Basic parameters > Outputs > Stock on dock > SU allocation criteria 

This table is used to determine the quay and the stock on quay attributes relating to the SU when it is closed.

The allocation criteria are:

  • Depositor: (optional)
  • Movement code: (optional)
  • SU type: (optional)
  • Ship-to customer: (optional and active only if the flag "Single-destination SU) is activated)
  • Generic round: (optional)
  • Carrier code: (optional) non-enterable field if a generic round is entered
  • Carrier mode: (optional) non-enterable field if a generic round is entered

the defined attributes are:

  • Store/address: the address where the SU will be transferred
  • Validation: the SU stock-on-quay validation mode
  • Stock on quay ctrl: triggers or not the control of the SU stock on quay status during all the operations.
  • SU wrapping: mentions the control or not of the wrapping of a SU when it is closed


    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

    Screen management

      The screen is comprised of a simple grid.

    Entry screen


      Definition of the quay allocation criteria for a SU.
      The sequence no. is mandatory and it is systematically recalculated by applying an increment of 10 to allow for subsequent insertions.
      The sequence no. is significant when searching for the quay.
      Quay determination algorithm:
      The lines in the table will be considered in the order of the sequences. If each criterion entered on the line has a value similar to that of the SU, the quay and its attributes are found, otherwise the following line is considered.

      Note: the generic round, carrier code and carrier mode are specified using the DO of the 1st parcel associated with the SU.




    The following fields are present on this tab :


    • Sequence (field ORN)

    Number making it possible to use the rules defined in this screen

    by order of priority.


    The movement code is used to make the distinction between movements of the same type.
    It is required when creating:

    • An expected input
    • A supplier input
    • A factory input
    • A customer return
    • A DO
    • An adjustment
    • A transfer
    • A consumable input/output

    The movement code is checked against the movement code table.

    Type of SU on which the parcel must be palletized.

    Code of the ship-to customer who must be defined in the Customer table.

    A generic round is a set delivery round (with respect to days and maximum shipping time), a round being the content of a truck.

    Code identifying the carrier. This code must be defined in the carrier table.

    Usually, the transport mode corresponds to the notions of messaging, freight, express,... The transport mode is checked against the transport modes table.

    • --> (field ATEXTE1)


    Code used to identify the store. This code is controlled in the store table.

    Address of the location in the store.

    • Validation (field QATVLDAUT)

    Stipulates the validation mode of the parcel/SU assignment:

    • "Immediate" validation: Upon assignment, the parcels/SUs directly take the "On quay"status.
    • "Deferred" validation: Upon assignment, the parcels/SUs are set to the "Pending transfer" status.
    • Stock on dock ctrl (field FLGCTLQAT)

    Specifies the control type that will be carried out on the parcel/SU before any operation (palletization, depalletization, SU opening and closing, Parcel/SU updating, etc.)

    • "Yes": the parcel/SU will always need to be set to status "On quay" for any kind of operations to be performed on it.
    • "No": no control is performed on the stock on quay status ("On quay", "Pending transfer"). All operations can be carried out irrespective of the stock on quay status.
    • SU wrapping (field FLGCTLFLM)

    Specifies whether or not the SU must be wrapped. In the affirmative, upon SU closing, wrapping confirmation is requested.



    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    Non enterable field if the generic round is entered

    the field in the table cannot have a value as long as the "Generic round" is entered.

    Tables used

    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation