General parameters > Chapter Supervisor > Parameter SELRAPCAS (Case sensitive in rapid search) 

This parameter is used to make searches in the left lists case-insensitive.

In this way, each time a search template is entered on a column by right click, it is no longer necessary to concern oneself with upper-case or lower-case letters.

For instance, if searching for a contact with a template defined as *smit*, and if the parameter is equal to Yes, the following elements will be found:

  • John Smith
  • Richard smith
  • Allan smith

Whereas if the parameter is equal to No, only the following elements will be found:

  • Richard smith
  • Allan smith

Level of localization / Global variable

The parameter is defined at the level User.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group SEL (Selection Listing),in which the following parameters can also be found :

The global variable GCASSE is associated to it.


Warning, when this parameter is set to Yes, this can have serious consequences on performances. In effect, this type of search cannot be optimized by the use of an index.

For very bulky tables (several hundred thousand records, for instance), using searches of such a type can cause time-consuming queries to be launched and thus to slow down the rest of the users. It is thus recommended to set this parameter to No if the folder contains such bulky tables.