Basic parameters > Products > Classifications > Subgroups 

This screen allows the creation, the view, the update, and the delete of a sub-group.

This table is identical to the tables of  families, sub-families, groups, origins, dangerous matters. It allows the definition of a possible classification of  an item.

These notions (family, group, ...) has no meaning except in the case of an specific development. In the standard version, no particular processing, classification or hierarchy is put to use  in  G.E.O.D.E.

The  Sub-group allows a classification of the items according to the criteria chosen by the user


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Screen management

The keying in is done on a table presented on one bar.

Entry screen


The  list of Sub-groups is defined by  alphanumeric codes of a maximum of 4 characters  with an associated long and short description.

The number of Sub-groups and their  description has no limits




The following fields are present on this tab :


The Sub-Grou enables products to be classified on the basis of a criterion chosen by the user.

  • Description (field SGRDESAXX)


  • Short description (field SGRSHOAXX)




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Code exist already in line N

The same Sub-group was keyed in two times in the different parts of the table.

Tables used

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