Basic parameters > Stock > Dynamic Picking > Volume classes 

 This function allows the definition of the volume classes associated to the locations according to their exact volume.

The system can then define, on the  ideal classes calculation of the picking  dynamisation module, an ideal volume class for the item container according to their volumic flow.

 This function also allows the definition of the possible chaining of volume classes, that will enable  the system during the  reallocations of the item containers to include the locations whose volume class is chained   to the calculated ideal volume class.

The authorization to use the chaining rules is conditioned by the setting on the    sites table.


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Screen management

The screen is made up of only one tab

Entry screen


 To create a volume class,  key in a one character code that identifies it in a unique way and two descriptions..

 Association to each volume class a value corresponding to a maximum volume for the class
If the volume class B has a maximum volume of 50 m3 and the volume class C has a maximum volume of 10 m3  then a location whose volume is between 10 and 50 m3 will have volume class equal to B.

 Definition of a table for the chaining of volume classes
Note :
The chaining rule can only be defined after the creation of the corresponding classes. The system will carry out and existence control of the keyed in value.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

A picking location is assigned to a volume class. When reassigning the picking locations, the system tries to look for locations with the same class. During the search, some locations can be ignored based on the unavailability percentage.

  • Description (field VOLDESAXX)


  • Short description (field VOLSHOAXX)


  • Maximum volume (field MAXVOL)

Maximum volume.

  • field VOLUOS


Grid Sequencing

Orderly list of the classesused during the research in reassignement (5 levels of possible chainings).




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Field ‘Maximum volume’, compulsory field
The value of the maximum volume keyed in for a volume class must be greater than zero.

Field ‘Maximum volume’, class X has the maximum value of Y
The value of the maximum volume keyed in for a volume class is greater than the value of the maximum volume of another volume class whose alphanumeric value is smaller or less than the value of the maximum volume of another class whose alphanumeric value is greater.

Field ‘class’, Volume class X : unknown value
The volume keyed in on the chaining is unknown.

Field ‘class’, code exists already on line N
The same volume class was keyed in twice on two different lines of the chaining table.

Field ‘class’, the principal value cannot belong to the chaining
The principal volume class cannot be included in the chain.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation