accessed if the GPEC module has been purchased.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Each standard job type must be linked to only one profession.

This field is automatically populated with the group linked to the profession. You cannot modify this value.

Table Group of skills

Enter one or several skill sets to initialize the list of skills required for the standard job or the position.

When the skills are initialized, you need to adapt and complete them in the 'Skill list' tab.



Tab Skill list


Use this tab to:

  • View and add the required skills for the standard job
  • Display the skills associated with the selected groups in the Skill group tab

This tab can only be accessed if the GPEC module has been purchased.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Global list of skills

List of skills required for the standard job or the current position.

  • Level (field NIV)

Level of skill required for the standard job or the current position.

  • Inheritance (field ORI)

The inheritance is useful to know the source of the skill:

  • If a skill and its level are required for all the jobs of the folder, the inheritance has the Folder value.
  • If a skill and its level are required for all the jobs of this sector, the inheritance has the Sector value.
  • If a skill and its level are required for all the jobs of this position, the inheritance has the Branch value.
  • If a skill is defined in the standard job, the inheritance has the Manual value.
  • If a skill originates from of a skill group, the inheritance is Group of skills.

When you modify a skill line, the inheritance switches to Manual: the skill is no longer linked to the upper levels and it cannot inherit the updates performed at upper levels.

  • Weighting (field WEI)

Weighting of the skills required in the profile search function: weighing is used to sort the skills in order of importance. This coefficient is defaulted to 1.

  • Key skill (field FLGKEY)

The key skill specifies if the skill is a mandatory, strategic or rare condition for the company or the group. This option is used as a selection criterion in comparison and simulation tools and in reports.

  • Critical skill (field CRSFLG)




Functions accessed by right click on the grid

Level scale

To view the reference scale and the definition of the various scale levels, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line in the grid, then click Level scale.


To view the definition of a skill and the various scale levels for this skill, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line in the grid, then click Skill.




Tab List of employees


The Employees with this job grid provides a list of all the active employees occupying a current standard job defined in their contract record (Contract function). You cannot modify the data in these grids.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Employees with this job


  • Contract (field CTRNUM)


  • Start date (field CTRDAT)


  • Title (field CIV)


  • Name (field NAM)


  • Employee's first name (field SRN)




Functions accessed by right click on the grid


To access the employee record, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Employees.





By default, the following reports are associated to the function :

 LISTJOT : List of standard jobs

This can be changed by a different setup.

Specific Buttons

Inheritance update principle

Use the Update inheritance action to apply the skills and skill levels defined at a particular level to the lower levels.

An update takes place when you create, modify or delete a skill or the data linked to this skill, such as the level of skill or the weighing.


The levels are the following:

  • Folder
  • Sector
  • Branch
  • Standard job
  • Position
Sequence of processings

If you start the Update inheritance action from the folder level, the sequence of processings is the following:

1. Update of skills at folder level (GESGCP1)
2. Update of skills at sector level (GESGCP2)
3. Update of skills at branch level (GESGCP3)
4. Update of skills at standard job level (GESJOT)

If you start the Update inheritance action from the sector level, the sequence of processings is the following:

1. Update of skills at sector level
2. Update of skills at branch level
3. Update of skills at job level

If you start the Update inheritance action from the branch level, the sequence of processings is the following:

1. Update of skills at branch level
2. Update of skills at standard job level

Update principle in case of skill creation

1. For example, you create a skill at folder level (GESGCP1).
2. You click Update inheritance from the folder: this skill is created on all the lower levels (sector, branch, standard job, position).

Update principle in case of skill modification

1. For example, you modify a skill at folder level (GESGCP1).
2. You click Update inheritance from the folder: if this skill belongs to all the lower levels (sector, branch, standard job, position), and the inheritance of this skill is Folder, the skill is updated for all the levels.

Update principle in case of skill deletion

1. For example, you delete a skill at folder level (GESGCP1).
2. You click Update inheritance from the folder: if this skill belongs to all the lower levels (sector, branch, standard job, position), and the inheritance of this skill is Folder, the same skill is removed from all the lower levels, provided it has not been modified from one of these levels (when a skill is directly modified on a lower level, the inheritance switches to Manuel and the skill cannot inherit any update).

Inheritance types

Inheritance types and update behaviors are the following depending on the inheritance:


If the inheritance of a skill line is Folder, the skill line inherits the updates performed at folder level.


If the inheritance of a skill line is Sector, the skill line inherits the updates performed at sector level.


If the inheritance of a skill line is Branch, the skill line inherits the updates performed at branch level.

Standard job

If the inheritance of a skill line is Standard job, the skill line inherits the updates performed at standard job level.


Manual inheritance means that the skill line has been created or modified for a specific level (the data relating to this skill line does not originate from a higher level).

If the inheritance of a skill line is Manual, the skill line is not updated.

Group of skills

The Skill set inheritance means that the skill has been defined in the Skill set tab. The data of the skill line in the Skill list tab originate from the Skill set tab.

If the inheritance of a skill is Skill group, the skill line inherits the updates performed at a higher level.

Inheritance update principle between a standard job and the positions linked to this standard job

In positions (GESPOT), the inheritance of skills originating from the standard job is Standard job, either for skills entered manually or for skills originating from skill groups defined in the standard job (GESJOT).

When you click Inheritance update from the standard job, the skill lines are updated for the positions linked to this standard job if the inheritance is Standard job: the skill lines contained in the position inherit the updates performed at standard job level.

For example, skills deleted from the standard job are deleted from the positions if the Inheritance column of the position has the value Standard job.

On the other hand, if a skill line is created or directly modified for the position, the inheritance of this skill line is Manual (the value of the Inheritance column is Manual): the skills having a Manual inheritance can never inherit an update performed at higher level.

Inheritance update principle between a standard job and the positions not linked to this standard job

For positions not linked to a standard job, the only possible inheritances in the Inheritance column are Manual or Skill group. If another value (Folder, Sector, Branch, Standard job) is entered in the Inheritance column, it means that the position was previously linked to a standard job but the link has been removed.

No update is possible if the position is not linked to a standard job.

Exception for skill groups

Concerning the positions and more specifically those skills originating from a group of skills defined in the standard job, the value of the Inheritance column is Standard job, not Skill group.

Initialization of skills on creation of a standard job or position

The selected skills and skill levels are by order of priority: those of the standard job, those of the branch, those of the sector, those of the folder, and lastly the skills and skill groups levels when they do not exist already.

Initialization of the skills in the position on modifying the standard job or a group of skills
  • The skills with a Manual inheritance are retained, the others are deleted.
  • An order of priority is applied: are retained the skills and skill levels defined in the standard job, the branch, the sector, the folder and lastly those of the group of skills.
Initialization of the skills in the standard job on modifying the profession or a group of skills
  • The skills with a Manual inheritance are retained, the others are deleted.
  • An order of priority is applied: are retained the skills and skill levels defined in the standard job, the branch, the sector, the folder and lastly those of the group of skills.

SEEWARNING On creation or update, the skills originating from the skill groups are never given priority over the skills and skill levels defined at a higher level.

Menu bar

Functions / Median salary


Use this function to launch the calculation of the median salary for each standard job.

SEEINFO The median salary is the salary above which half of the employees has a higher salary and the other half, a lower salary.The median salary is not the average salary.The average salary is the average of all salaries of the considered employees.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Median salary

  • Code (field COD)


  • Calculation for all (field CLCALL)

When this check box is selected, the median salary calculation is launched for all the standard jobs registered in the ledger.

  • Detailed log file (field DET)




Functions / Job guidelines

Functions / Position mission update

Use the Position mission update action to update the missions defined in the standard job for those positions linked to this standard job.

The Position mission update window is displayed.

If you select Replacement, the system replaces all the missions in the positions with those defined for the standard job.

If you select Addition, the system adds to the positions those missions defined in the standard job, while keeping the missions already contained in the positions.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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