Refer to documentation Implementation
To create the stock configuration, a depositor must be selected, then the tabs dedicated to each flow must be completed.
Entry of the depositor code.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It covers the notion of order giving customer for the service provisions.
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This tab contains the general parameter relating to the stock.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Management of the support number (at depositor level) for each object entered. The authorization to enter this information is contained atproduct container level. |
| Entering the lot number for the creation of an object is mandatory if the depositor stock configuration and the product setup has the "Lot number" parameter set to yes. |
Block number 2
| Movement code that will be used for the automatic adjustments linked to the stock transfers. The entered movement code must exist in the movement code table and must be of "Automatic adjustment" type. |
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| Movement code of automatic adjustment type used by the system upon generation of an automatic adjustment further to an inventory. The entered movement code must exist in the movement code table and must be of "Automatic adjustment" type. |
| Specifies the movement code used for the automatic adjustments occurring during the assembling procedure. |
| This field indicates the movement code used for automatic disassembly adjustments. |
Block number 3
| Movement code that will be used upon a replenishment caused by a wave launch. The entered movement code must exist in the movement code table and must be of "Transfer" type. |
| Movement code that will be used during a Transfer generated by a readdressing of the stock object balances appeared further to a replenishment order. The entered movement code must exist in the movement code table and be of "Transfer" type. |
| Movement code that will be used during the first preparation phase of flow merging type upon generation of the transfers to the allocation stores. The entered movement code must exist in the movement code table and must be of "Transfer" type. |
| Movement code to be used for stock transfer in quality control mode, further to the validation/closure of an Analysis Request. The entered movement code must exist in the movement code table and must be of "Transfer" type. |
| Stipulates the movement code used for the transfer (1st phase) of the assembling flow merging wave. |
| This field indicates the movement code used for transfers linked to AO (Assembling Orders) with the type 'Disassembly'. |
This tab contains those parameters used for the generation of a replenishment order.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| This parameter induces the operation of the picking replenishment algorithm: either the box is checked and the replenishment algorithm considers that the pending output movements are never executed in its calculations for available space on picking (the complete pallet replenishment rule is inhibited in case of stock-out replenishment), or the box is not checked and the replenishment algorithm considers that the pending output movements are always executed in its calculations for available space on picking (the complete pallet replenishment rule is systematically used in case of locations larger than a standard pallet). |
| The system authorizes the automatic transfer of incomplete pallets. This value is on a par with the concept of replenishment balance readdressing inthe reserve store from where this pallet is unstocked. |
RO setting up
| If this box is checked, the system will create single removal preparation area ROs. |
| If this box is checked, the system will create single repositioning preparation area ROs. |
| It is mandatory to enter the operator identification during the validations of the replenishment flows. |
| A check will be carried out to ensure that both the system and the operator have performed the removal of the stock object from the right place. |
| A check will be carried out to ensure that both the system and the operator have performed the repositioning of the stock object in the right place. |
| Specifies whether a validation operation is necessary when physical movements have been performed. In the affirmative, the validation is manual. Otherwise, the validation is automatic (entry of the operator code and location control key will not be requested, even if the boxes are checked). |
| The printing of the replenishment orders is triggered. |
| Replenishment labels will be generated and printed for each movement. |
This tab contains those parameters used within the framework of an assembling procedure.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Assembling orders
| Stipulates if the same reference of an Assembling Order (AO) may appear countless times in the AO portfolio (all statuses included), or only once (irrespective of the AO status), or several times (provided the others are validated or closed). |
| If it is checked, the printing of the transfer list is automatic upon creation of the assembling TO. |
| If it is checked, the printing of the transfer label is automatic upon creation of the assembling TO. |
| If it is checked, the printing of the Shortage by product is automatic upon creation of the assembling TO. |
| If it is checked, the printing of the Shortage by AO is automatic upon creation of the assembling TO. |
| If it is checked, the search on output of the 1st-phase transfer is carried in priority on the assembling locations. |
| If it is checked, the search on output of the 1st phase transfer will also be carried in the picking locations. |
| If it is checked, only the strictly necesssary qty is transferred even if an incomplete container has to be created in stock to that end. |
TO setting up
| If it is checked, the transfer orders are regrouped by removal preparation area linked to the store. |
| If it is checked, the transfer orders are regrouped by repositioning preparation area linked to the store. |
| If it is checked, this means that the assembling TOs are going to be split in order to comply with the load limitations set for the preparation area. |
| Stipulates the preparation area to be used for the load splitting in the the case of multiple removal preparation area TOs. |
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| If it is checked, the validation of the 1st phase transfer will be automatic. |
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| If it is checked, the entry of an operator code wil be requested upon kit declaration. |
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| If it is checked, the validation of the 1st phase transfer will be automatic. |
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| If it is checked, the entry of an operator code wil be requested upon kit declaration. |
This tab contains those parameters used within the framework of a quality control procedure.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Quality control
| Stock nature to be used to update those stock objects qualified as being non-complying during quality control. The quality-related adjustment is carried out upon validation of the Analysis Request. |
| Used to configure the stock nature to be used for the stock quantities consumed during the quality control: this stock nature makes it possible to identify and count the stock consumed upon validation of the quality control. |
| When the parmeter is set to yes, the entry of an operator code is requested to save the entry of the quality control. |
Analysis application validation
| When the flag is triggered, the controlled automatic stock addressing is carried out upon validation/closing of an Analysis Request: the transfers from the quality store to the stock are created automatically. |
| When the flag is activated, the entry of an operator code is requested in order to validate an Analysis Request. |
| When the flag is activated, the printing of the quality record configured for the product is automatically triggered upon creation of the Analysis Request. |
This tab contains the parameters used upon wave launching when searching for empty pivot picking locations to allocate (products with pivot picking output mode).
The optimum value of the most important criteria will be considered in priority with respect to the other criteria when it comes to the allocation of the product to an empty pivot picking location.
Optimum: Search of locations allocated to the Depositor of the product to be allocated.
Downgraded: Search for empty non-reserved locations.
Optimum: Search of locations in the priority store defined above in the stock configuration for the pivot picking.
Downgraded: Use of the Store Sequence table.
ABC class.
Optimum: Search for locations having an ABC class identical to the one allocated to the product.
Downgraded: Use of the "Sequence" parameter in the ABC class table.
Assignemnt class
Optimum: Search for locations having an assignment class identical to the one assigned to the product.
Downgraded: Use of the "Sequence" parameter in the Allocation class table.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Sequence used to find the priority input store and linked stores upon addressing of the replenishments for the pivot picking locations. Mandatory. |
| Specifies whether the sequence of stores is used to search pivot picking locations. |
| Specifies whether the sequence of the ABC classes is used to search pivot picking locations. |
| Specifies whether the sequence of the assignment classes is used to search pivot picking locations. |
Grid Picking pivot priority
| Defines the priority of the criteria to be downgraded for the search of pivot picking locations: Depositor, Store, ABC class, Assignment. |