Purchasing > Inquiries > Invoices > Invoice lines 

Use this function to display purchase invoice and credit note lines for one or all sites on one, or between a range of dates.

You can inquire by company, site and product, from one or a range of suppliers and invoice numbers, and for one or a range of projects. You can filter the results by the type of invoice (invoice, credit note) and the status of the invoice. 


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The Inquiry screens function for code 'CPJ' determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed.

The Invoice lines inquiry function contains a section for you to enter your selection criteria and a table (grid) in which the results of the search are displayed.




Use this section to filter or select invoices:

  • Start date. The default Start date is the first date of the month two months before the current month but can be amended.
  • End date. The default End date is the last date of the current month but can be amended.

The search, therefore, covers a 3 month period, by default.


You can filter the results by the type of invoice (invoice or credit note) and the status of the invoice using the Status section.

You can use the Criteria action to enhance the selection criteria applied.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This field is used to specify the company code.
The company is automatically loaded with the company of the user's default purchase site. It remains modifiable.
SEEINFOIt is possible to display the returns of all the companies by leaving this field blank.
In this case, the site field is automatically left blank.

This field is used to indicate the Invoicing site.
SEEINFOThis site is automatically loaded with the user's default purchase site. It can be left blank. In that case, the inquiry will displey all the company's invoices.

These fields are optional. They are used to enter or select the range of suppliers whose invoices are to be displayed.


  • From invoice no. (field NUMDEB)

These fields are optional. They are used to enter or select the range of invoices to be displayed.

  • To invoice no. (field NUMFIN)


Use these fields to filter for results within a range of project codes. For a single project, enter the same project code in the From/start project and To/end project fields. The content can be one of the following:

  • A project code
  • A project code and a project budget code
  • A project code and a project task code, that is a material task code, a labor task code (sales only), or a combined (mixed) labor and material task code.

If the content of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is 'USA-P3' and a project code is 'USA12345678', this field displays a link to the project operational structure as 'USA12345678!USA-P3'.

To provide a quick and easy visual reference the link to the project or project structure is distinguishable by the number of separator characters used. If there is no separator, the link is made to the project. A single separator character such as an exclamation mark after the project code (the first code) indicates the link type is a task (the link is to the project operational structure). Two separators placed after the project code mean that the link corresponds to a budget code (link to the project budget structure).

 This field is populated by default with the project code if you accessed this function directly from the project. If you accessed this function from the project structure the project code and project budget/task code is displayed accordingly.


  • Whole project (field PJTDSPALL)

Select this check box to view all records linked to the selected projects. To only view records linked to the selected structure of the projects, leave this check box clear.

If the value of the From/To project field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" the search includes the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3".

  • Start date (field BPRDATDEB)

You can use these fields to filter the invoices whose supplier invoice date is included in the entered date range.
By default, these dates are initialized as follows:

  • The start date is initialized with the first day of the month coming from the current date minus two months.
  • The end date is initialized with the current date postponed to the last day of the month.

Enter the product reference if you wish to perform a selection based on this information.

Invoice type

  • Invoice (field PIHTYP1)

Check this box to select invoices, which includes invoices and additional invoices.
To select invoices or additional invoices only, click the Criteria action to access additional selection criteria.

  • Credit memo (field PIHTYP3)

Select this check box to select credit memos, which include credit memos and credit memos on return.
To select credit memos or credit memos on return only, click the Criteria action to access additional selection criteria.


  • Posted (field STAO)

Check this box to select validated invoices.

  • Not validated (field STAN)

Check this box to select non-validated invoices.



Tab Search results


This section displays all purchase invoice and credit note lines that meet the defined selection criteria. Invoice/Credit note quantities and prices for each line are included.

The columns displayed in the grid or table and the order in which they are displayed is determined by the Inquiry screens function for code 'CPJ'.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Document no. (field NUM)




This field displays the associated project code. The content can be one of the following:

  • A project code
  • A project code and a project budget code
  • A project code and a project task code, that is a material task code, a labor task code (sales only), or a combined (mixed) labor and material task code.

If the content of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is 'USA-P3' and a project code is 'USA12345678', this field displays a link to the project operational structure as 'USA12345678!USA-P3'.

To provide a quick and easy visual reference the link to the project or project structure is distinguishable by the number of separator characters used. If there is no separator, the link is made to the project. A single separator character such as an exclamation mark after the project code (the first code) indicates the link type is a task (the link is to the project operational structure). Two separators placed after the project code mean that the link corresponds to a budget code (link to the project budget structure).

  • Accounting date (field ACCDAT)


  • Type (field INVTYP)



  • UOM qty. (field QTYUOM)


  • STK-PUR conversion (field UOMPUUCOE)


  • PUR qty. (field QTYPUU)




  • Net price (field NETPRI)


  • Order no. (field POHNUM)


  • Receipt no. (field PTHNUM)


  • Match status (field TWMSTA)





Code used by default for the current BP to identify a series of early discount and late charge rates (up to 12) to be applied to a payment according to a number of days early or days late with respect to the open item date.

  • Description (field ITMDES)



  • Line amount - tax (doc) (field AMTNOTLIN)


  • Line amount - tax (co) (field AMTNOTLINS)


  • Line amount + tax (doc) (field AMTATILIN)


  • Line amount + tax (co) (field AMTATILINS)


  • Landed cost coef. (field CPRCOE)


  • Return no. (field PNHNUM)


  • Fixed cost per unit (co) (field CPRAMT)


  • Line origin (field TYPORI)


  • Purchase cost per unit (co) (field CSTPUR)


  • Purchase cost per unit (doc) (field CSTPURDOC)



  • Purchase cost (co) (field LINCSTPUR)


  • Purchase cost (doc) (field LINCSTPURD)




Action icon


Click Document from the Actions icon to view the purchase invoice details. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed. If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

Supplier order

Click Supplier order from the Actions icon to view the purchase order details. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed. If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.


Click Receipt from the Actions icon to view the purchase receipt details. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed. If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

Purchase journal traceability

Click Purchase journal traceability from the Actions icon to open the Journal traceability inquiry where you can view or browse through the hierarchy of documents created from this purchase invoice line.




Specific actions

Click the Search action to load the table (grid) with purchase invoice lines that meet the entered selection criteria.

The maximum number of lines displayed is defined in the Inquiry screens function for code 'CPJ'.

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • Active memo (field MEMO)


Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'warning' Three-way match status.

SEEINFO The Three-way match status is defined in theProductfunction.




  • From invoice no. (field NUMDEB)

Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'warning' Three-way match status.

SEEINFO The Three-way match status is defined in theProductfunction.

  • To invoice no. (field NUMFIN)


Use these fields to filter for results within a range of project codes. For a single project, enter the same project code in the From/start project and To/end project fields. The content can be one of the following:

  • A project code
  • A project code and a project budget code
  • A project code and a project task code, that is a material task code, a labor task code (sales only), or a combined (mixed) labor and material task code.

If the content of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is 'USA-P3' and a project code is 'USA12345678', this field displays a link to the project operational structure as 'USA12345678!USA-P3'.

To provide a quick and easy visual reference the link to the project or project structure is distinguishable by the number of separator characters used. If there is no separator, the link is made to the project. A single separator character such as an exclamation mark after the project code (the first code) indicates the link type is a task (the link is to the project operational structure). Two separators placed after the project code mean that the link corresponds to a budget code (link to the project budget structure).

 This field is populated by default with the project code if you accessed this function directly from the project. If you accessed this function from the project structure the project code and project budget/task code is displayed accordingly.


  • Whole project (field PJTDSPALL)

Select this check box to view all records linked to the selected projects. To only view records linked to the selected structure of the projects, leave this check box clear.

If the value of the From/To project field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" the search includes the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3".

  • Start date (field BPRDATDEB)

Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'warning' Three-way match status.

SEEINFO The Three-way match status is defined in theProductfunction.

  • End date (field BPRDATFIN)





  • Invoice (field PIHTYP1)

Use this check box to select the invoices which have a 'warning' Three-way match status.

SEEINFO The Three-way match status is defined in theProductfunction.

  • Additional invoice (field PIHTYP2)


  • Credit memo (field PIHTYP3)


  • Credit memo/return (field PIHTYP4)


  • Posted (field STAO)


  • Not validated (field STAN)


  • Payment approval level (field BAPO)


  • Not at payment approval level (field BAPN)


Match status

  • Warning (field TWMSTAW)


  • Blocked status (field TWMSTAB)


  • Unblocked (field TWMSTAU)


  • Successful (field TWMSTAS)


  • Not applicable (field TWMSTAN)




  • Sort order (field TRI)



Click the Criteria action to access additional selection and display criteria. You can filter the invoice lines to be processed by analysis group and modify the sort order.

Status. Use this block to include additional invoice status filters such as filtering by additional invoices only and by payment approval status.

Match status. Use this block to filter by Three-way match status, for example, you can filter by warnings, blocked invoice lines and successfully matched lines.

Screen code. You can select the required customized inquiry screen, if you are using personalized inquiries.

 Please see the Inquiry screens documentation.

You can save one or several sets of criteria using the Memoaction. You can recall these using the Recallaction or delete them using the Delete memo action.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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