Refer to documentation Implementation
Only one single tab can define the notifications.
Are displayed here, the original event, the additional conditions, a list of recipients and the associated text.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| This field identifies the Workflow rule. |
| [object Object] |
| As long as this box has not been checked, the Workflow rule is not likely to be triggered. |
| The Workflow event type can take the following values :
| This field specifies the triggering context, based on the previously defined type :
This field is mandatory only for the event type Miscellaneous. If not entered, the event is triggered in a generic way, remembering that it is always possible to further test the context to be selective (thanks namely to the GFONCTION, GOLDETAT...variables). |
| Name associated with the code entered in the previous section |
Block number 3
| This field is used to trigger the workflow in the case of a record creation if the event type is "Object". |
| This field is used to trigger the workflow in the case of a record modification if the event type is "Object". |
| This field is used to trigger the workflow in the case of a record deletion if the event type is "Object". |
| If checked, this box makes it possible to enclose in the message sent an icon containing the context used to remind the record (by double-clicking on it). Note that this only works for a client-server connection. |
| This box can only be checked if the triggering event corresponds to the end of a batch task. In that case, if it is checked, the trace file associated with the batch task will be enclosed to the message sent. |
Grid Conditions
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
Block number 5
| Indicate if necessary an expression to complete the search. The criterion is added to the previous criteria by the link AND. The expression cannot contain fields from a table other than the principal table for the object. These can be indexed. |
| A recipient can be linked to a user code (their details are then searched for in the user record), or a Business Partner (in that case, their details will be entered in the grid to identify on the BP record the concerned recipients). |
| This field identifies the recipients. It is written in the form of logical expressions (Calculation formula) including on-line variables at the moment of execution. |
| This information is only entered if the recipient type is a business partner. It refers to the local menu that defines the functions of the contacts in the Business Partner record. |
| Three values concerning the recipients of the line can be entered here :
| This flag is used to tell whether the recipients of the line will receive a notification in their planning workbenches, depending on the value entered :
Whenever a notification is sent to at least one of the recipient lines, the Approval request tab defines the text that will appear in the approval request, along with the answers that may be brought in case of a signature request. |
Block number 7
| A recipient can be linked to a user code (their details are then searched for in the user record), or a Business Partner (in that case, their details will be entered in the grid to identify on the BP record the concerned recipients). |
| This field identifies the recipients. It is written in the form of logical expressions (Calculation formula) including on-line variables at the moment of execution. |
| This information is only entered if the recipient type is a business partner. It refers to the local menu that defines the functions of the contacts in the Business Partner record. |
| Three values concerning the recipients of the line can be entered here :
| This flag is used to tell whether the recipients of the line will receive a notification in their planning workbenches, depending on the value entered :
Whenever a notification is sent to at least one of the recipient lines, the Approval request tab defines the text that will appear in the approval request, along with the answers that may be brought in case of a signature request. |
| This field is used to specify the content of the Subject field of the message sent, in the form of a calculated expression that will be evaluated when the event is triggered. |
| This field is used to define the main content of the message. It is written as free text which includes logical expressions (calculation formula) between two vertical lines that serve as separators. For example, it is possible to write such contents as : The event which occured on | num$(date$) | generated this sending by | GUSER |. |
Generates the corresponding Workflow event and validates it. |
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Block number 1
Block number 2
Close This button is used to copy the record definition from or to another folder. |