Refer to documentation Implementation
The screen is made up of a first part identifying the analysis model and a chart allowing to define the selection criteria of the entities to be analyzed.
Identification of analysis model
The analysis model is identified by a unique code for all the sites and a description.
The zone « Function » allows to associate a model name to the analysis generated by other functions only that dedicated to load analysis.
A model name is assigned according to :
·the origin function of the analysis (a model associated to the ‘DO’ function can only be assigned to an analysis launched from the DO function)
·the site wherein the function is used (a model associated to a particular site can only be assigned to an analysis launched from this site)
·the depositor for whom the function is used (a model associated to a particular depositor can only be assigned to an analysis launched for this depositor)
The zone « function » can take the following values : Nil, EI, DO, Carrier appointment/Round, receipt, DI, SL, input mvt, transfer mvt, wave, PO, output mvt, DO to be prepared, DO picking on the waves, DO to be shipped and DO picking on the rounds.
There is only a unique model associated to the trio (function, site, depositor).
A model associated to a function should imperatively point to the entity types coherent with the function.
Thus a model associated to the DO function concerns only the DO table and should include the criteria « DO N° »
The models associated to functions « DO to be prepared », « DO Picking on waves », « DO to be shipped » et « DO Picking on rounds » are not associated to any selection criteria and can be used only through the corresponding functions.
The zone « site » allows to limit the use of the model to a particular site and the zone « depositor » to a particular depositor.
Selection criteria of the analysis model
Each line of the chart corresponds to a selection criteria or to a logic operator « OR »
Two lines of consecutive criteria related to the same table are linked by the logic operator « AND ». The explicit addition of the operator « OR » between these lines allows to modify this rule by default.
Two lines of consecutive criteria related to two distinct table are linked by logic operator « OR ».
Example :
Table | Field | Operand | Value | Formula |
Expected input header | Status | Greater or equal | 3 |
The analysis model represented by the above chart allows to consider :
·The expected inputs in status greater or equal to « 3 » and of carrier CALBER
·The expected inputs to be received today, whatever their status and their carrier
·The DO in status greater or equal to « 4 »
·The DO launched today
· The Input Movements
·The transfer movements
The selections might point on the following tables : Delivery Orders, Expected inputs headers , Input headers, Input movements, Output movements, Preparation orders, Dock management, Receipts header, Storing Lists, Transfer Movements and Waves.
THE selections entity status are in anyway implicitly carried out, in a way that will always consider only the active entities, because we are only interested to the workload left to be processed.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Groupof selection criteria of entity records. |
|   |
Block number 2
| No help linked to this field. |
| Site code if the template is single site. |
| Depositorcode if the analysis is single depositor. |
Grid Criteria
| Iftwo consecutive lines have the same table then the selected records are thosethat will meet the combination of the two criteria. Toselect therecords that will satisfy tothe one or to the other of the criteria one should a line whose field has the value of « Or ». Iftwo consecutive lines have different tables then the criteria are evaluatedindependently one from the other. |
| No help linked to this field. |
| No help linked to this field. |
|   |
| Formula expressed in Adonix 4GL and assessable in a Where clause of an SQL query. |
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Error zone « Code » : mandatory field
The key in of a code for the analysis model is mandatory.
Error zone « Site » : mandatory field
The site keyed in should exist on the sites table.
Error zone « Depositor » : mandatory field
The depositor keyed in should exist on the depositor table of the keyed in site.
The same environment and function as the model XXX
There must be a unique model associated to the trio (function, site, depositor).
Error zone « Table » : mandatory field
If key in of selection criteria, the entity should be keyed in
Error zone « Table » : incorrect value
The value keyed in should exist on the list of authorized entities
Error zone « field » : unknown field
The value keyed in should exist on the list of fields of the keyed in entity
Error zone « Formula » : No criterion was defined
No value was keyed in for the field of the entity neither on the zone « formula »