This parameter is used to define a minimum length for the user passwords.
The parameter is defined at the level Folder.Belongs to Module SUP (Supervisor) and to Group SEC (Security),in which the following parameters can also be found :
No global variable is associated to it.
The following parameters are linked to the parameter PASLNG :
NBRCON (defined at level Folder) : Max connection attempts
PASSWD (defined at level Folder) : Require password
TIMEHGUP1 (defined at level User) : Time limited for disconnection
TIMEHGUP2 (defined at level User) : Disconnection delay
TIMEHGUP3 (defined at level User) : Secondary session time out
If a password is not mandatory (PASSWD parameter), it is also possible to not give a password to a user (but if a password is entered it will need to have the minimum length previously defined).