Basic parameters > Locations > Preparation areas 

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This screen is used to create, display, modify or delete the Preparation area of a site.

The notion of Preparation area is used when splitting the Picking Orders.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

To be created and identified in a unique way, a preparation area is assigned a code made of 4 character and a title. Then, you enter the information required in the two tabs.



The information to enter is:

Preparation area: 4-character code identifying the area in a unique way.

Title. Clear description of the preparation area.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Code of the preparation area, checked against the preparation area table. The notion of Preparation area is used when splitting the Picking Orders.

  • Description (field PKZDESAXX)


  • Short description (field PKZSHOAXX)




Tab General


This tab includes the printing elements (graphic and laser) and elements for the transmission to L1.

Note on the Printer setup: This is used to assign a dedicated printer to each preparation area and avoid having operators go back to a central printing point.

When launching the preparation:
- With a prepacking PO, parcel labels are printed by the graphic printer 1.
- With a prepalletization PO, based on the "Grouped labels" setup of the output configuration (Packaging tab):
          - if enabled: parcel and SU labels are printed by the graphic printer 2.
          - if disabled: SU labels are printed by graphic printer 2 and parcel labels by graphic printer 1.

During the automatic palletization:
- With a PAO (PAlletization Order), SU labels are printed by the graphic printer 2.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Transmission L1 (field TRMLVL1)

All preparations will be sent to the L1 system.


Three-character code identifying the set of sort criteria applied to a wave or preparation area. This code is linked to a picking order from the wave or preparation area.

The Sort code can be entered from the following functions:

  • Generic wave
  • Wave
  • Preparation area
The Sort code displayed in a picking order can either come from the wave or from the related preparation area.

The preparation Sort code is assigned to the picking orders if no Sort code has been specified on the waves.


This represents the status code defining the print that will be printed as Preparation Order. This report code is controlled in the Status code table.


Code of the printer to which the preparation and replenishment documents requiring a Laser printer must be routed. This code is controlled in the printer table.

Code of the printer to which the preparation and replenishment documents requiring a thermal printer (Zebra) must be routed. This code is controlled in the printer table.

Upon preparation launch:
- If prepack. PO, the parcel labels are orinted with thermal printer 1.
- If prepall. PO, depending on the "Grouped labels" setup of the issue configuration (Packing tab):
- if active, SU+Parcel labels are printed with thermal printer no. 2.
- if not, SU labels are printed with thermal printer no. 2 and parcel lables with thermal printer no. 1.

Upon automatic prepalletization:
- for PAO (PAlletization Order), SU labels are printed with thermal printer no. 2.




Tab Preparation Time


This tab includes the criteria of the preparation area.

PO maximum

The values below are maximum values authorized for a preparation order:
Preparation time
Number of lines
Number of CUs
Gross weight
Gross volume

The DO preparation mode determines the PO type:

PO picking: all pickings are to be performed from the picking location.
PO reserve: all pickings are to be performed from reserve locations.
PO mixed: all pickings are to be performed from picking or reserve location types.

If a fixed criteria is exceeded, the system splits the Picking Order so as to comply with the set limit.

Preparation time calculationIn the case of a reserve movement, the system considers the unstocking time of the location. In the case of a picking location, the system multiplies the unstocking time of the location by the number of picked objects.

Packing PO

The values below are maximum values authorized for a PO, including DOs with prepacking:
Big parcel authorized
Maximum number of parcels
Maximum gross weight
Maximum gross volume
Maximum number of surface equivalents

If a fixed criteria is exceeded, the system splits the Picking Order so as to comply with the set limit.

Prepalletization PO (Available from version Premium).

The values below are maximum values authorized for a PO, including DOs with prepalletization:
Maximum number of SUs
Maximum gross weight
Maximum gross volume
Maximum number of surface equivalents

If a fixed criteria is exceeded, the system splits the Picking Order so as to comply with the set limit.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid PO maximum

  • Parameter (field DESLIN)


  • PO picking (field PICNPRPRP)

Maximum level authorized for a picking preparation order. If this fixed criterion is exceeded, the system splits the PO so as to comply with the set limit.

  • PO reserve (field RSVNPRPRP)

Maximum level authorized for a reserve preparation order. If this fixed criterion is exceeded, the system splits the PO so as to comply with the set limit.

  • PO mixed (field MPONPRPRP)

Authorized maximum for a mixed preparation order (picking/reserve). If this fixed criterion is exceeded, the system splits the PO so as to comply with the set limit.

Packing PO

  • Big parcels authorized (field LPC)

In prepacking mode, it specifies if 'bulky parcels' are authorized in the preparation area; if they are not, prepacking will use 'small parcels' only.

  • Maximum No of parcel (field PKOMAXPAC)

Maximum number of parcels authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepacking.

  • Maximum gross weight (field PKOMAXWEI)

Maximum gross weight authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepacking.

  • field MAXWEISYM


  • Maximum volume (field PKOMAXVOL)

Maximum gross volume authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepacking.

  • field MAXVOLSYM


  • Maximum equivalent surface nr (field PKOEQVSUR)

Maximum surface equivalent for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepacking.

Prepalletization PO

  • Maximum SU nb (field PKOMAXSHP)

Maximum number of SUs authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed on prepalletization.

  • Maximum gross weight (field PKOMAXWEP)

Maximum gross weight authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed in prepalletization.

  • field MAXWEPSYM


  • Maximum volume (field PKOMAXVOP)

Maximum gross volume authorized for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed in prepalletization.

  • field MAXVOPSYM


  • Maximum equivalent surface nr (field PKOEQVSUP)

Maximum surface equivalent for a PO whose constituting DOs are managed in prepalletization. mode



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

'PO' area error. Report dictionary: XX record does not exist.

The entered report does not exist.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation