Refer to documentation Implementation
To be created and identified in a unique way, a preparation area is assigned a code made of 4 character and a title. Then, you enter the information required in the two tabs.
The information to enter is:
Preparation area: 4-character code identifying the area in a unique way.
Title. Clear description of the preparation area.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Code of the preparation area, checked against the preparation area table. The notion of Preparation area is used when splitting the Picking Orders. |
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This tab includes the printing elements (graphic and laser) and elements for the transmission to L1.
Note on the Printer setup: This is used to assign a dedicated printer to each preparation area and avoid having operators go back to a central printing point.
When launching the preparation:
- With a prepacking PO, parcel labels are printed by the graphic printer 1.
- With a prepalletization PO, based on the "Grouped labels" setup of the output configuration (Packaging tab):
- if enabled: parcel and SU labels are printed by the graphic printer 2.
- if disabled: SU labels are printed by graphic printer 2 and parcel labels by graphic printer 1.
During the automatic palletization:
- With a PAO (PAlletization Order), SU labels are printed by the graphic printer 2.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| All preparations will be sent to the L1 system. |
| Three-character code identifying the set of sort criteria applied to a wave or preparation area. This code is linked to a picking order from the wave or preparation area.
The preparation Sort code is assigned to the picking orders if no Sort code has been specified on the waves. |
| This represents the status code defining the print that will be printed as Preparation Order. This report code is controlled in the Status code table. |
Code of the printer to which the preparation and replenishment documents requiring a Laser printer must be routed. This code is controlled in the printer table. |
Code of the printer to which the preparation and replenishment documents requiring a thermal printer (Zebra) must be routed. This code is controlled in the printer table. Upon preparation launch: |
This tab includes the criteria of the preparation area.
The values below are maximum values authorized for a preparation order:
Preparation time
Number of lines
Number of CUs
Gross weight
Gross volume
The DO preparation mode determines the PO type:
PO picking: all pickings are to be performed from the picking location.
PO reserve: all pickings are to be performed from reserve locations.
PO mixed: all pickings are to be performed from picking or reserve location types.
If a fixed criteria is exceeded, the system splits the Picking Order so as to comply with the set limit.
Preparation time calculationIn the case of a reserve movement, the system considers the unstocking time of the location. In the case of a picking location, the system multiplies the unstocking time of the location by the number of picked objects.
The values below are maximum values authorized for a PO, including DOs with prepacking:
Big parcel authorized
Maximum number of parcels
Maximum gross weight
Maximum gross volume
Maximum number of surface equivalents
If a fixed criteria is exceeded, the system splits the Picking Order so as to comply with the set limit.
The values below are maximum values authorized for a PO, including DOs with prepalletization:
Maximum number of SUs
Maximum gross weight
Maximum gross volume
Maximum number of surface equivalents
If a fixed criteria is exceeded, the system splits the Picking Order so as to comply with the set limit.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid PO maximum
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| Maximum level authorized for a picking preparation order. If this fixed criterion is exceeded, the system splits the PO so as to comply with the set limit. |
| Maximum level authorized for a reserve preparation order. If this fixed criterion is exceeded, the system splits the PO so as to comply with the set limit. |
| Authorized maximum for a mixed preparation order (picking/reserve). If this fixed criterion is exceeded, the system splits the PO so as to comply with the set limit. |
Packing PO
| In prepacking mode, it specifies if 'bulky parcels' are authorized in the preparation area; if they are not, prepacking will use 'small parcels' only. |
| Maximum number of parcels authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepacking. |
| Maximum gross weight authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepacking. |
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| Maximum gross volume authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepacking. |
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| Maximum surface equivalent for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepacking. |
Prepalletization PO
| Maximum number of SUs authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepalletization. |
| Maximum gross weight authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed in prepalletization. |
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| Maximum gross volume authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed in prepalletization. |
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| Maximum surface equivalent for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed in prepalletization. mode |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
'PO' area error. Report dictionary: XX record does not exist.
The entered report does not exist.