Directive missions > Missions 

This function is used to manage the missions on the current site. It makes it possible to:

  • create missions
  • modify the characteristics of the missions (priority, start and/or end area, maximum number of resources able to work on the same mission simulataneously, reservation made to a type of resource, reservation made to a resource)
  • make tha mission available or not
  • close a mission
  • unlock locked operations.

It is also used to view the progress and history of a mission in terms of tasks/operations being performed, already performed or rejected.

SEEINFO this function belongs to the optional module GEOMIPS


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The function contains a left list of the existing missions and 3 tabs (General, Detail and Rejections).



The header contains the information on the mission number, mission type and status.




The following fields are present on this tab :

specifies the number of the mission.

This number is managed by the "MSN" counter.

  • Status (field MSNSTA)

specifies the mission status:
- '1-Available': the mission is available (il can be submitted to a resource)
- '3-In progress': the mission is in progress through at least one resource (tasks are in progress)
- '6-Blocked': the mission is blocked (it will never be submitted to a resource)
- '8-Processed': the mission is completed.

Code identifying the type of mission (defined by site).

A mission type represents a logistical flow of the warehouse (like the receipt, the storage, etc.).



Tab General


This tab contains the general information on the mission nd is sub-divied into 4 different fields.


it contains the entity linked to the mission and the mission start and end positions/areas.

Mission type


Linked entity

Start area

End area


Receiving mission of an AR


AR dock

AR dock


Storing mission of a SL


AR (*) dock



Picking mission of a PO (without packing or declarative packing)



YES (**)


Picking mission for a prepacked parcel


YES (**)

YES (**)


Picking mission for a prepacked SU


YES (**)

YES (**)


Merging of flow transfer mission, 1st phase





Transfer mission (normal type, merging with or without merging of flows, full container)





Stock-out replenishment mission





Preventive replenishment mission





Transfer mission, 1st phase of the assembly




(*) if all the input movements of the SL originate from an AR for the same receiving dock
(**) field specified by the "picking location" function.


it contains the mission sequencing parameters: unlock, priority, max no. of resources, reservation to a resource type, reservation to a resource.

SEEINFO A mission is unlocked by checking the corresponding flag.


the start and end dates of the mission are detailed here


the number of tasks and operations rejected is specified here.




The following fields are present on this tab :


indicates the mission or operation entity type.

Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It encompasses the concept of order-issuing customer for the service providers.

After the site, the depositor is the second access key to the Product, Input and Delivery Order files. For the location, the depositor code is entered if the location is allocated to the depositor or to the product, and if the location is single-depositor or single-product or if it is not empty.

  • Number (field ETTNUM)

indique le numéro de l'entité de la mission.

  • Start position (field PLCSTR)

Specifies the position (storage-address) of the mission start area.

Specifies the mission start area associated with the entered position.

  • End position (field PLCEND)

Specifies the position (storage-address) of the mission end area.

indicates the end mission field assigned to the entered position.


  • field LOKFLG

This flag specifies whether the mission is "to block". The initialization of this flag is carried out either manually by a resource wishing to block the mission, or automatically further to the blocking rejection of a task on this mission.

SEEWARNING in the case where the mission is under progress, the mission will not be blocked immediately but only after the mission has become available again. In fact, in the case where a task is rejected by a resource, by means of a blocking reason, while another task is also under progress on the same mission, the mission "in progress" cannot switch immediately to "blocked". Consequently, it remains set to "In progress" but the flag indicates that it should be switched to "Blocked" once the tasks "in progress" are completed. Moreover, this mission "to block" will no longer be submitted to the resources.

  • Priority (field PIO)

Specifies the priority of the mission.

This priority (vlaue from 1 to 99) is used in the mission search algorithm as an emergency criterion (1= the most urgent, 99 = the least urgent).

  • Resources (field MTKSTA13)


  • field W3


  • field MAXRSS

Specifies whether the mission is reserved for a given type of resource. If so, the mission can solely be processed by a resource of this type.

specifies whether the mission is reserved for a given resource. If so, the mission can solely be processed by the given resource.


  • Start date (field DATSTR)

Specifies the start time of the mission completion. It means the moment when the first task has been accepted and processed by a resource.

  • Start time (field HOUSTR)


  • End date (field DATEND)

Specifies the end date and time of the mission completion. It means the moment when the processing of the last task has been completed by a resource.

SEEWARNING This date changes along the life of the mission, every time a task is completed.

  • End time (field HOUEND)



  • Tasks (field MTKSTA79)

Specifies the number of rejected tasks.

  • Operations (field MSNREJ)

Specifies the number of blocked operations.



Tab Detail


This tab lists all the tasks (including their associated operations) that have been carried out or that are being carried out.


For each task, the following is mentioned: resource, materials (IT and handling) used, start and end areas of the task, start and end dates of the task.

Different colors applied to the Resource column specify whether the task is being performed or is completed:
- Blue: the task is being performed
- Normal (White): task completed

The icon SEQUENCING in the first column is used to identify those tasks performed using the mission sequencing process. Via right-click on the task, the "Sequencing" option displays in a window the information relating to the task and mission starting from which the selected task was sequenced.


Depending on the selected task, the system displays its constituting operations Let us mention among ohers the information on the mission area of the operation, a reason why an operation has not been performed, etc.

Different colors on the Product column illustrate the status of the operation:
- Normal (White): operation performed
- Red: operation rejected or not performed
- Blue: operation under progress
- Bold black: operation ready for processing




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Tasks

  • field MTKCHN


Specifies the resource in charge of the task.

Specifies the IT material used for the task.

Specifies the handling material used for the task.

  • Start (field DATHOUSTR)

Specifies the start date of the task completion.

  • Position (field PLCSTR)

Specifies the position (store/address) where the resource has accepted this task.

Specifies the mission area associated with the indicated position (store/address).

  • End (field DATHOUEND)

Specifies the end date of the task completion.

  • Position (field PLCEND)

Specifies the position (store/address) where the resource has completed this task.

Specifies the mission area associated with the indicated position (store/address).

  • Status (field MTKSTA)

Specifies the task status:
- '3-In progress': the task is being performed by a resource
- '8-Processed': the task is completed
- '9-Rejected': the task has been rejected by a resource

  • Number (field MTK)

specifies the number of the task.

This number is managed by the "MTK" counter.

Grid Operations

  • Type (field TYP)

Specifies the operation type (Removal or Relocation). This type is only used for missions of storing type (STORING).


  • T (field KITAFF)



  • No. (field QTY1)



  • No. (field QTY2)



  • CU/STK no. (field CUQ)


  • STK (field UOMSYM)




  • Lot no. (field LOT)


  • Reservation no (field RSA)


  • Support no. (field SPT)


  • field WEI


  • field VOL



  • Position (field PLC)

specifies the end mission area assigned to the operation position.

  • Status (field OPESTA)

Specifies the operation status:
- '1-Available': the operation is available
- '3-In progress': the operation is being performed by the resource
- '5-Closed': the operation has been closed by the resource
- '6-Blocked': the operation is blocked (it will never be submitted to a resource)
- '7-Not processed': the operation has not been processed by the resource
- '8-Processed': the operation has been processed
- '9-Rejected': the operation has been rejected

specifies the reason why an operation was rejected or not performed.

  • field ETTNUM

Specifies the number of the entity associated with the operation.

  • Number (field OPENUM)

Specifies the number of the operation.



Action icon


In the event of a sequenced task, this button is used to specify the task and mission from which there was a sequencing with the selected task.




Tab Tab Rejections


This tab contains the rejected tasks, along with the locked operations relating to the selected mission.


Information on the rejected tasks, such as the rejection time, rejection reason and resource having rejected the task, is mentioned here.

Locked operations

Information on the locked operations, such as as the reason for locking the operation, and the resource having locked it, is mentioned here.
It is also possible to unlock these operations by checking the first column "To unlock".




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Tasks

  • Date (field DATHOU)

Specifies the rejection date and time of the task.

Specifies the rejection reason of the task.

Specifies the resource in charge of the task.

  • Number (field MTK)

specifies the number of the task.

This number is managed by the "MTK" counter.

Grid Blocked operations

  • To unlock (field LOKFLG)

Used to unlock an operation by checking it, then saving it.

  • Date (field DATHOU2)

specifies the date and time of the rejection of the operation.

specifies the resource having processed the operation.

specifies the reason why an operation was rejected or not performed.

  • field ETTNUM

Specifies the number of the entity associated with the operation.


  • T (field KITAFF)



  • No. (field QTY1)



  • No. (field QTY2)



  • CU/STK no. (field CUQ)


  • STK (field UOMSYM)




  • Lot no. (field LOT)


  • Reservation no (field RSA)


  • Support no. (field SPT)


  • field WEI


  • field VOL



  • Location (field STOADD)



  • Task (field MTKNUM)

specifies the number of the task.

This number is managed by the "MTK" counter.

  • Operation (field OPENUM)

Specifies the number of the operation.



Tab number 4


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Type (field TYP)

Specifies the operation type (Removal or Relocation). This type is only used for missions of storing type (STORING).

  • T (field KIT)



  • No. (field QTY1)



  • No. (field QTY2)



  • CU/STK no. (field CUQ)


  • STK (field UOMSYM)



  • Lot no. (field LOT)



  • Reservation no (field RSA)


  • Support no. (field SPT)





  • field WEI


  • field VOL



  • Start (field DATSTR)

Specifies the start date and time of the operation processing.

  • field HOUSTR


  • End (field DATEND)

Specifies the end date and time of the operation processing.

  • field HOUEND


  • Status (field OPESTA)

Specifies the operation status:
- '1-Available': the operation is available
- '3-In progress': the operation is being performed by the resource
- '5-Closed': the operation has been closed by the resource
- '6-Blocked': the operation is blocked (it will never be submitted to a resource)
- '7-Not processed': the operation has not been processed by the resource
- '8-Processed': the operation has been processed
- '9-Rejected': the operation has been rejected

specifies the reason why an operation was rejected or not performed.

indicates the mission or operation entity type.


  • field ETTNUM

Specifies the number of the entity associated with the operation.

  • Task (field MTKNUM)

specifies the number of the task.

This number is managed by the "MTK" counter.

  • Operation (field OPENUM)

Specifies the number of the operation.



Specific Buttons

This button is used to create a new mission: an entry window is displayed and the user enters the mission type, mission entity, priority and whether this mission should have a locked status or not.

SEEWARNING Warning, only one mission can be "opened" at the same time (status <> to '8-Processed') by Warehousing entity. If there is already a mission, the creation will not be possible.

This button is used to close a mission (it moves to the status '8-Processed').

SEEWARNING closing the mission has no impact on the corresponding Warehousing entity.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Information message: "Mission xxxx: Record already exists"

it is impossible to create the mission because there already is an "open" mission (status <> '8-Processed') on the Warehousing entity.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation