Basic parameters > Directive missions > Unavailability reasons 

This function is used on the current site to manage:

  • the unavailability reasons of resources ans materials,
  • the rejection reasons for missions ans operations.

The resource and material type reasons are used on stating that a resource or a material is unavailable.

The mission type reasons are used to specify the reason why a resource has not performed a task or an operation.

There are 2 main categories of mission type rejection reasons:

  • "Manual": the rejections performed manually by the resource following the denial to process a task or an operation.
  • "Automatic": the rejections performed automatically by Warehousing following system problems that do not make it possible to process an operation, or manual rejections leading to linked operations not being performed (e.g. if a picking operation is rejected, the relocation operation cannot be conducted and it is automatically rejected for this reason). These reasons can be identified by their associated internal code.
    • "CTL" for invalid controls on the mission or operations. For instance, the entity associated with the mission/operation does not exist anymore or has already been validated.
    • "FIN" ('END") when the resource interrupts a task under progress (all the operations not performed will have this reason).
    • "LCK" when a mission or an operation is locked.
    • "LIK" when an operation cannot be conducted because it is linked to another operation that has been rejected/closed in the event of a kit picking (e.g.: a kit component not being picked can close the other component pickings on the same kit).
    • "PRI" ("PICK") when a picking operation is not processed, the relocation operation will be rejected with this reason.
    • "TAC" ("TASK") when the resource rejects this task, the operations not processed will be rejected with this reason.

SEEINFO this function belongs to the optional module GEOMIPS


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Screen management

This function is sub-divided into:

  • a header used to select the reason type (resource, material, mission) that needs to be displayed.
  • A grid usedto manage the reason types corresponding to the selection above.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Type (field TYP)


Grid Reasons

Code identifying an unavailability reason for the resource type, either material or mission (defined by site).

An unavailability reason is used to specify the reason why a resource/material is not available or why a task/operation has not been performed.

  • Description (field URNDESAXX)


  • Short description (field URNSHOAXX)


  • Blocking (field LOK)

Specifies whether it is a blocking reason or not.

A blocking reason is used to block the missions or operations that are totally unrealistic and that require specific actions before they can be launched. This prevents them from being submitted again to another resource for nothing. For instance, concerning a transfer mission, if the resource does not physically find the SO in the original location, it will reject this operation with a blocking reason. As a consequence, this operation will be blocked and no longer submitted to another resource.

Any blocked mission can be unlocked following a manual action in the mission function.

Any blocked mission can be unlocked following a manual action in the mission function or in the operation unlocking function.

SEEWARNING This blocking indicator can only be accessed for the "manual" mission type reasons (reasons that have no associated internal code)

  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select this check box to activate the current record.

Disabled records keep their content and setup but cannot be used (by recalling their code) on other records (documents, settings ...), or for mass processes.

The authorizations to a given function can prohibit the creation of an active record. In this case, the check box is disabled by default. It can only be modified by an authorized user or through a signature Workflow.

Specifies the internal code that will be used in the event of automatic rejections.



Rejection types on missions

Here is a list of the main rejection reasons for tasks or operations for each mission type:

Receiving mission

this mission is specific with respect to the others because it has a declarative nature. The task is create without operations. Operations are created at the end of the task.

Rejection of a task (not accepted):

1) entry of the rejection reason
2) the task moves to the status 9-Rejected' and the reason is entered
3) the operations of the task move to the status '7-Not processed' with the reason "TAC" ("TASK")
4) the mission will be locked in the event of a blocking rejection reason.

Interruption of the tax being processed.

1) the resource interrupts the receipt under progress and exits the VT function
2) No entry of a reason is requested.
3) The task moves to status '8-Processed'
4) The receiving operations that are already performed move to status '8-Processed'

Storing mission

Rejection of a task (not accepted):

1) entry of the rejection reason
2) the task moves to the status 9-Rejected' and the reason is entered
3) the operations of the task move to the status '7-Not processed' with the reason "TAC" ("TASK")
4) the mission will be locked or to lock in the event of a blocking rejection reason.

Interruption of the tax being processed.

CASE 1: Interruption of the picking phase using the "END" button"
1) Entry of the rejection reason
2) The picking operations in progress and the following ones move to status '9-Rejected' and the reason is entered
    - in case of blocking reason, these operations are locked
    - in case of "END" reason, these operations can be submitted to the same resource again.
    - in case of another reason, these operations will not be submitted to the same resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
3) the linked relocation operations move to status '7-Not processed' with the reason "PRI"
4) the resource then proceeds with the relocation of the picked operations....

CASE 2: Interruption of the relocation phase (storing) by means of the "END" button of the VT screen
1) Entry of the rejection reason (reason "END" not authorized)
2) The relocation operations in progress and the following operations move to status '9-Rejected' with the reason being entered
    - In case of blocking reason, these operations are locked
    - Otherwise these operations will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)

Rejection of a picking operation:

1) the resource refuses to perform the operation and "skips" it using the "Ec+" button
2) Entry of the rejection reason
3) The picking operation in pogress moves to status '9-Rejected' with the reason entered
    - In case of a blocking reason, the operation is blocked
    - otherwise the operation will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
4) the linked relocation operation moves to status '7-Not processed' with the reason "PRI" ("PICK")
5) the resource ends the picking phase of the remaining operations, then proceeds with the relocation of the picked operations....

Rejecting a picking operation:

1) the resource refuses to perform the operation and "skips" it using the "Ec+" button
2) Entry of the rejection reason
3) The relocation operation in pogress moves to status '9-Rejected' with the reason entered
    - In case of a blocking reason, the operation is blocked
    - otherwise, the operation will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
4) the resource ends the relocation phase of the remaining operations....

Replenishment/transfer (TRF*) missions

Rejection of a task (not accepted):

1) entry of the rejection reason
2) the task moves to the status 9-Rejected' and the reason is entered
3) the operations of the task move to the status '7-Not processed' with the reason "TAC" ("TASK")
4) the mission will be locked or to lock in the event of a blocking rejection reason.

Interruption of the tax being processed.

CASE 1: Interruption of the picking phase using the "END" button"
1) Entry of the rejection reason
2) The picking operations in progress and the following ones move to status '9-Rejected' and the reason is entered
    - in case of blocking reason, these operations are locked
    - in case of "END" reason, these operations can be submitted to the same resource again.
    - in case of another reason, these operations will not be submitted to the same resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
3) the linked relocation operations move to status '7-Not processed' with the reason "PRI"
4) the resource then proceeds with the relocation of the picked operations....

CASE 2: Interruption of the relocation phase (storing) by means of the "END" button of the VT screen
1) Entry of the rejection reason (reason "END" not authorized)
2) The relocation operations in progress and the following operations move to status '9-Rejected' with the reason being entered
    - In case of blocking reason, these operations are locked
    - Otherwise these operations will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)

Rejection of a picking operation:

1) the resource refuses to perform the operation and "skips" it using the "Ec+" button
2) Entry of the rejection reason
3) The picking operation in pogress moves to status '9-Rejected' with the reason entered
    - In case of a blocking reason, the operation is blocked
    - otherwise the operation will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
4) the linked relocation operation moves to status '7-Not processed' with the reason "PRI" ("PICK")
5) the resource ends the picking phase of the remaining operations, then proceeds with the relocation of the picked operations....

Rejecting a picking operation:

1) the resource refuses to perform the operation and "skips" it using the "Ec+" button
2) Entry of the rejection reason
3) The relocation operation in pogress moves to status '9-Rejected' with the reason entered
    - In case of a blocking reason, the operation is blocked
    - otherwise, the operation will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
4) the resource ends the relocation phase of the remaining operations....

Mvt/parcel/SU picking missions (PKO*)

Rejection of a task (not accepted):

1) entry of the rejection reason
2) the task moves to the status 9-Rejected' and the reason is entered
3) the operations of the task move to the status '7-Not processed' with the reason "TAC" ("TASK")
4) the mission will be locked or to lock in the event of a blocking rejection reason.

Interruption of the tax being processed.

1) The resource interrupts the picking phase using the "END" button
2) Entry of the rejection reason
3) The picking operations in progress moves to status '9-Rejected' and the reason is entered
    - in case of blocking reason, the operation is locked
- in case of "END" reason, the operation can be submitted to the same resource again.
    - in case of another reason, the operation will not be submitted to the same resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
4) the next picking operations move to status '7-Not processed' with the reason "TAC" (TASK)
5) the resource then proceeds with the task end actions (relocation of the movements already picked from the mission end area)

Rejecting a picking:

1) the resource "skips" a picking using the "Ec+" button
2) Entry of the rejection reason
3) The picking operation in pogress moves to status '9-Rejected' with the reason entered
    - In case of a blocking reason, the operation is blocked
    - otherwise, the operation will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
4) the resource proceeds with the next picking operations....

Rejecting part of a picking:

if the resource picks part of an output movement, Warehousing asks the following question: "Close the remaining quantity?"

CASE 1: The resource answers "No"
1) Entry of the rejection reason
2) The picking operation for the validated operation moves to status '8-Processed''
3) a new operation is created for the remaining quantity with status '9-Rejected' and the reason is entered
    - In case of a blocking reason, the operation on the remaining quantity is blocked
    - otherwise, the operation will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
4) the resource proceeds with the next picking operations....

CASE 2: the resource answers "Yes"
1) The picking operation for the validated operation moves to status '8-Processed''
2) A5-Soldénew operation is created for the remaining quantity with status '5-Closed'
3) the resource proceeds with the following picking operations...

Rejection of a component picking (kit PO):

1) the resource "skips" the picking of a component using the "Ec+" button
2) Entry of the rejection reason
3) The picking operation in pogress moves to status '9-Rejected' with the reason entered
    - In case of a blocking reason, the operation is blocked
    - otherwise, the operation will not be submitted to the resource again as long as it remains logged on to the AMA function (VT mission function)
4) since this picking was not performed, the kit proportions can no longer be complied with. As a consequence, some other operations on the other kit components may also fail to be performed... In that case, these operations move to status "9-Rejected" with the reason "LIK".
5) The resource proceeds with the following picking operations...

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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