General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter NBRCHOOSE (Default elements of selection) 

This parameter is used to define the number of lines read by default when a selection window is opened for a table.

Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level User.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group SEL (Selection Listing),in which the following parameters can also be found :

The global variable GNBSEL is associated to it.

Linked parameters

The following parameters are linked to the parameter NBRCHOOSE  :


 LFTBOX (defined at level User) : Number of quickselect elements

 NBDERLUS (defined at level User) : Last read lines

Functions concerned

All the functions where a field is controlled by a table can be selected (shortcut key).


It should be noted that in version 120 and 130, this parameter exists only as a global value.

Performance optimization

The loading time of the lists (left lists, selection, last read) which, in some cases, is necessary for each access to an object, is proportional to the number of elements read, and it consumes resources, both at the level of the processing server and the data server.

In a situation where there is a large number of users, and moreover using complex filtering rules on the data, these queries can have a significant impact on the general perfomances of the system.

Since this parameter allows the number of lines read to be restricted, while still allowing the next lines to be read by means of a simple pagination, it is recommended to give this parameter a reasonable value (for instance, the content of a screen page), although it is possible, in some particular cases, to go well beyond (like several thousand lines).